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Recommended Items
Runes: typical rune setup *read notes*
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order best pathing *read notes*
Echoing Flames (PASSIVE)
Urgot Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Take a Dorans Shield and DONT even try solo fighitng her until you are lvl 13+ and 2+ items with grievous wounds. Before engaging try to poke her a little bit and once you enage with your E she is 95% of the time going to ult, so once she ults just back off and be ready to dodge her E. After she has burned her ult just all in and its a free kill.
Do your best to try and freeze under your tower early if you can. D shield and second wind highly recommended for this guy. You might be lucky enough to get a kill under your tower if he is playing super agressive with his E. That being said try to stand by your minions in the case he is abusing his E so the wave will just naturally shove itself towards your tower. You are most likely gonna have to use your E a couple times to avoid his E chunking at your health
Extremely annoying matchup. Start Doran's Shield and play as passive as you can until you are lvl 9 and have executioners and steelcaps.
Similar to Lucian but even more annoying since she can turn invisible and knock you back. Try to do the same, play really safe early game and lvl 6+ if you E+flash and land it, its easy kills. Just do not give her a lead early game
Keep your distance from him at all times. Take a dorans shield with you, lvl 6+ you can kill him if you play right. If you E+Flash into him its a easy kill because he is pretty squishy. But like all range matchups you have to be really careful early game and try not to die early.
Play safe early game until you hit lvl 9. He can't really do anything if you keep distance from him. Just try not to play too far out from your tower, let the wave push on to you a bit.
He is all early game so don't worry too much with this matchups. Take Dorans Shield and keep your distance from him so he cant pull you in. Once you hit around lvl 9+ this matchup falls into your favor, When fighting Sett just pay attention to his Gritt *the white/yellow bar under his health bar* if you see his Gritt is yellow and he is going to cast his W just E him so it flips him the other way and it dodges his W for you. Other than that this matchup is pretty free once you hit lvl 9+ Just really be careful in early levels.
Really tricky matchup. Wukong is really strong early game, but since he is pretty squishy compared to other top laners you can still fight him if you play properly. Dont try to force your E on him because most of the time he will just clone mid way and you will flip his clone and not the real one, and then your W will focus the clone aswell rather than the real Wukong. try to poke him with regular auto attacks and if he uses his clone Q the real one *the one that isn't standing still* then you can all in him and secure a kill. But if Wukong has his ult up most times you wont be able to kill him since he can just ult when you E and then run away.
Really annoying matchup early game, however there is have counter play at lvl 1. If you can fight him at lvl 1 try to do that. But if you cant kill at lvl 1 play as safe as possible, take a doran shield with you. Keep your distance from him because he has 2 dashes along with a stun. Once you hit lvl 9+ you start to outscale and win this matchup.
Take notice of the bar under his health bar, when charged all the way up he will just abuse his Q *which is the fire* and it does alot of damage. You wanna start backing up when casts his Q and right when its done engage with your E because he will not be able to casts abilities for a little while since his passive silences him
Tahm Kench
The most annoying matchup in my opinion. Hail of Blades Tahm Kench running full tank is so annoying for me, just try to poke him and dodge his tongue, it slows you alot and he can proc his passive easily with his Hail of Blades then swallow you. You outscale alot but the entirety of the lane phase is just so annoying.
Pretty annoying matchup. You can start either Doran's Shield or Blade in this matchup, although i recommend running the shield. At lvl 1 this matchup is in your favor so if you start your E and try to get a early kill on him that would really be nice in this matchup. But after when Shen gets his taunt and hit AE block this matchup gets really annoying. Keep your distance from shen and if you can try to toss him out of his little circle with your E so you can land basic attacks on him. Other than that take TP in this matchup so you can contest when he ults into another lane.
This is my favorite matchup for Urgot, Mordekaiser is very hit and miss depending on who is playing him. Morde is a tremendous lane bully and he beats you mid lane phase hard. It's about even first 3 or 4 levels so whoever gets a kill early on usually determines the fate of the lane phase. Lets say he gets the kill and you end up behind, play cautiously and avoid his E (the pull) until you have black cleaver first item then you can fight him. Now lets say you get a kill early on do not get cocky because lvl 6 you do not win into Morde especially if he manages to hit lvl 6 before you and ults you. Always build Black Cleaver first into this matchup and you win against him.
Although Heimer top is not too common it is still a thing. Take MR runes and take a Doran's Shield with you. Heimer is a lane bully and can push lanes really fast with his turrets. Although they look small they make this matchup dangerous. Never try to hit Heimer with your W unless you have already landed your Q or a E on him. I say this because your W will always try to hit his turrets rather than him because they are closer to you. I recommend trying to land a Q from far range then just E+Flash into him, he is really squishy so as soon as you land a E on him 9 times out of 10 he is dead. That is your best bet at securing a kill in this matchup. If you see that she rushes Zhonyas that will make this matchup really tough because he will just Zhonya and let his turrets do the work for him. If your E is up again time it right so that you can hit him with it as soon as his hourlglass is over. Other than that you scale over Heimer extremely. Turbo Chemtank later in the game could also help if he is being obnoxious.
This matchup really depends on how well your enemy can play Aatrox really, do your best to dodge his Q dodge the first Q by going either left or right, dont run from it because he will E while doing his first Q and it will hit you, E him right when he casts his 2nd Q. That is probably the most effective way of trading with Aatrox. Since you have a range advantage over Aatrox you can poke him down aswell. If he hits you with his W just E to the side and you will escape it.
One of the most annoying matchups for Urgot. If the Gangplank is really good, no one really dies in this matchup. He is really fast, has poke and he can escape your ult with his orange. just keep distance from his barrels, and him. If you do that then you should be good. Take a dorans shield because he can poke alot with his gun. If you do want to secure a kill in this matchup your best bet would be to E+flash him. *remember to only ult him if his orange is on cd*
Olaf early game is just crazy, just stay back and if he hits you with his Q just E towards your turret and run away. Buy a early Executioners Calling, and about once you hit lvl 6+ you should start to win the matchup, *also not that if olaf casts his ult you cannot slow him, stun him, or even use your ult against him*
Similar to Olaf in the sense that she is a pain early game. Once you hit around lvl 6+ you can start to fight her and win trades. Just play safe early and don't give her a lead, keep your distance from her, because she can close gaps really quick with her Q's and her E, and then on top of that stun you.
Really annoying matchup. Dont ever E into her because she will just W and push you away. STAY AWAY FROM WALLS. lvl 9+ you can start to hit her hard and get some kills in this matchup, if she Q's you dont stand still move out of it. If she throws her buckler, E towards it to prevent her from getting a shield.
Only real threat in this matchup is the way he can get on his raptor after being dismantled. Poke him down and when you dismantle him make sure you have your E and your R up and engage. 9 times out of 10 he will die this way.
Similar to the other ranged matchups. Just pay attention to Gnars rage *the red bar beneath the health bar* because once it turns red gnar gets his mega form, which beats Urgot early game. Other than that just dodge his Q and pay attention to his rage. E+Flash works really well in this matchup.
This matchup is a little bit in Camilles favor, but it is still close to even. Watch out for her E, you will see her cling on to a wall, after that she will jump towards you. E towards her as she is jumping towards you, as it will stun her and give you a free E to land. Keep a bit of distance so you can dodge her W. Other than that this matchup you scale better than her. You can take shield or blade which ever you feel comfortable with
Be on the lookout for his Q's and dodge them frequently, if you see one is going to hit you and you are in range to E him do not hesitate to go on ahead and do it, you will buffer it and land the E on him. Black cleaver is a great rush in this matchup
She is similiar to the other ranged matchups in this list. take dorans shield and take used of your E+Flash in this matchup. She may be a little tricky since she has high mobility and can nearsight you. But after lvl 9 this matchup gets really tough for Quinn
Annoying as usual, like the other range matchups, keep distance until about lvl 6+, buy oracle lens when you back so you can clear out his mushrooms. If he is giving you a really big problem just buy a Spectre's Cowl and play safe under your turret, Cowl with dorans shield and double MR runes you should be safe under your tower.
Super tanky and annoying to lane against. You can't really kill him until about lvl 9+ but he can't either unless he has his jungle helping. Just keep in mind for his Q, because he can actually poke you down alot with it. Build Divine Sunderer in this matchup as your Mythic Item, it takes down tanks really well. Hit him with 3 auto attacks from your W then deactivate it then hit him with a regular auto attack, so your Divine Sunderer passive can activate for bouns damage.
This matchup depends 100% on skill, one of my personal favorite matchups. Take dorans blade or shield either is fine. if he hits you with his E and you see his ghouls lunge toward you just activate your W and is burns them instantly almost. Both of you scale really well so this matchup is 100% even. make sure to land abilities on Yorick and not his Maiden because your W will focus his Maiden rather than Yorick. If you get stuck in his cage just deactivate your W and hit the cage with regular auto attacks. Take notice that late game Yorick can split push really hard, so make sure to save tp for late game to contest split push. But you have better teamfight potential than him so look for teamfight plays and if he is split pushing just tp to lane after teamfight.
Super tanky but isn't a big threat since you can kite him really easily, just back around 700 gold and buy boots along with your main items you usually buy and you can poke malphite down and easily beat him. Just be careful lvl 6 since he can setup really good ganks for his jungler with his ultimate. That is if he is going grasp Malphite though, if you see the malphite is running Arcane Comet and Corrputing Potions, then be extremely careful in this matchup because this play style of malphite is x10 more dangerous, he never runs out of mana and he will abuse his Q until he can all in you with his ult. Either way you outscale but if you see the malphite running the Arcane Comet runes then be extremely cautious in lane phase, avoid fights and E away if necessary.
Very tanky and annoying aswell, just poke at Maokai and wait for him to engage on to you. Buy an early Executioners Calling because he heals alot from his passive and RUSH BLACK CLEAVER.
Tryndamere can either be really annoying or really easy, remember that his ult counter yours so it would be best to hit him with your ult about 2 seconds into his ult, his ult lasts 6 seconds and Urgots last 4.5 seconds long, so if you ult him about 2 seconds into his ult *DO NOT PULL HIM IN WITH YOUR ULT. WAIT FOR THE TIMER ON YOUR ULTIMATE TO RUN DOWN AND IT WILL DO IT FOR YOU* take notice of his split pushing late game too.
Avoid fighting him lvl 1 because he will just trample you and kill you. This matchup can be really hard if you want it to be, keep a safe distance from him, not too far but not too cloe either, keep him in poke range but stay far enough that he wont hit you with his Q. If you poke him down to the point where his around 3/4 hp or a little bit lower, you can all in him and easily kill him.
Dr. Mundo
he can be a pain in the ass. Dodge his Q's, it comes up really often so be out for it. Rush grievous wounds as soon as you can in this matchup, build black cleaver first item and be smart about your trades and this matchup should be a breeze, never R him if his passive is up because you wont be able to kill him. E him first so you can get rid of it, and be sure to step on the cartridge that comes out so he doesnt get hp.
K'Sante is super tanky but doesn't pose that much of a threat in terms of pure DPS he has. He can be mildly annoying with his Q in lane phase however. Do your best of your ability to not get hit by these and always remember your E can buffer through knockup cc. So when he tries to land his empowered Q on you just E at him as its about to hit you and you land a free E on to him. As all tank matchups go ALWAYS rush Black Cleaver and you should be fine :]
Take cull or dorans blade. My least favorite matchup in top lane, this matchup is super boring since Vladimir just pools away alot. The only way to get kills in this matchup is so force fights with him. E into him and make him waste his pool, his pool has a longer cooldown than your E so when your E is back up E him again then do your full combo on him for easy kills. Only thing you have to worry about in this matchup is his his Q, if you see the bar under his health bar turn red back up from him because his Q will do alot of dmg when the bar is red. Other than that this matchup is just plain boring
Run the against Ranged Runes 2 I have listed in the rune section for her. Build Stridebreaker first in this matchup and dont forget her ult counters your ult. when ulting her make sure you dont press the recast on the ultimate ability immediately. Wait for her to get hit with the ult and she reacts and ults herself. Once her ult is over recast the ability and secure your kill. Beware late game because she WILL outscale you tremendously
Like other range matchups just keep distance from him until lvl 6 ish, E+Flash to secure kills and dodge his Q, you will know he is about to Q because you will see his E cast first which is the little electric line.
Like other ranged matchups just play safe, take MR runes into Kennen. lvl 6+ you get easy kills in this matchup. E+Flash works really well for securing kills in this matchup too.
This matchup also depends on the type of player. He can block your Q and your R sadly with his windwall, if he his low hp make sure to only ult him if his windwall is on cooldown. Other than that if you land an E on yasuo and full combo him he is dead 9 times out of 10
ryze pokes alot. Max Q out second and also take second wind rune and dorans shield if you want. Q him often enough, but not to the point you drain your mana. Rush swiftness boots after you get a bit of damage and its easy kills.
Depends on the Irelia really, most in lower elo cannot play Irelia well. Just do your best to avoid her E, if her 2nd E looks like it is going to hit you just use your E and dash out the way.
Garen isn't too much of a threat. Just keep a little bit of distance from him to give you time to react from his Q. If he starts running at you with his Q just activate your W FIRST and then E towards him and you will win the trade. If he hits lvl 6 before you play a little bit safe because Garen's ult is super OP
Althought Warwick top isn't too common it still exists. poke him as much as you can and land Q's on him so your W will focus him. save your E for when he is about to fear you. Because if you E him as his fear lets go you will still lunge towards him and stun him. Buy an Executioners Calling early on to stop his healing.
Jax is not really difficult for Urgot at all, just poke him down and if he activates his counterstrike just wait around 1 second or a little less then E him, as a result of both of you being stunned. After that you have an extreme advantage over him because your ult is more effective than his so let him have it
Stay away from bushes and you win this matchup lol. Farm right on the opening of the river, if he jumps on you just land your E on him and you win the trade, you outscale tremendously
just avoid his dash, and if you see him drinking and running towards you just keep your distance. Other than that this matchup isn't hard
She can be a little bit annoying since she can spam her Q alot and turn invisible, but if you keep a little bit of distance from her this matchup is super easy, if she lands her E on you and starts to head towards you just E her as she is about to land on you and she will get stunned, and then you can full combo her and she dies.
Dont chase him, ever. poke him down with regular auto attacks, if he tries to flip you just E him and it automatically over rules his E, and he gets flipped instead. If you see his is doing a proxy *farming minion waves on your other turrets* just recall and return with your next minion wave.
Just take into mind his 2nd E cast will latch on to you, if you see its gonna latch on to you just E towards him as its latching on to you and you win the trade 100% Just dont make any stupid plays like fighting under his wave or turret diving and you should be okay. Take notice that he will take your ult too so if you are 25% or below be ready to dodge his ult
He is just tanky really, just avoid the bushes early levels because alot of sions will go in the bushes to get a cheesy Q off you, other than that stay relatively close to him so if he tries to Q you in lane you can land a quick E and cancel his Q, this matchup isn't hard at all. Also black cleaver rush is good
My personal favorite synergy for Urgot. Zac has high ganking potential, can tank like a beast, has exellent cc, and does a pretty fair amonut of dmg.
Does alot of dmg and can keep an enemy perma cc'd with his ultimate. making it really easy to land a full combo on an enemy. Just make sure if you are going to E, that you E the enemy he has ulted towards the end of his ultimate and not the beginning.
very tanky and can perma cc
Another champ who can keep an enemy perma cc'd for you. And can tank alot of dmg for you aswell
Another tanky cc champ
Sort of the same deal as Udyr but Sett can do way more damage and his ultimate is just so much better to get kills with.
Can stun very frequently and does alot of dmg as well as being able to tank a decent amount too. Goes really well with Urgot
Isnt't blitz a good synergy with every champ tho?
Jarvan IV
J4 has a really good ganking kit and and can secure kills well for Urgot.
My personal favorite synergy for Urgot. Zac has high ganking potential, can tank like a beast, has exellent cc, and does a pretty fair amonut of dmg.
Does alot of dmg and can keep an enemy perma cc'd with his ultimate. making it really easy to land a full combo on an enemy. Just make sure if you are going to E, that you E the enemy he has ulted towards the end of his ultimate and not the beginning.
very tanky and can perma cc
Another champ who can keep an enemy perma cc'd for you. And can tank alot of dmg for you aswell
Another tanky cc champ
Sort of the same deal as Udyr but Sett can do way more damage and his ultimate is just so much better to get kills with.
Can stun very frequently and does alot of dmg as well as being able to tank a decent amount too. Goes really well with Urgot
Isnt't blitz a good synergy with every champ tho?
Jarvan IV
J4 has a really good ganking kit and and can secure kills well for Urgot.
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