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Let yourself getting Caught in his Chain (W) if he walks forward just E and do your Combo. Or all in all just try to E him. His Knockups may be an effective poking Tool.
If you Grab her she will explode. But this is hard since she has 4 Dashes sithout Items and her Shroud block your W/AA. Try to stack MR and Outscale.
Camille has no real Counters. Dont let yourself getting baited by her E (Hook) and try to E her in her W (Scissors Thing). Try to take All-Ins or Shorttrades withouth her Passive (Shield). Still hard Matchup.
You cant reach her. Tips? Ask for Ganks or try to play Agressive as soon as your reach 9. Still she is a lategame ranged AP Hypercarry. You cant dash in her W (Area Silence). If you catch her she is dead.
You wont really lose your Lane but it will be hard to kill him. If you Grab him which is easy you can just run around him and meanwhile dodge his Q and if your W is active it wont get Silenced. Just Remember his Ult is Exexute so your E-Shield wont save you.
Dr. Mundo
Build Antiheal and dont waste your ult till he does. Just trade till he used R and then All in, no tricks. BUILD ANTIHEAL.
Whether you hit your E or she her W (Reverse) whoever does Kills. Try to catch her while she tries to hit her Vitals or Qs (Dash). Her Ult is deadly it does Truedamage. Build Anitheal her Set is build of Healing. She is quite squishy if you engage her right you win.
He cleansed your Ult, you cant engage him because of his Speed-ups and your not mobile so he just pokes your with his barrels and in his ult your literally cant move. Try to kill before level to snowball.
He is too simple to make him a tiny threat. But basically poke him with your Q or even AA because you block his Passive with it. You will win the trades.
Dont fight him Early Levels wait till 9 and kill him then or just till you hit Blackcleaver in Fight he is weaker you need to dash with your E into his Q (Spin) ghen he wont heal up and you get free-engage.
If you count him as Toplaner he is mostlikely a Snack if you just stack up your MR but dont dive him you will die...
This matchup is hard he has Poke, Waveclear, Range CC and also a Mage that Builds Zhonyas.
Normally you lose but you can just deny her Ult if you E her in Air. It sounds hard and takes some practice but if you get it right you win the trades. And as every Illaoi Matchup dodge her E (Soulthing) and Q (Tentacle Slap). Everytime she W you can punish her by trading simply.
His Shorttrades can low you to a critical level where you cant best him but once he used E you need to All-In you Burst him away although his Ult makes him tanky. And in Lategame dont 1v1 him he will Pop-Off with his Items (if he isnt totally behind).
She has Outplay Potential but if you dodge her E (Stun) you can always trade just dont let her get 5 Stacks on Passive if she does she can kill you. So just E if she wants to dash on Minions.
You wont reach him and his Poke is deadly. Good Luck ask your Jungler. But if you manage to catch him he is dead one E Flash may secure a kill.
Ranged Toplaners. As every other Ranged Toplaner you just need to catch her cheesy and then Burst her... She has roo many Dashes and Poke.
You wont Outscale and in Early you wont even be able to Engage her because of her W (Speed/Heal) and even if you do her Ult cancels your Execute and whole Damage. Ouh and she is AP Ranged. Kill her before 3.
Not often seen but if you do he is Ranged AP so it could be hard but he needs to engage agressive to manage anything so you will be able to grab him.
Your Execute doesnt work against Skaarl he cant kill you and you cant either... At least with Skaarl. If you kill Skaarl he is immobile, slow and does no Damage.
Cant do anything except of getting a Gank or cheesy Catch.
You will survive his Burst and he will survive yours. But not your R try to All-In him and dont grt poked down with his Q then its easy.
Pretty Even you can kill him pre 6 and then in Lategame if you Sidestep. But All in All its just your Skill of Sidestepping with an immobile Champion.
Bonk him away. He cant do anything till he hits 200 Stacks so deny his Farm but mostlikely his Canons and if he steps foward All-In him.
Just play passive till you Outscale or All in at 2. His R cancels your Ult and E.
He wont kill you and you wont moll him...
If you play really Passive you wont die... But if you go for CS he will CC you to death. Try to bait his W and R somehow because those are your Counters. His W makes him Unstoppable and you cant grsb him. His R ist just an insane Burst Knockups.
If you Grab him his E wont deny your Damage and his Stun is not very painful.
No mercy. If he E Q you, you will die. I played this Matchup and it may wont kill you but bring you behind.
His Shorttrades will definitely hurt in early stages of the Game. But if you keep farming up till you first Item/s you will easily trade back amd win.
He cant engage you since he needs bushes. Firstly you can just push his lane and on the other hand if he jumps on you in any situation you can E towards him to cancel it.
Normally this is one of the easiest Matchups you could have but it depends on the Skillgap between you and Riven. She has big Outplay-Potential and is very mobile. There are no tips except for dont get poked down by shorttrades and try to trade back.
He is a Ranged AP Hypercarry. But in Laningphase he cant do much if you hit one engage and his Poke gets blocked by minions. The only poke that goes through is his E (Flux) so dont stay next to minions and try to hit an engage.
He needs to get close to you, this is wjere Urgor feels comfortable. Just stack MR and kill this guy.
Sett Players like to be agressive in lane. Against Sett youre the better Sett. Try to kill him on 1 till 6 with your Passive or W
You need to wait for his Autoattack-Shield and Grab him out of there. Then you shojld easily beat him and you also can stop his Ult.
Never chaise a Singed. Thats all if you E him once and usd all your W and Ult he cant run away from this Execute.
You cant really catch her because she will kick you back. So just Scale because she is squishy just keep getting tanky.
You always will be able to kill her if she engagds you. The problem in this Matchup is your cant engage her because of her W (Dashblock). If she pushes you against a wall you can trade back.
You can grab him in his Q (Knockup) and the rest of his abilities wont really matter. He is an very slow Champion except for his Ult so it shouldnt be hard.
Soraka Toplane is easy killable and immobile. You wont have problems just bait her R for yours if you need it.
If hd catches you in his E you will have to tank some Damage and if he runs into your E you Damage him. Youre both tanky and Highdamage but you Outscale.
A melee mage. Wait till he uses his two Dashes and then you can Engage. And remember his Ult may be yours.
Tahm Kench
Early can be really hard because you cant trade back. But at 9 you will be able to Damage him and your Ult ignores his Shield you need to olay around it.
If you dont get poked down and get one good engage it should be easy for you. But his poison is deadly and shredders you so build MR and Oracle Lens.
Youre too tanky fir him if you All In him he will Ult if you do but you can run into turret our just in a positions where he wknt get away. Then he has 1HP and is stuck without rescue.
If you play Blindpick of Custom... Skillmachtup use your own weaknesses.
Udyr has Issues with engagin but then a lot of damage. Luckily you have the same problems so if he wants to trade take the opportunity.
You wont resch her... You E wont hit if she knows Urgot. Just wait for Ganks you cant even Outscale her.
Most of his Abitilities counter yours. But this doesnt matter because if he uses them to dodge yours he wont have any damage since he is a mage anx you will can trade. It will be hard to catch him.
You have more Burst anx you eill survive his Burst. Your Ult is important in this Matchup.
He is harder than his brother to manage. He will dash through you and his Winwall blocks your Autos Q W and R. Furthermore you wont escape him becuase of his. Try to hit your E to trade...
He can cause big problems. If his clone tanks the whole combo he can easily trade back. And he can reduce your Armor with Q. His Ult has 3 Knockups if he uses it good. Try to farm up and outscale.
In Early- to Midgame he does no damage to you. If he negages you grab him in his E and try to burst him as fast as possible and kand your Ult there so if he Es back you can Ult him.
Kill his Maiden and watch for his Cage. You should break it fast and then engage. In melee Yorick is pretty weak and your W AOe kills the Ghouls fast.
This is like Christmas there are some enemies cced that cant move and you can choose the carry to kill grab it and burst it down.
Hook, Knockup, Silence. All what Urgot needs that an enemy cant escape.
Her ult makes you feel comfortable. All the enemies are on one point.
He literally gives you a Dash enjoy it.
Her W Silenece denies mobility perfectly fine for Urgot.
Not because of their Synergy but Galios Ult makes an huge Impact.
She brings a lot of CC the only Problem is that she goes over to the enemies and not brings them to you.
Lee Sin
Kicking Enemies int you
She makes you an incredible big boi.
Same as other Hook Support. Bringt the enemy to you and CCs them.
Charms are peefect for Urgot because the enemies perfectly run into your E
Her Ult pulls enemies together its kinda like Diana with more CC Abilities.
Her Ult can "Cage" the enemies for you
One of the best synergies for Urgot.
His Hook and Cage synergy with you well.
Twisted Fate
His Goldcard will help you in lane and teamfights.
His Pillar may block the enemies way
Her wall can stuck enemies in a cheesy situation.
Her Root is really long and her Spellshield gives you Unstoppablity.
Helpful Jungler to catch Champions like Lucian, Vayne and Quinn.
Good at catching Carries and picking them out to you.
You get unkillable and he brings some CC with Shield and Heal.
His Cage covers a certain are perfect for you.
This is like Christmas there are some enemies cced that cant move and you can choose the carry to kill grab it and burst it down.
Hook, Knockup, Silence. All what Urgot needs that an enemy cant escape.
Her ult makes you feel comfortable. All the enemies are on one point.
He literally gives you a Dash enjoy it.
Her W Silenece denies mobility perfectly fine for Urgot.
Not because of their Synergy but Galios Ult makes an huge Impact.
She brings a lot of CC the only Problem is that she goes over to the enemies and not brings them to you.
Lee Sin
Kicking Enemies int you
She makes you an incredible big boi.
Same as other Hook Support. Bringt the enemy to you and CCs them.
Charms are peefect for Urgot because the enemies perfectly run into your E
Her Ult pulls enemies together its kinda like Diana with more CC Abilities.
Her Ult can "Cage" the enemies for you
One of the best synergies for Urgot.
His Hook and Cage synergy with you well.
Twisted Fate
His Goldcard will help you in lane and teamfights.
His Pillar may block the enemies way
Her wall can stuck enemies in a cheesy situation.
Her Root is really long and her Spellshield gives you Unstoppablity.
Helpful Jungler to catch Champions like Lucian, Vayne and Quinn.
Good at catching Carries and picking them out to you.
You get unkillable and he brings some CC with Shield and Heal.
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