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Vi Build Guide by shadowbloodedge

Jungle Vi (12.9)

Jungle Vi (12.9)

Updated on May 14, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shadowbloodedge Build Guide By shadowbloodedge 9 4 152,945 Views 0 Comments
9 4 152,945 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author shadowbloodedge Vi Build Guide By shadowbloodedge Updated on May 14, 2022
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Vi
  • LoL Champion: Vi

Runes: Burst

1 2 3
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Shadowbloodedge back again with another jungle guide. This time I will be discussing Vi. Vi is a versatile fighter that can be configured many different ways. Her passive makes her a great tank if built with health. Her W makes her a good assassin or bruiser.

Shes fun to play and with a million different ways to do it Vi is a perfect choice for an empty jungle slot.
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Jungling with Vi

Weighing The Choices

Heavy Damage dealer
Great mobility due to Q and R
Very Mana efficent
Good lock down CC

Slow attack speed
Low movement speed
CC isnt hard
Q is aim reliant

Vi brings a good mix of rough'n'tough combat and tanking capabilities. Her Q will stop enemies in their tracks while applying Armor Shred and dealing damage. Her E resets her basic attack animation and makes damaging dealing alot faster. Vi has great sustainability and can combo with most other champion CC.

However, Vi's attack animation is very slow, its compensated with her W but even still. Vi is only as effective as the fight lasts. She needs to proc all 3 hits to get her full armor and health damage out. Also if you miss her Q youve ruined your entire combo unless you are willing to use your ult to bring it in.

Runes Reforged

Bruiser Vi: Domination/Precision: Electrocute for the 1, 2, 3 punch zap. Sudden impact chains your Q and R. Hunter for the movement speed you will desperately need after 11.13 nerfs.

Tank Vi: Resolve/Inspiration. Aftershock will likely hit the target with a full CC combo. Revitalize works well with your passive. Getting free boots is always nice and keeping your cooldowns low is always nice.

Of course these are suggestions, and I have other suggestions in the rune section


I really wouldnt take anything other thanFlash

Barrier could be an alternative to bolster your own shield but i find the latter much more useful.

As always do NOT forget SMITE

Jungle Route

Vi's jungle route is pretty standard. Take your Q first and go for \REd/Blue. Once you take Blue/Red, work up the raptors/wolves and into the blue/red side of the jungle. Take Gromp/Krugs

Alternatively you can take your E and start taking Blue, smiteless if you can. Smite and take Gromp and wolves. Work your way to raptors and take Red. Recall or take Krugs if you can.

As always take the enchantment that is most suited for your situation

Standard AD

Trinity will give you all the essentials: Cooldown, Health, Mana, Attack Speed, AD, etc. etc. Its Spell blade effect proced on a W and E combo is a monster. Now that Trinity doesnt stack passives with Black Clever its almost a necessity. Deadmans will help your movement speed and provide a colossal boost on your next punch. Finish up with Berserker's Greaves and a Spirit Visage to help with attack speed and increase the healing on Ravenous Hydra.

Tank Vi
Tank Vi isnt particular meta anymore (from what ive seen) but its still a viable pick and a great asset to a team light on bullet sponges. Its safe and reliable and will actually do quite a bit of damage. Your mythical will be Sunfire Cape and Titanic Hydra is going to be your next pick and will be your primary source of damage for this build. Build Randuins Omen to ramp up Titanics damage and bog down enemies trying to flee. Spirit Visage will also help Titanic as well as giving you MR. Warmog's is your best option for scaleing Titanics damage, Its the perfect tanking item. Finish with Merc Treads to add a little extra MR and keep out of enemy CC.

Team Work
Vi works well in teams that can keep the enemy slowed enough to make Q landing easier. She excels in teamfights where she can burst down tanks with just her W and E.

These are some champions Vi works well with

Caitlyn: It was obvious Caitlyn would be on this list. They have a secret buff thats not really a buff but more of a joke. Its still worth it. Caits traps and secure Vi a kill and Vis ult can keep a target down long enough for Cait to burst them with a Q ult combo.
Kalista: Kalista throws her oathsworn into the enemy team and you follow with a Q or ult.
Garen: You share great armor shred if hes bought Black Cleaver. Your W combined with his Spin to Win will prove deadly
Nasus: When Nasus slows an enemy down and pops his AoE, Q in and stop them. Ult them to lock them down into Nasus' ult to drain health and hopefully give him a Q kill or you the kill.
Nautilus: A good Dredge line into a Q guarantees the enemy will not move. If they do, Nauts E can slow them down. Combine ults for a lockdown.
Ashe: When Ashe ults the target go in with your own ult for a total lock down and a confirmed kill.
Malzahar: Time your ult or Q right after Malz uses his ult for maximum CC
Ahri: Her kiss can lead them straight into your fist.
Thresh: Where his hook isnt a total bring in, you can intercept the enemy after the hook lands. Or if thresh jumps and flays them backwards, you can Q into or ult into them then.
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About the Author

My league account name is Shadowbloodedge, but in game its 1 Pair of Pants.

Ive been playing Vi for a while now. I picked her up because of my lack of fighter jungles and I instantly loved her kit and playstyle.

Ive also done a guide on tank jungling with Nautilus. Check it out!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author shadowbloodedge
shadowbloodedge Vi Guide
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Vi (12.9)

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