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Vladimir Build Guide by LucÆn

Vlad Tepes

Vlad Tepes

Updated on July 31, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LucÆn Build Guide By LucÆn 4,162 Views 10 Comments
4,162 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LucÆn Vladimir Build Guide By LucÆn Updated on July 31, 2011
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Hello my name is LucÆn and welcome to my "2nd" Vlad build. notice its in quotes cause the first one was well.... my first one so it sucked. So this is how I play Vlad and it seems to be working for me so it'll probably work for you. Please at least look through and consider before voting so that when you do you have, if down voted, some constructive criticism. Thank you and Enjoy.
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Greater Seal of Vitality

These are just some very basic runes that anyone would use which are what I'm currently using other viable options are using flat AP quints, flat AP glyphs, or either MR or Armor seals. The one constant that i would keep though is the MP marks which do u the best for Marks in general.
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Summoner Spells

Great utility spell especially when used in combo with .
Common favorite for the nice WTF factor or for the Damn he got away type of scenario.
Another common favorite which synergizes amazingly with your ult but i tend to forget about it in the thick of it so I prefer other things.
This is useful for getting back to lane quickly or to save a dying turret in mid to late game so its has its merits I just prefer ghost and/or flash over it.
Good if you just get hard focussed all the time by those damned CC's.

If you take this your dumb no need to explain.
You heal already.
You shouldn't be dying. (much)
Good spell just not for you leave it for the supports.
Never used it never found a use for it so.... don't take it.
You don't really need the passive so leave it for the tanks.
Good spell...for AD champs or tanks so leave it to them.
If you really need to ask your not a flippin jungler.
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For my masteries i usually use a standard 9/0/21 for all casters obviously avoiding the mana masteries in that tree. Another common mastery setup is the 9/21/0 which gives u more survivability but to be honest its up to personal preference.
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Now here is where everyone guts everyone over whats best and what shouldn't exist. Now starting with what is on the build i start with an amp tome and an hp pot but other viable options are boots with 3 pots or if your weird a health crystal.

Now the first thing I usually build is an SV which will give you some good health and MR along with its o so amazing passive! which gives u a bigger boost to your transfusion heals.

Now the next thing I get is my boots more specifically CDR boots which go along nicely with the CDR runes I use which give a solid cushion of CDR which puts you at about a 3 sec CD on your transfusion (sadly this is because of the nerf cause before it,d normally be about 1.5-2 sec.)which is give or take pretty nice.

Next up on the list would be the Hextech Revolver in its (for me) new found splendidness. Along with it giving you more AP (which is always good) it gives you a nice little stat of spell vamp which heals you for the damage your spells do for a certain percent. Which makes your transfusion even tastier than it was one item ago.

A little tiddbit on the spell vamp, the nice thing about this is that its upfront health instead of the slight delay from the actual abilities heal which kinda makes it a double heal in one.

OK now the next item is you guessed it the hat of eternal death which is self explanatory in itself. Its the highest AP item in the game and on top of that its passive increases your total AP by 30% which is obviously amazing. No need to further explain.

So this is the finish of the core items I build cause obviously you cant leave that revolver unfinished so it gets built into this book (don't ask me how a gun turns into a book i guess in their world it makes sense but o well) which gives you more AP and increases your spell vamp and to top that off it creates an aura for the rest of your team to share the joys of AP and spell vamp. Hooray!

Ok and this is your core build and anything you add after it is situational what I have above is what i recommend to give you some Armor, MR, AP, and utility.
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Skill Sequence

This is sorta an obvious one but I'll go through it real quick to show my perceptions on it.I max out transfusion first taking SP at 2 and ToB at 4 and grabing ult when available like most people do the only difference is whether you take ToB or SP first and to max it also, I always go for SP for the utility. but i can argue this in another section when i amend my guide.
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Well thats my vlad build I will try and add more stuff eventually such as a situational items section and other things but id like to get some feedback so let me know.and if your gonna down vote bring it up in comments and ill try and see what you mean or if you just absolutely hate it fume instantaneously and down vote/rage at random person you don't know for showin you something they use that works. well hope for the positive stuffs so comment. :P
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LucÆn
LucÆn Vladimir Guide
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Vlad Tepes

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