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Ryze Build Guide by buseph

Middle (ßu) Terror Ryze

Middle (ßu) Terror Ryze

Updated on June 4, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author buseph Build Guide By buseph 2,131 Views 1 Comments
2,131 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author buseph Ryze Build Guide By buseph Updated on June 4, 2014
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spell order and leveling

For the first 3 lvls I get 1 point in each to appropriately spam them all on enemy champions while filling tear of the goddess, blue buff given by jungler really really helps ryze gain an edge on mid more than any other champion I could think of at the moment. I max Q first since it has the shortest cool down as well as granting him cool down reduction, Also the most damage due to the mana build > ap build over other moves.
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Item order

I get tear of the goddess asap, as soon as i reach enough gold i will recall after clearing the wave with all of my spells along with my remaining mana in most cases. buy tear and teleport back into lane before any opposing minions die to avoid loss of exp if possible. from the return to lane, farm and harass and ward if possible. i try to stay in lane til next teleport which often depends on blue buff or lack of. unless i am truly being out laned i will not recall again at least til i have 890 or 1100 gold to buy a temporary chalice of harmony or wait for sorcerer shoes which depends on the opponent.
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runes and masteries

spell vamp Quintessence is by far the most important sustain for me as Ryze, without buying spell vamp in game. The item slot is too important to give up for spell vamp items. Magic pen marks are optional over mana per lvl. seals and glyphs are mana per lvl.
(masteries) 4/2/24
from offense tree provides 5% cdr
from utility tree provides 5% cdr, mana per lvl, mana regen, spellvamp/lifesteal, then 10% cdr on summoner spells in general(with distortion 25% more cdr), hp regen per mana, the biscuit helps, and 1.53 gold per 10 seconds,3 gold on auto atks on champs helps anyone.
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offensive tree cdr 5%
utility tree cdr 5%
maxed Q 2/2/2/2/2=10% cdr
frozen heart alone 20% cdr all together =40% cdr (max).

9% spell vamp and hp regen 1/per 5 sec per 300 mana, sustain is no issue.

fyi if unknown as you use Q due to delay of the atk as it is in air before contact you can activate your ult and spam more moves during your ult.

not enough people understand why i make muramana a priority over seraph's embrace. the bonus from muramana per single target attacks is at least 220 by the time muramana is complete. muramana has made a big difference in both of my (season 3) penta kills as ryze.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author buseph
buseph Ryze Guide
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(ßu) Terror Ryze

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