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Rengar Build Guide by Heav3nlala

Assassin Top Lane Rengo- Hunting And Smiting

Assassin Top Lane Rengo- Hunting And Smiting

Updated on December 27, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Heav3nlala Build Guide By Heav3nlala 3,582 Views 0 Comments
3,582 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Heav3nlala Rengar Build Guide By Heav3nlala Updated on December 27, 2014
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Hello everybody, and welcome to my first LoL guide. Now before we start I would like to go ahead and make note of 3 things.
1. I'm not a pro.
2. I'm not perfect and neither is this guide.
3. I did this guide as a little spare time project, so don't go crazy with the insults.
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Smite Top Wat? Squishy Top Wat? Rengar Top Is Viable Wat?

Since the Jungle rework it's been no secret that jungle has become an even harder carry than before (jungle mains rejoice) but sadly for top laners like myself this has just made it even harder to carry your team from the "island" that is top. However, how Riot went about reworking jungle has actually had an effect on solo lanes because smite is now an effective in lane spell. Rengar (along with any other champion that used ignite in top lane) has been buffed (indirectly) in top like crazy. Now you can get 20 armor penetration straight off the bat, instant ignite damage instead of an unreliable burn that also slows making Rengar even more of a menace in 1v1 situations.
I Thought Top Laners Had To Be Tanky?
Well, whilst top lane tanks used to be the Meta, this has recently changed (Lulu, Lissandra, Wukong), though people often stick to tank/bruisers with either hard CC (Maokai, Alistar, Malphite) or Tank-Damage output (Rumble, Pantheon, Garen) but with the new "jungle" items I believe assassins are now the strongest picks for solo top.
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    Great Sustain
    High Damage
    High Mobility
    Push Potential
    Item Reliant
    Mediocre Escape
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Experiment with what you like and what fits best to your play style. I build Rengar's Runes/Masteries pretty standard, but I know things like Movespeed Quints and Health Seals work just fine with him. Along with that running 9/21/0 Masteries is actually really strong for early game in lane against squishier opponents.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Heav3nlala
Heav3nlala Rengar Guide
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Top Lane Rengo- Hunting And Smiting

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