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Twitch Build Guide by LeDrew

Twitch The *****

Twitch The *****

Updated on January 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LeDrew Build Guide By LeDrew 1,715 Views 0 Comments
1,715 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LeDrew Twitch Build Guide By LeDrew Updated on January 23, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Hello ladies and gentleman, I am Mr.LeDrew and I will show you the best way to play twitch. Twitch is one bad *** character and I hope you will enjoy him to. He is pretty much a boss if you know how to play him properly, follow this build and I guarantee you will rape.
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-good early and late game with this build
-Stealth is ****ing awesome
-Your a rat
-Squishy as hell
-oracle is your kryptonite
-focused all day
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greater mark of desolation who doesn't want more armor penetration?
Greater Seal of Attack Speed more attack speed is great
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist more magic resist is amazing against ap champs
greater quintessence of desolation even more armor penetration!
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Summoner spells

Ignite and Exhaust are the best in my opinion. you may also go Flash or Ghost. i find that Ignite guarantees first blood once you are used to playing Twitch
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In my opinion if you read through the masteries it will make sense to you. The only thing that i have ever changed about my masteries has been from utility to defense depending on how this day has treated me when I have played Twitch. The attack masteries are perfect but if you feel you want some more health than switch from the buff masteries to magic resist and health masteries.
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Skill Sequence

You want to grab your Ambush first than get your expunge. follow this until lvl 8 where you get Venom Cask. Your expunge should be maxed by lvl 9, Ambush by 13 and Venom Cask will be last.
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Start with a dorans blade, try to sustain untill you can at least get Boots. Than try and get your bezerker's greaves asap since the attack speed is what you need early game. now you can get Phantom Dancer or Black Cleaver depeneding on who your facing. Which ever one you decide to get follow up with the opposite. after that save for you Infinity Edge. now you can go Warmog's Armor and Atma's Impaler or Madred's Bloodrazor and Bloodthirster. depending if you want survivability and more physical damage or max attack speed and raping abilities.
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Team Work

The role of Twitch in a team fight is to piss the opposition off as much as possible. Use Ambush to sneak in be hind to assassinate the enemy carry. Wait for your team to initiate than pop out of Ambush use your Spray and Pray and hit them as much as you can. when you see them low pop your expunge and you should help your team tremendously. I have gotten many pentas while doing this.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this build. I play twitch a lot so I decided to make my own build to see if anyone else would find it as amazing and useful as I do. Thanks guys and any constructive criticism will help me a lot!
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