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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Your hardest match up as Tristana. With his combo, he can outburst you and once he hits 6 his ult will outrange you and poke you out of lane.
Author's Shoutouts:
Eclaboussure, Psyrade, Gnar Ballz, Guilikesdarius, Bigest*******NA
Whenever I build Tristana, I use the items above. I always feel that Infinity edge should be rushed. It has such high damage and is a great compliment to Rapid Fire cannon. In my opinion, Rapid Fire Cannon is stronger than Statikk Shiv because the Tristana already has amazing range, so due to its passive, the first shot has massive range. Also, Tristana also have great wave clear with her E active and passive. She does not need the Statikk passive to help wave clear.
Bloodthirster Vs. Mercurial Scimitar
I usually prefer to go with Bloodthirster because the shield passive is very OP. If the enemy team has good CC such as ramus or Shen, I then would take Scimitar. Also, QSS removes the mark on Zed's Ultimate so anytime I face a Zed I build Scimitar.
Sterak's Gage VS. Gaurdian Angel
I personally prefer the Sterak's Gage for a few reasons. The first is that often times with GA, you will revive once your entire team or close to it is dead and you will get nuked right away. Second, the Sterak's Gage is partially an offensive item because of the 25% base damage passive and also the increased damage you get when the shield activates. The third reason I like it over GA is because you can still get nuked with GA. The shield from Sterak's Gage is basically a nuke preventer and if the enemy team cannot nuke you, they will focus someone else. This provides you more time to sit and do damage, and with lifesteal you will sustain health since none of the large damage abilities will be focusing you.
Bloodthirster Vs. Mercurial Scimitar
I usually prefer to go with Bloodthirster because the shield passive is very OP. If the enemy team has good CC such as ramus or Shen, I then would take Scimitar. Also, QSS removes the mark on Zed's Ultimate so anytime I face a Zed I build Scimitar.
Sterak's Gage VS. Gaurdian Angel
I personally prefer the Sterak's Gage for a few reasons. The first is that often times with GA, you will revive once your entire team or close to it is dead and you will get nuked right away. Second, the Sterak's Gage is partially an offensive item because of the 25% base damage passive and also the increased damage you get when the shield activates. The third reason I like it over GA is because you can still get nuked with GA. The shield from Sterak's Gage is basically a nuke preventer and if the enemy team cannot nuke you, they will focus someone else. This provides you more time to sit and do damage, and with lifesteal you will sustain health since none of the large damage abilities will be focusing you.
1. The standard combo I like doing is Q then E them and start hitting for the bomb passive. Your jump will reset when the bomb explodes or on a kill/assist. If you jump on the target after you hit them a fourth time, the damage of your jump will double and it will proc the 5th hit and explode so you can jump out right away. Use this strategy if you are 1v1ing an enemy, not during a huge team fight (unless you are winning and using this to clean up kills).
2. This is very similar to the first jump method but instead of jumping, you ult them on to trigger the last bomb tick it will do crazy burst damage and can often half health the enemy. This will cause the base damage of your ultimate to hit and then proc the bomb damage because the ult counts as the 5th hit to explode it.
3. Do not be afraid to use bomb to clear waves and easy farm, however, do not fight when it is on cooldown and watch out for the enemy trying to engage when they see it on CD.
2. This is very similar to the first jump method but instead of jumping, you ult them on to trigger the last bomb tick it will do crazy burst damage and can often half health the enemy. This will cause the base damage of your ultimate to hit and then proc the bomb damage because the ult counts as the 5th hit to explode it.
3. Do not be afraid to use bomb to clear waves and easy farm, however, do not fight when it is on cooldown and watch out for the enemy trying to engage when they see it on CD.
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