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This is a really big threat for Singed. This is who I usually ban and if you get him in your game you should probably dodge. Level 1-18 you lose 1v1 against Darius. You pretty much need a gank to kill him. Just play passive and try to freeze near your tower. Take Teleport.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is extremely annoying to play against and will win most of the time. His new spell shield from his rework prevents you from flipping him in the laning phase, making him a hard target to kill and get ahead. He can also bully you really hard with his Q. Take Teleport.
Before level 6 he is pretty bad against you. Try and get in a kill or two before he gets his R. Once he hits level 6 you should not try and engage yourself, wait for him to engage and then try and avoid his E and his R passive. Take Ignite to farm early kills or take Teleport just to be safe.
This is a super annoying matchup. You will lose a lot of trades. You kind of need to go all-in to kill Gangplank. Once you both hit 6 you are now ahead of him. Bait his R out while using Ghost to escape it and let yourself heal. Take Ignite to reduce his healing during fights.
This is a similar matchup to Mundo but not because of a spell shield, but because of how tanky Garen is. Before 6 you do have a pretty good chance at killing him, especially when he has no items. Get an item lead on him and he can die. Once you both hit 6 and he gets his first item you don't really want to go all in to fight him because he will almost always come out on top. Take teleport.
Sett is too tanky later in the game and does too much damage early. He has even more sustain than Vampire Singed and does a whole lot more damage without items than you. Get Rylai's Crystal Scepter before you 1v1 him and make sure to dodge his W and wait out the shield.
This champion is disgusting right now and will absolutely demolish you late game. But that's late game. Before level 6 you can kill her. It is a skill matchup at that point. Once she hits 6 she is so much stronger than you at level 6. You can still outplay her by dodging her R with your R and Ghost combined. You need ignite to even start to think you can kill her.
Irelia is a really strong attack damage 1v1 duelist. Avoid trading with Irelia when she is at full stacks. She can easily kill you with her ultimate at full stacks. Wait until her stacks fall off and then go in to zone her from CS. Take Ignite for her healing or teleport if you think she will beat you.
She has more kill pressure than you and you can't really kill her. Just take Teleport to have control over the map.
Renekton does too much damage similar to Pantheon. Do not let him build up his fury. Bully him early game if he doesn't have Press The Attack after you burst his bone plating if he has it. After 6 he wins against you most of the time. Take Ignite.
This champ does a lot of damage and can win most 1v1's throughout the whole game. At level 6 and beyond you can kill him because you have caught up to him in kill pressure. All you need to do is run away from his R with your R and your Ghost. Take Teleport or Ignite.
He does so much damage it isn't funny. Don't underestimate Volibear's damage output. When he starts to chase late game you can slow him with your Rylai's Crystal Scepter's effect on your Q. Play safe and try to flip him under tower before level 6.
Yorick has more kill pressure on you and is too tanky to kill so you need to just take Teleport into the matchup. His ultimate is extremely annoying and don't let him all-in you with his cage. His ultimate needs to be down before you think about trying to kill him.
He gets way to tanky and is very hard to kill. He has more kill pressure than you have on him. Specifically at level 6 you get a small power spike on him and might be able to finish him off with Ignite. You probably want to take Teleport into this matchup however to follow him when he R's to bot or mid.
He does a lot of damage but you can kill him if you take Ignite. He outtrades you early so wait until 6 and run away from his R with Ghost and your R. Do not flip the wrong Wukong or you lose the fight.
Both of you heal a lot, this is a skill matchup to be honest. You could go for a cheesy Executioner's Calling to reduce his healing. Take Ignite to duel and take teleport if you are scared.
Camille is annoying. She can trade hard with her wall jump combos so try and flip her away and run around a little bit. Her level 6 is pretty deadly so try and wait until it is on cooldown to try and 1v1 her. Take Ignite.
Fiora is a really strong 1v1 duelist so you will need to be cautious. Your movement speed does make it hard for her to get an R off on you and to hit her passive marks. Your poison also is really annoying when she goes for her passive's marks. Do not let her get an R off or she will power spike hard. Take Ignite for her R and her general healing through runes and items.
Gnar can't really kill you but you can't really kill him either. Whoever has Ignite is going to have control over lane and whoever has Teleport is going to control the map.
I hate playing against this champion, he can get Skaarl back way too fast later into the game when he gets attack speed and becomes almost unkillable. Try and flip him after he lost Skaarl or used his dash so that he can't dash through you. Take Teleport.
He is almost unkillable in late to post laning phase. He can't kill you though either, so this is a skill matchup. Take Teleport for map control.
Mordekaiser is purely a skill matchup. Bait out his shield and flip his Q. When he ults you use all of your movement speed items and abilities to dodge his strong attacks. Take Ignite.
Pantheon does so much damage. Do not get combo'ed. Try and bait his leap and then flip his Q. Let him chase you around. Take teleport to try and follow him when he R's into your team.
Singed is one of the few champs that can run from Riven. You can definitely stay in a fight with Riven, especially as Vampire Singed. Dodge her R, wait out her shield and you should be fine.
If you can get into melee range with Teemo before he pokes you too hard then you can win, especially after level 6. Take Ignite for kill pressure.
Kayle is trash into Singed until about level 16 and then she will start to catch up to you in 1v1 potential. However, she should be so behind that it doesn't matter. A good Kayle can show you up though so be careful. Take Ignite.
Nasus is a bad champion. Zone him from CS and take ignite to bully him. If you don't punish him for locking in Nasus you lose to him mid to lane game.
Unkillable but you can't die to him. He is too tanky.
Sion is just a bad champion. He should never be able to hit you with his Q. He is pretty hard to kill however because of how tanky he is and how he can stop your chase with his E and bail out of fights with his R. Take Teleport.
Pretty bad Champion overall. Just watch his R and you should be fine. Take Ignite.
Cho'Gath is horrible against singed. Your movement speed is too much for him later in the game and he cannot hit a Q on you. You can bully him hard early game as well. Take Teleport because you can kill him without ignite.
Welcome to my Vampire Singed Guide! In my opinion, this is the best Singed build out there right now. This build gives a lot of sustain, ability power, and tankiness. This is by far my favorite playstyle of Singed because it is such an aggressive and assertive playstyle. You can lock this in against almost any champion and with enough champion knowledge, win at least the laning phase. To get a quick summary of everything I say below this introduction hover over the little text labeled [notes] over every item category, summoner spells, and runes.
The whole reason Vampire Singed is "Vampire" Singed is because of the runes. You cannot use any other runes or else it is a different build than "Vampire Singed". For your primary tree you want to select the Precision tree. Under the Precision tree you want Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Coup De Grace or Last Stand, it is purely preference. For your secondary tree you want to opt for the Domination tree. The runes for our Domination tree go as follows: Taste of Blood, Ravenous Hunter, Attack Speed or Adaptive Force (Preference), Adaptive Force, and Armor or Magic Resist depending on the matchup. Those are Vampire Singed's runes. These runes offer an insane amount of sustain and healing. These factors paired with the tanky ability power items you build are extremely dangerous to the enemy team.
As Vampire Singed your limits are very specific and healthy. Once you understand exactly how far you can go with Vampire Singed you will excel greatly when playing him. This is due to his immense healing over time especially when his ultimate is active. You are an excellent 1v1 and 1v2 champion. However, Vampire Singed is an extremely good team fighter, one of the best in top lane right along side Darius. You can constantly go in and out of a team fight very quickly with how much movement speed you can obtain over the course of the team fight. Your movement speed lasts a really long time as well. You want the enemy team to target you as you rush to their backline and flip the ADC into your team, and as they all target you, run away with how much movement speed you have. They will then turn their attention to someone else, then you run back in with your lasting movement speed all while healing back the damage you have taken. Combine all these factors with your mage-like ability power output and you get a crazy team fighting champion that can also duel with ease.
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