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He can win trades early, so play passively. Most of the time, you can all in at 6.
Depends on the player. Engage when he uses his skills. Try to dodge his spikes.
Darius is hard. Play passive and ask for jungle help unless you see a good opportunity.
Dr. Mundo
Shouldn't be too difficult. Try for a pre 6 kill. Once he starts stacking armor, just farm up for late game.
A tricky matchup. Make sure to bait out her parry before your ult, as she can stun and reverse engage.
Decent. Don't get too pokes by barrels and q early on.
Not as hard as some might think. Make sure to block his q with your clone before trading back.
One of the easier lanes. Bully him every chance you get. Be careful for Mega Gnar.
Play safely early. Punish him for any mistakes he makes to win lane.
Try to juke her q, and stay behind your minions so she can't take your soul. When you all in, don't stand in the range for her ult.
Can be tough. You are better than her early, so trade safely if you can. Make sure to block her stun with your clone. She out scales you late.
Jarvan IV
Don't auto trade early on, and dodge his q. Win at level 6.
When he uses his counter strike, w and walk in a different direction to dodge the stun.
Don't get too poked down, and trade often. Easy lane.
Beat him early. If not, he will stack armor and become unkillable.
He outscales you. Beat him early.
Cancerous q poke. Play safe. Ask for jungle help. Try beating him at 6.
Hardest lane imo. Don't pick Wu. IF you did, play safe, ask jungle for help, and use clone very wisely.
Skill lane. Heavily depends on the skill of the Riven player. Never go in when her skills are up, wait for her to use at least one.
Lane is easy. Fight him often. Don't stand in his ult.
Beat him early. He stacks armor and wins later, so just farm at that point.
Annoying. Beat him early.
Beat him early, armor too stronk.
Trade wisely. Don't auto trade too much.
Hate this lane. You have a chance pre 6. After 6, this gets a lot harder, but doable. Try to juke with your clone to waste his ult duration in a fight. He outscales you hard.
Beat him early. His sustain gets overpowering later on.
His early damage and shield wins until level 6 and your tiamat. After then, you can 1 v 1 easily. Make sure to proc shield before going too ham. He outscales you late.
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