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Runes: Electrocute
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Rammus is an extreme counter to Vi due to the fact that he is a tank that dishes out tons of damage. Even though (with electrocute) you shred tanks, he is still a threat with his Q and W. He can also gank lanes incredibly fast, and kill your laner even if they are under their tower. The easiest way to beat him is to try and take him out as many times as possible early game when he doesn't have much armor or health. Otherwise, just farm a lot until you hit your powerspike, and focus on taking objectives.
Vi is best paired with reliable CC which she can then follow up on with her Q. Vi is not an ideal initiator, so it is best to have a champion like Maokai to ensure her Q hitting.
Vi is best paired with reliable CC which she can then follow up on with her Q. Vi is not an ideal initiator, so it is best to have a champion like Maokai to ensure her Q hitting.
Champion Build Guide
✔️High Mobility
✔️Above Average Clear
✔️Can pick up kills early on
✔️Strong peeler
✔️Shreds tanks
✔️Great Dueler
❌Relies on Q to win fights
❌Very weak if invaded early on
❌Q Can be interrupted
❌Cannot cancel R, so it can put you in bad situations
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