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Trundle Build Guide by daringpython

Trundle: run fast, outlast

Trundle: run fast, outlast

Updated on February 28, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author daringpython Build Guide By daringpython 6,155 Views 0 Comments
6,155 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author daringpython Trundle Build Guide By daringpython Updated on February 28, 2018
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What this build is for.

With this Trundle build you'll excel greatly at chasing targets, taking towers and teamfighting.
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Pros / Cons

Great duelist
Can create terrain
Very good at chasing
Many debuffs (slows, knockup, resistance steal, AD steal)
Good at pushing
Natural tankyness
Very good jungle clear

Single target only
Lacks good hard-cc
Can mess with teammates if E is used poorly
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Always start with bot lane side for good leash.
I either go Red Buff> Wolves> Blue Buff> Gank
or Blue Buff > Gromp> Red Buff> Gank
I usually take scuttle before the gank but it depends if the lanes are pushed in yet or the gank looks easy enough to do right then.
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Autos/Q/E/Active Items- Slow for alot making it very easy to chase
Speed given from W/Triforce/Sorcery Tree/Approach Velocity- Make it even EASIER to chase
You will get plenty of AD and movespeed from your runes giving you space to build tanky and still **** **** up.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author daringpython
daringpython Trundle Guide
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Trundle: run fast, outlast

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