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Choose Champion Build:
- Twitch ADC
- Twitch Jungle
- Twitch TOP
Ability Order
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
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He can chain CC you and if there is a yasuo on his team you know what's next
Deadly Venom
- Twitch's basic attacks each Poison icon poison his target with a Deadly Venom stack, dealing 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 true damage over 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times for a maximum 72 / 108 / 144 / 180 / 216 true damage over the duration.
Q: Ambush
- Twitch becomes camouflaged for a duration after 1 second, gaining 10% bonus movement speed while stealthed and gaining bonus attack speed for 5 seconds upon becoming breaking it.
STEALTH DURATION: 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
BONUS ATTACK SPEED: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
Ambush's cooldown is reset if an enemy dies while affected by Deadly Venom. Entering stealth cancels Twitch's current basic attack.
Ambush's bonus movement speed is increased to 30% when Twitch moves toward nearby enemy champions who cannot see him.
W: Venom Cask
- Twitch hurls a cask of venom at the target area, infecting all enemies hit with a Deadly Venom Deadly Venom stack.
SLOW: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45%
The target area becomes contaminated for 3 seconds, Slow icon slowing all enemies inside and applying a Deadly Venom Deadly Venom stack each second.
E: Contaminate
- Twitch deals physical damage to all nearby enemies afflicted by Deadly Venom, with each stack granting bonus damage.
BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
「 BONUS DAMAGE PER STACK: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) 」
R: Spray and Pray
- Twitch gains bonus attack damage and 300 bonus attack range for 5 seconds.
BONUS AD: 20 / 30 / 40
Additionally, Twitch's basic attacks travel across their full range and skewer every enemy they pass through for the duration, dealing 20% less damage per enemy hit (down to a minimum of 40% damage) These attacks apply on-hit effects to all affected enemies and can Critical strike icon critically strike against each individual target.
Deadly Venom
- Twitch's basic attacks each Poison icon poison his target with a Deadly Venom stack, dealing 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 true damage over 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times for a maximum 72 / 108 / 144 / 180 / 216 true damage over the duration.
Q: Ambush
- Twitch becomes camouflaged for a duration after 1 second, gaining 10% bonus movement speed while stealthed and gaining bonus attack speed for 5 seconds upon becoming breaking it.
STEALTH DURATION: 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
BONUS ATTACK SPEED: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
Ambush's cooldown is reset if an enemy dies while affected by Deadly Venom. Entering stealth cancels Twitch's current basic attack.
Ambush's bonus movement speed is increased to 30% when Twitch moves toward nearby enemy champions who cannot see him.
W: Venom Cask
- Twitch hurls a cask of venom at the target area, infecting all enemies hit with a Deadly Venom Deadly Venom stack.
SLOW: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45%
The target area becomes contaminated for 3 seconds, Slow icon slowing all enemies inside and applying a Deadly Venom Deadly Venom stack each second.
E: Contaminate
- Twitch deals physical damage to all nearby enemies afflicted by Deadly Venom, with each stack granting bonus damage.
BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
「 BONUS DAMAGE PER STACK: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) 」
R: Spray and Pray
- Twitch gains bonus attack damage and 300 bonus attack range for 5 seconds.
BONUS AD: 20 / 30 / 40
Additionally, Twitch's basic attacks travel across their full range and skewer every enemy they pass through for the duration, dealing 20% less damage per enemy hit (down to a minimum of 40% damage) These attacks apply on-hit effects to all affected enemies and can Critical strike icon critically strike against each individual target.
Duskblade of Draktharr
- Its reworked passive - when not seen by an enemy champion you get 200% Lethality basically deal 50 True Damage, and this effect wears off after being seen by an champion for more than 5 seconds.
Blade Of The Ruinned King
- The 4% Max Health damage helps twitch shred tanks pretty nicely, if your a jungler then your gonna do 8% of their Max Health, because Bloodraizer has 4% and Runinned king has another 4%
Yommuu's Ghostblade
- Its active ignores until collision and MS, combine that with your Q and you get a lot of MS to get to your target faster and eliminate them.
Lord Dominic's Regard's
- Its passive Giant Slayer - allows you to deal 15% aganist enemy champions who has more max health than you. Its other Passive is Last Whisper - it deals physical damage and applies 45% Bonus armor pen (applies before armor pen)
Mortal Reminder
- This item is good for people that abuse healing like mundo, vlad and zac due to its passive Excutioner - an auto attack applies Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds and the champion affected by Grievous Wounds have reduced healing from all sources.
Duskblade of Draktharr
- Its reworked passive - when not seen by an enemy champion you get 200% Lethality basically deal 50 True Damage, and this effect wears off after being seen by an champion for more than 5 seconds.
Blade Of The Ruinned King
- The 4% Max Health damage helps twitch shred tanks pretty nicely, if your a jungler then your gonna do 8% of their Max Health, because Bloodraizer has 4% and Runinned king has another 4%
Yommuu's Ghostblade
- Its active ignores until collision and MS, combine that with your Q and you get a lot of MS to get to your target faster and eliminate them.
Lord Dominic's Regard's
- Its passive Giant Slayer - allows you to deal 15% aganist enemy champions who has more max health than you. Its other Passive is Last Whisper - it deals physical damage and applies 45% Bonus armor pen (applies before armor pen)
Mortal Reminder
- This item is good for people that abuse healing like mundo, vlad and zac due to its passive Excutioner - an auto attack applies Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds and the champion affected by Grievous Wounds have reduced healing from all sources.
Infinity Edge
- It gives good AD and 20% crit chance and if you crit when you have this item the crit will do bonus damage and deal 250% instead of the usual 200%
Essence Reaver
- Gives good AD and 20% Crit chance, its UNIQUE passives gives you more CDR depending on how much Crit chance you have provided by other sources (maximum +20% additional Cooldown Reduction at 30% Critical Strike Chance). Critically Striking also restores 3% of your maximum mana pool.
Black Cleaver
- If you auto six times on an enemy they gain a stack of 'cleave' at 6 stacks you will have cleaved their armor and they will have their armor reduced by 30%
- Good AD and lifesteal, its passive will over heal you and it will grant you a shield that slowly decays
- It gives good AD and 20% crit chance and if you crit when you have this item the crit will do bonus damage and deal 250% instead of the usual 200%
Essence Reaver
- Gives good AD and 20% Crit chance, its UNIQUE passives gives you more CDR depending on how much Crit chance you have provided by other sources (maximum +20% additional Cooldown Reduction at 30% Critical Strike Chance). Critically Striking also restores 3% of your maximum mana pool.
Black Cleaver
- If you auto six times on an enemy they gain a stack of 'cleave' at 6 stacks you will have cleaved their armor and they will have their armor reduced by 30%
- Good AD and lifesteal, its passive will over heal you and it will grant you a shield that slowly decays
For the final build for Twitch JG you will see just a crystal which is yellow and says 'Bloodraizer'. Its essential for any auto attack reliant champ like Jax, Yi, Vi(I guess) and Ashe. So Bloodraizer deals 4% of their maximum health great for shredding tanks, Blade of The Ruinned King also has the same stats so buy Ruinned King and Bloodraizer will make you deal 8% of their maximum health, since your passive Deadly Venom does more true damage the more stack the enemy champ has which is great for not only shredding tanks but for everyone. Get Runnan's so that you can apply you passive to 3 extra targets to maximize your damage output even more, stattik shiv, phantom dancer and infinity edge is just to give you a reliable 80% crit chance and haveing infinity edge while you crit amplyfies the damage.
The reason is Graves top is having a lot of success, because Graves enjoys building flat AD and Armor Pen | Lethality items and so does Twitch just switch out Armor Pen | Lethality with 8% Max Health bonus damage and True damage and the goal of Twitch top is to get so fed that you cannot even get touched. I'm thinking about playing this in one of my games it has potential but i'm not to sure so I hope that you will try out this build and tell me how it went by commenting.
Full Crit Build
- The full crit build is made to melt the adc and mid laner and potentially the jungler if their squishy. So that your team can get an advantage but i won't recommend it because its not that reliable against tanks.
Full AD Build
- The full AD build relies heavily on Auto Attacks to apply on-hit effects and delete your target as fast as possible but it won't do good aganist tanks because they can just stack armor and your forced to buy armor pen / Lethality items.
Tank Shredder Build
- The tank shredder build literally does what you think it does it shreds tanks, but it dosen't only shred tanks because with Blade of the Ruinned king and your passive you deal 4% of their Max health as bonus damage and True damage the more stacks of passive they have.
- I would like to talk more about this but i think i'll open a discussion so that we can discuss this I just played League for about 1 Year and i still have a lot to learn so that would help me a lot.
- The full crit build is made to melt the adc and mid laner and potentially the jungler if their squishy. So that your team can get an advantage but i won't recommend it because its not that reliable against tanks.
Full AD Build
- The full AD build relies heavily on Auto Attacks to apply on-hit effects and delete your target as fast as possible but it won't do good aganist tanks because they can just stack armor and your forced to buy armor pen / Lethality items.
Tank Shredder Build
- The tank shredder build literally does what you think it does it shreds tanks, but it dosen't only shred tanks because with Blade of the Ruinned king and your passive you deal 4% of their Max health as bonus damage and True damage the more stacks of passive they have.
- I would like to talk more about this but i think i'll open a discussion so that we can discuss this I just played League for about 1 Year and i still have a lot to learn so that would help me a lot.
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