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Vladimir Build Guide by Awesome Pwnage1

Vladimir-No Jacket Required

Vladimir-No Jacket Required

Updated on July 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Awesome Pwnage1 Build Guide By Awesome Pwnage1 5 2 6,581 Views 7 Comments
5 2 6,581 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Awesome Pwnage1 Vladimir Build Guide By Awesome Pwnage1 Updated on July 28, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Introduction and Explanation

This is my favorite part of the build. Whenever someone gives a build explanation, I always find that this is where they find the gameplay to actually be altered or enhanced in some way. I also find this to be where the game actually is changed. This is the final hour where the bomb may go off or you may cut the yellow wire to save lower Manhattan from catastrophe. This is where I find it fun to tinker and change the items to get different results. Whether it's a fed Cho'gath with 6 Warmog's Armors, or a Heimerdinger with 6 Rabadon's Deathcaps; it is enhanced. With my items I have one goal, and that is to give the user of the build all of the satisfaction of pwning some noob face while coming out of combat nearly unscathed. Some say that with great power comes great responsibility, but Vladimir is a thug and doesn't play by the rules because No Jacket is Required. Any fan of Phil Collins should find that humorous.

My first Item is the Doran's shield. I pick this item to start because it gives you some early game durability that you wouldn't otherwise get. You get health and health regen from this item which may prove very useful on Vlad. It also buffs up your Ability Power just a tad for the sake of the children.

Next, I do something crazy. I get the basic boots then stop there. Crazy right? I go to the basic boots so that you have the time to save up for your next item. These boots just give your champ all-around chasing and fleeing ability.

The next item is what makes Vladimir for me. Until about a month ago, I thought that the only way to get alot of AP with Vladimir was to get the Mejai's Soulstealer early game. I then walked into the wonderful world of spell-vamp. This is the attribute that gives Vlad's Q a steroid and increases the healing given to you on your end. The next item is the Will of the Ancients. branching off of the Hextech Revolver it gives you spell vamp and Ability Power. This Unique Passive is one that cannot be passed up and is nearly essential on Vlad. I chose this for a strong mid and early game

Next I recommend that you upgrade your boots to Sorcerer's Boots for that Spell Penetration that AP champions thrive off of. However, I have seen cases in which fed Vladimirs may choose to get Ionian Boots of Lucidity for cool-down reduction. If you're fed and you decided to grab the Void Staff and got magic pen from that then the more Q-spell the better I always say.

Next I get the Rylai's Crystal Scepter. This is just an all-around great item for Vlad. The Passive slow that it gives is a great support attribute when using Sanguine Pool on an enemy that is being chased. aside from buffing your passive converter it also gives you tons of AP and Health in general.

Then, I go for the notorious Rabadon's Deathcap. This gives you a bunch of AP. The only item that gives you more is a Mejai's Soulstealer at 20 stacks, and it isn't easy to get 20 stacks. This increases your AP by 30% and is extremely useful on any AP-Heavy champion. There are occasions where upon you being fed, you may want to rush this item before the Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Next, I get the item that focuses on magic resist and lowers that of your opponents. This is where you start to get your durability just in case everyone else actually makes it to 18 after you do. It is extremely useful on Vladimir and it gives you some AP (and health) and magic resist.

The last item is where you should replace your Doran's Shield. Randuin's Omen is one of my most favorite items in the whole game. It gives you armor and health regen. it's active allows a better late game for Vlad's Sanguine Pool. (chuckle)

Situational Items

Just off of the top of my head I can name a few. If you need more Armor because of some fed Ashe who wants to duke it out, then you can grab Zhonya's Hourglass which is just a huge help with it's acitve casting stasis.

You also might want more Magic Penetration. The Void Staff can supply that need.

If you're having some trouble early game, a Haunting Guise may help your cause by giving you a little more AP and Health.
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Pros / Cons

Vladimir is well let's face it, so reliant on his Q that it's not even funny. It gives him that lifesteal that he uses so much early game and it has one of the best on-hit effects in the game. that is why I chose to max it first. It works so well in combination with Spell Vamp that your survivability equates to endless possible outcomes of invincibility.

Next you max your E or Tides of Blood. This is the skill that can do some pretty Decent AOE damage early game and that is why I chose to max it next. It has a pretty good CD and gets buffed to do more damage after continued uses.

Sanguine Pool is and interesting move on Vladimir and it is definitely is most strategical move. I max this last for a few reasons.
1. I use is as a slow not as much as I do a nuke
2. You're in mid anyway you should hit higher levels faster anyway
3. It is more of a Utility move in the aspect that it makes you untargetable

Karthus Ult Missed?
Yeah that's right Vladimir has one of the only spells in the game that makes him unable to be targeted. I use this to my advantage in a few ways. Let me name a few scenarios where Vlad's W can be used effectively.

1. There is a team fight at mid. the kill ratio is 50 to 25. Your team is losing and you are your team's carry. When Veigar decides to have a little fun and stun everybody, that's when you act. Veigar is going to drop his nuke so stay in the middle of his stun and try to get away becoming untargetable. An even better use would be to slow the other team slightly if your already have your Rylai's.

2. Just today I was playing mid against a Caitlyn. She was extremely rude and kept on calling me a noob. I tried to protest and she tried to turret dive me. We were both down to about a bar and a half of HP left. She popped her ultimate in an attempt to snipe me from in front of my turret. I used my epic skills (provided in the guide) and popped my W. I became untargetable and dodged her ultimate. I then used a Q-spell for the kill. The satisfaction I felt was remarkable regardless of her calling me a noob incessantly noob afterwards. It just shows how at the right times, Sanguine Pool could mean life or deaht
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I set my Runes up in a Ratio 2:2. I get two offensive runes and two defensive runes.

I take 9 Greater Marks of Insight for Magic Pen. This is (in my eyes) relatively standard for a caster. I use magic pen on any AP champ and it helps get a little more out of all of your moves.

Greater Seal of Vigor I take 9 Greater Seals of Vigor. The reason I have these is so that if you're having a rough time in mid, you can at least accomplish something by regening your health a little faster so that you can land another Transfusion.

I take 9 Glyphs of Focus because I cannot play Vlad without cool-down reduction. The more that you can land that Q spell, the more effective you are in team fights and in lane. There are no down-sides; everything comes back faster than it would normally. Over a period of time, it can altar the game completely

Finally, I take the Flat-Health Quints. From Anivia to Rammus it is always a good choice. Not only does it buff your passive a tad, but it also gives you more durability early game and I recommend it for any beginner or almost any champion

Greater Seal of Vigor I did put an alternate Seal for those who don't find the Seal of Vigor helpful. I can totally understand if you want to go for more damage, because isn't that why we all play Vlad?
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For Masteries, I take 9 points in Offense and 21 points in Utility. I use a standard caster set-up because of cooldown reduction. Other builds may go 21 points in Defense and then they go Crazy AP and can be killed in half a second. I stack armor and magic resist during game so I don't have to toy with being durable pre-game and can focus on pwning face.

I take a standard caster set-up in my offensive tree grabbing increased ability power and cooldown reduction. These prove to be very important talents on any caster and I highly recommend them for this build.

In my Utility Tree, I do something lazy and necessary. I grab every talent in the tree that either
A. Helps only my summoner spell and
B. Doesn't have anything to do with mana

This is how Vlad has to be built in order to not have useless talents. It is pretty simple to memorize so that you don't have to consult the build for the masteries. I make sure to take Intelligence which gives me reduced cooldowns once again. I also get a talent for my summoner spell Ghost
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This is my favorite part of the build. Whenever someone gives a build explanation, I always find that this is where they find the gameplay to actually be altered or enhanced in some way. I also find this to be where the game actually is changed. This is the final hour where the bomb may go off or you may cut the yellow wire to save lower Manhattan from catastrophe. This is where I find it fun to tinker and change the items to get different results. Whether it's a fed Cho'gath with 6 Warmog's Armors, or a Heimerdinger with 6 Rabadon's Deathcaps; it is enhanced. With my items I have one goal, and that is to give the user of the build all of the satisfaction of pwning some noob face while coming out of combat nearly unscathed. Some say that with great power comes great responsibility, but Vladimir is a thug and doesn't play by the rules because No Jacket is Required. Any fan of Phil Collins should find that humorous.

My first Item is the Doran's shield. I pick this item to start because it gives you some early game durability that you wouldn't otherwise get. You get health and health regen from this item which may prove very useful on Vlad. It also buffs up your Ability Power just a tad for the sake of the children.

Next, I do something crazy. I get the basic boots then stop there. Crazy right? I go to the basic boots so that you have the time to save up for your next item. These boots just give your champ all-around chasing and fleeing ability.

The next item is what makes Vladimir for me. Until about a month ago, I thought that the only way to get alot of AP with Vladimir was to get the Mejai's Soulstealer early game. I then walked into the wonderful world of spell-vamp. This is the attribute that gives Vlad's Q a steroid and increases the healing given to you on your end. The next item is the Will of the Ancients. branching off of the Hextech Revolver it gives you spell vamp and Ability Power. This Unique Passive is one that cannot be passed up and is nearly essential on Vlad. I chose this for a strong mid and early game

Sorcerer's Boots Next I recommend that you upgrade your boots to Sorcerer's Boots for that Spell Penetration that AP champions thrive off of. However, I have seen cases in which fed Vladimirs may choose to get Ionian Boots of Lucidity for cool-down reduction. If you're fed and you decided to grab the Void Staff and got magic pen from that then the more Q-spell the better I always say.

Next I get the Rylai's Crystal Scepter. This is just an all-around great item for Vlad. The Passive slow that it gives is a great support attribute when using Sanguine Pool on an enemy that is being chased. aside from buffing your passive converter it also gives you tons of AP and Health in general.

Rabadon't Deathcap Then, I go for the notorious Rabadon's Deathcap. This gives you a bunch of AP. The only item that gives you more is a Mejai's Soulstealer at 20 stacks, and it isn't easy to get 20 stacks. This increases your AP by 30% and is extremely useful on any AP-Heavy champion. There are occasions where upon you being fed, you may want to rush this item before the Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Next, I get the item that focuses on magic resist and lowers that of your opponents. This is where you start to get your durability just in case everyone else actually makes it to 18 after you do. It is extremely useful on Vladimir and it gives you some AP (and health) and magic resist.

The last item is where you should replace your Doran's Shield. Randuin's Omen is one of my most favorite items in the whole game. It gives you armor and health regen. it's active allows a better late game for Vlad's Sanguine Pool. (chuckle)

Situational Items

Just off of the top of my head I can name a few. If you need more Armor because of some fed Ashe who wants to duke it out, then you can grab Zhonya's Hourglass which is just a huge help with it's acitve casting stasis.

You also might want more Magic Penetration. The Void Staff can supply that need.

If you're having some trouble early game, a Haunting Guise may help your cause by giving you a little more AP and Health.
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Skill Sequence

Vladimir is well let's face it, so reliant on his Q that it's not even funny. It gives him that lifesteal that he uses so much early game and it has one of the best on-hit effects in the game. that is why I chose to max it first. It works so well in combination with Spell Vamp that your survivability equates to endless possible outcomes of invincibility.

Next you max your E or Tides of Blood. This is the skill that can do some pretty Decent AOE damage early game and that is why I chose to max it next. It has a pretty good CD and gets buffed to do more damage after continued uses.

Sanguine Pool is and interesting move on Vladimir and it is definitely is most strategical move. I max this last for a few reasons.
1. I use is as a slow not as much as I do a nuke
2. You're in mid anyway you should hit higher levels faster anyway
3. It is more of a Utility move in the aspect that it makes you untargettable. It can be used well in team fights to slow enemies and make a sneaky exit.
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Summoner Spells

For Summoner Spells, I take some pretty standard tanky-ap spells. I take Ghost and Ignite. Ignite in combination with your Ultimate Hemoplauge is like bread and butter. It's like a Warlock's Dot in World of Warcraft. Their Health on drops a tad from Ignite when all of the sudden, BOOM they get hit with and ultimate that makes the children cry. In mid, I try to surprise my opponents by using both spells in cooperation with each other for an early game burst-nuke. His Ultimate in combo with Ignite could result in Multi-kils as well.

Ghost, of course, is used like Flash to catch and run away from foes. This move can assist in helping Vlad catch and enemy and slow them for your team with your Sanguine Pool. It is a very useful utility aspect on Vladimir in my opinion. I highly recommend these two Summoner Spells, but there are alternatives.

Summoner Spells that are OK
1. Flash- some can't play without it and prefer it over ghost
2. Teleport-Good in case you need to get from spawn to your lane fast
3. Clairvoyance- could be useful, but I suggest buying wards
4. Heal- in certain cases it can save your rear from certain death
5. Cleanse- for an easy escapee

You're A Fool to Pick These!!
1. Rally- lol
2. Clarity- you need to rethink who Vlad is
3. Smite-.....could work, I've never heard of a jungle Vlad though
4. Revive- You're talents already help with that
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Summary and Heart-Felt Ending

So this is where it all comes down to. I think that I have presented enough info for you to understand my build and what my intention is. What is my intention? To spread the word. To help the common man pwn with Vladimir like nobody's business. I hope that this build is good enough to compete with those other builds online. I really want to thank everybody for liking any other of my builds or at least commenting. I thrive off of your comments and I want to thank everyone for your support. All I can say is welcome to the party.....The host, Vladimir......Oh, and No Jacket Required.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Awesome Pwnage1
Awesome Pwnage1 Vladimir Guide
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Vladimir-No Jacket Required

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