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Sejuani Build Guide by damodoggy

Top UPDATED!! [12.23] Ghost Smite Sejuani Top (not top) πŸ₯ΆπŸ’¦

Top UPDATED!! [12.23] Ghost Smite Sejuani Top (not top) πŸ₯ΆπŸ’¦

Updated on December 20, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author damodoggy Build Guide By damodoggy 17,220 Views 1 Comments
17,220 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author damodoggy Sejuani Build Guide By damodoggy Updated on December 20, 2022
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Runes: Cream Speed Runes

Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter


+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Yes, Smite toplane.
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

UPDATED!! [12.23] Ghost Smite Sejuani Top (not top) πŸ₯ΆπŸ’¦

By damodoggy
Who is DamoDoggy?

Wagwan, I'm the creamiest Sejuani player in the world; I am currently the #1 Sejuani Ghost Smite Top (not top) playerin the world, I prioritise speed > damage & tankiness. This is because with speed you are able to dodge spells & clart enemies left and right which = more damage than if I were to build damage & = more tankiness as i'm able to not tank whilst tanking.

I am a hardcore fan of Top (not top) Smite Ghost SejuaniI have tested out plenty of champions with this strategy & build & I can safely say that sejuani is the best for this task.

My -
Runes Royale

These are the runes you need to play Sejuani Top (not top) Ghost Smite.

You need this for the absolute speed to be able to steal the enemy camps, gank & get to the enemy jungle without being spotted.
Why Sejuani Top Ghost Smite?

Sejuani Ghost Smite Top (not top) IS OVERPOWERERED; hamdullah i'm the beast at finding new champion meta's so if you ever feel creamy hit me with a follow and i'll let you know!

Sejuni is great because she doesn't require much XP to be useful for the team; I am a team oriented player, I find that sejuani top doesn't lose much from not being in lane due to the creamy speed runes & the overall play style of this build.

I'll explain how to play in the next chapter...
Inshallah Playstyle.

The main formula of playing Sejuani Ghost Smite Top (not top) is to get level 4 & perma gank mid and botlane whilst also leashing your junglers camps & invading the enemy jungler.

First item should always be Boots, this is because you'll be able to use your predator rune straight away; it's incredible how quick you are especially with ghost and running towards the enemies guarantees a successful gank,

at the start of the game, you want to leash your jungler, it doesn't matter if they start bot or top side due to you always being able to catch up to your wave with ghost + predator. You want to smite the camp, Q & auto mash as much as possible; it takes skill to know when to back off due to you not wanting to miss the minion xp from your first wave.

Right after hitting level 4 and pushing wave; I always wrap around, wander about for a few seconds incase the enemy jungler is scouting me out I be sneaky with it... I then POUNCE and MASH the bot lane or midlane with the predator + ghost Q combo, it's too juicy they never expect it.
Dragon Angle.
YOu always want to be on drake by the 5th minute, you want to synchronise your smite with your teammates smite due to you having smite it's almost GUARANTEED you get the dragon, I can't stress it enough. Having an extra smite on your team is WONDERFUL.

You want to always attend every dragon fight it's OP.
Cream Roam Supreme.

You may be wondering "What about XP" ... You don't need it. Take a cheeky XP tax everytime you gank or walk through lane; you are mega strong no matter your level disadvatage.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author damodoggy
damodoggy Sejuani Guide
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UPDATED!! [12.23] Ghost Smite Sejuani Top (not top) πŸ₯ΆπŸ’¦

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