Hard to duel before 6 or Blade of The Ruined King. Hold W to tank her E or consider flashing it as it is her lethal attack in early to mid game.
You get out scaled and out powered in every part of the game. Consider dodging or banning.
If you are FORCED into playing this matchup, make sure you prep some minions or have R or Blade of The Ruined King to Q dash out of his E range just before he stuns you so he doesn't just Q you when you run. If you can't Q away, W his E.
It will be VERY hard to all in her and very hard to not get poked out. Consider dodging or asking for jungle help in the early game. Build antiheal or ignite and try to Q dash out of the fight when she presses R.
Difficult but not the worst out of the extreme threats. You can avoid losing to him by buying QSS to cancel his ult.
You can also duel him any time before 6. Remember to dodge his Q with your Q dash.
Incredible threat. Worth perma banning and dodging ESPECIALLY if you are in low elo or do not have a jungler willing to dive early. He will out duel you at 2-3 items even if you have 7 kills up on him.
If you are forced to fight him. Try to Q dash to ignore the slow from his W and kite him out while waiting for his cripple from his W to wear off.
(Hey at least you can perma freeze!)
Tahm Kench
Hard but dead toplaner.
Renekton is just one of those champions which have enough tankiness to not be bothered by your early game damage and enough damage to 1 shot you and dive you. I recommend rushing plated steelcaps and wait to outscale him. He becomes killable once you get Blade of The Ruined King.
If he doesn't dive you he loses. Just stun him when he Es you and Q dash away when he presses R.
Monkey is hard to fight until 6 and up because he will always dodge your E with W.
Yasuo's windwall will make you feel super worthless in teamfights since you can't stack up. Just hold R until he uses it and you will be fine. (I think)
Run him down with ignite at lvl 4.
Dr. Mundo
Take ignite/barrier and don't let him get early cheese on you.
Use Q to dodge her E or W to reduce E damage. You win all in but she wins in burst trades.
Use Q to dodge her W or use W to reduce damage on her W. In the event you do get hit by her parry, use your Q to kite her while waiting out the cripple. Hold E until he uses W. You out damage her in extended trades as long as you hide the vital in the wall.
Don't E until she presses E and W her third Q. This is the only matchup you can start W.
W his hammer Q. You win hard in all ins post level 6 or Blade of The Ruined King.
Take ignite/barrier and don't let him get early cheese on you.
W his W. Take ignite/barrier and don't let him get early cheese on you.
Predict her E by stunning slightly behind her. If you land it you can kill her in an all in. Becomes a pretty easy matchup once you are level 6 or have Blade of The Ruined King.
Use Q to dodge his W and use W to reduce his E Q damage.
Just focus on freezing and ward your lane to see when he tries to ult away.
Manage to dodge R and you win. Take ignite/barrier and don't let him get early cheese on you.
Take ignite/barrier and don't let him get early cheese on you.
Call your jungler and all in him once you're level 6 or have Blade of The Ruined King.
Take ignite/barrier and don't let him get early cheese on you.
Take ignite/barrier and don't let him get early cheese on you. Good luck. Warwick is incredibly difficult to actually solo kill.
Your Q 1 shots his minions. Use that to heal and delete his damage while gaining stacks. Use your Q to dash over his wall.
You are extremely deadly to him if he is in ranged form. You are equal to him if he is in melee form. W his W and stat check him.
Main thing to focus on is landing your E, generally Yone will hold his E to dodge your E and if he doesn't you have a good chance at killing him. He will generally try to make short trades with you by E1ing forward with his Q3 and E2ing back after you stun him, use your W to tank his W and Q3 and hit minions near his body to chase him down once he E2s back.
W his 2nd Q or 3rd Q, however its much better if you just Q through him to dodge his 3rd Q, you can also Q into him and dodge his abilities by moving inside him. Pretty simple matchup. If he lands Q1>W look to Q out of the box. If you can't do it safely you're pretty fucked. If he uses Q1 + E>W you can just all in him.
W his E. Either you win at level 6 or you freeze the lane perma and farm up.
Dodge Q with your Q, if you cant just W it and use it to gap close by hitting minions at the same time. You will win all in. His win con against you is to build ap and poke you down.
He will save his E to dodge your E. But since his E is important in his kit he will definitely not hold it for long. Look to abuse this to land your E.
Kill him in an all in. He will 1 shot you otherwise.
He will use his MS to dodge your E, your best bet here is to wait till 6 and all in him with your R. I recommend buying merc treads before bork early if he plays aggressively.
Q out of his W damage and W his empowered auto.
Super easy matchup. Free stun when he casts Q and you can also dodge it by Qing behind him. W his R.
He will proxy so your ability to perma tank waves will fuck him over since you're fine clearing waves without minions. You beat him at every level.
Yeah not much threat in lane but come late game he will make you useless. If you manage to gap close without E save it for his blind so he can't get too much damage on you. You can also W the blind duration. At level 6 every R you land on him is either a Flash or a kill.
Pretty free matchup. You can delete his dogs with Q.
Hiya there! I'm a high elo top/mid lane smurf that plays a lot of Irelia with an average of 70-80% win rate in emerald+ queue in season 13. I made this Irelia guide to drop some advice for yalls. I was planning to upload my OP.gg but I ended up hitting masters and then quitting league for a while. My account then decayed and I sold it. Leaving nothing impressive for me to show. I plan to get back into League in S14 on a new account and climbing again. Maybe planning to stream. Idk yet but it makes me very happy that 22k people had seen my guide.
S14 is starting and the Items guide isn't out because well, IDK! I'll keep this updated once I'm confident on a good Irelia build.
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