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Twitch Build Guide by jabis

AD Carry Twitch the giant rat - HEAVY DAMAGE DEALER ADC!

AD Carry Twitch the giant rat - HEAVY DAMAGE DEALER ADC!

Updated on July 3, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jabis Build Guide By jabis 1,754 Views 0 Comments
1,754 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author jabis Twitch Build Guide By jabis Updated on July 3, 2013
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Welcome to my Twitch guide! This guide focus on the autoattack side of twitch, being sneaky and it you will quickly secure the kill!
This guide will foucs on 3 main factors.
Attack Damage, Attack speed and Critical Strike chance!

This playstyle is easy to play, but dont play to cocky, because you are easy to kill. Before you engage, look who it is. If he can damage ALOT quickly you might want do a sneak attack or wait for a friendly. Twitch is very squishy champion!
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Dont be too cocky!

Dont ever be too cocky playing twitch. Twitch is very squishy and can easy be killed by a heavy damage dealer.
Play smart and use your stealth over run your enemies. Your Ultimate is your ultimate and favorite ability from twitch, the ability to shoot really fast and long is the key. It makes it easy to pick kills and clear teamfights getting, quadras and tripels.
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The stealth part of Twitch.

Using Q is a important part to pick up kills, if you engage a squishy champion via Q he will be really suprised and you will get the kill easy because of the heavy damage.

You can also use it chase champions as you will get quicker movement speed and quicker attack speed after stealth mode is off, it makes the enemy think you are gone and gave up the chase and can confuse very easily.

Using Q to run. USING q to run away is important, but remember that you need not to be attacked, so if you are a little head and gets invisble you are gone from them and they will usally give up!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jabis
jabis Twitch Guide
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Twitch the giant rat - HEAVY DAMAGE DEALER ADC!

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