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Twitch Build Guide by Eminemrapfan

Twitch speed shoot

Twitch speed shoot

Updated on April 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Eminemrapfan Build Guide By Eminemrapfan 9,504 Views 2 Comments
9,504 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Eminemrapfan Twitch Build Guide By Eminemrapfan Updated on April 23, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



I have made this guide about twitch cos i want other people too kick some leauge of legends champions really hard. =D I hope you enjoy my way of playing twitch.
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I picked the Greater Mark of Attack Speed Greater Seal of Attack Speed and the Greater Glyph of Attack Speed Because your attack speed gets alot higher. The Greater Mark of Critical Chance and the Greater Glyph of Critical Chance did I pick to increse cirt chance. Greater Quintessence of Critical Chance and Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed are just OP.
Geting all those runes makes ur crit chance and attack speed almost 10% higher and thats really needed for Twitch.
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I picked my masteries really wisely I think =S well I picked as first the Summoner's Wrath because I wanted to make the ignite a bit more OP then it already is. Then I took the Brute Force to make my attack power a slitely higher. Theb I picked Alacrity to make my attack speed also a bit higher ( not much though ). Then I picked the continuing spell that gave armor prenetation. I also took some more spells that gave crit damage and attack damage. The only usefull summoners insight and the Swiftness thing that makes you run away faster from ganks. You usally get ganked, you get ganked alot.
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The and the 3 us really useful in the start because of all the ganks... Then the berserker's graves and the is improving your attack speed wich is very useful in early game. The is having a high crit chance, attack speed wich are very needed for Twitch and as a bonus movment speed that make u easly run away from ganks. the is good for the high attack damage and crit chance ofc. The is just there because of the life steal that makes u kill more then one champion at time.
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Skill Sequence

I start with a nice Ambush so you can start the game with a little hiding =D. then I pick all spells just to have them .... after that I start to spamm pick expunge wich deals really high damage. Prioritate ultra ofc. debalating poison is not very good because u have already got high speed when u got all items so thats mostly for running away so that one I only pick because I have to .

I usally start a fight when I had a Ambush on me for a while so I get incresed attack speed rest of the fight. Then I start puting slow on my target. When the enemy champion tries tp escape I use despunge and then put up Ignite and boom target is dead!
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Summoner Spells

I love Flash. Best used to get through walls. Use Flash when you are tying to escape a gank or if you want to gank someone. Ignite Ignite is a good coperater with Flash. Use Flash then put ignite on a low healthed target.I think personally that ignite is the best thing ever. It is really good for kill stealing too but I dont use it that way but I have seen other that do.
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Pros / Cons

.Killing enmys really fast
.Can get stealthed
.Not hard to play
.Funny to play

.Dies fast
.Not good at mid
.Often geting called noob =D
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Team Work

Twitch really need a tank or a fighter with alot of lifesteal ( at the start ).
Sometimes Twitch is the biggest of the biggest kill stealer and thats not very good when you are with a friend or specialy not with someone that dosent already like you!
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A little helping guide

When you are playing twitch you never want to play against Tryndamere or Master Yi because they will eat you upp. when you play 3 vs 3 dont ever dear to go in to the bushes first because then you will be practically one shooted sooo dont do that try to always use Ambush even when you are in the bushes.
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Twitch is a terrible jungler really. The only way for farming money and experience is to kill minions and champions. Twitch is one of the best minion stealing champions ever!, so thats another awesome thing with him. So start kill minions and stay away from the jungle. The only way for twith to kill dragon is if he have bought almost all the things in my guide, then he kills it on a few seconds.
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Unique Skills

This guide is completly diffrent from the other guides( at last at the item part and the runes I think =S ). I got almost nothing of the recommended items, thats because I think the recommended items for twitch sucks really much ( I am not joking ) almost everything is ****.
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Some random stuff about Twitch

If a gun is bigger then a rat how can a rat carry a gun then ? =D
Twitch have a funny thing at his nose..
that was some random things just to reach the 5000 letters
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In this guide you would have learned alot of things or if you just scrolled down to the bottom of the big side and you were bored so you started reading this text, but I consume that you didint do that well bback to the point in this guide you should have learned a little bit about how to play the biggest rat ever called Twitch. And wich items you should buy. I really hop my guide reached the 5000 letters and finaly could be published otherwise I am siting home, really pissed of =D have a good game playing Twitch.
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