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Vladimir Build Guide by NoTrollsPLz

Vladimir the v-LAD-imir Top/MId guide

Vladimir the v-LAD-imir Top/MId guide

Updated on June 14, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NoTrollsPLz Build Guide By NoTrollsPLz 2,156 Views 0 Comments
2,156 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NoTrollsPLz Vladimir Build Guide By NoTrollsPLz Updated on June 14, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hi guys this is my first guide so please no hate. Vladimir i one of my favourite champions, his huge sustain lets you be very good in this tank meta. He is always very hard to kill because of his health regen and blood pool (w) and if you add zohnias on top of that then goodluck killing Vlad. Since i have started maining vlad on my euw account i have raised my rank very quickly.
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he is cool
He is hard to kill.
He can be played in either top or mid.
He is very good in the current tank meta.
Insane late game

Cons: error 404 page not found.
he has so poor lane match ups such as Swain and Malhazar if you are going to play against them try and switch lanes with your top/mid laner.
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As Vladimir farming is quite easy when you reach about lvl 11 from because all you have to do is go into lane add use your tides of blood to quickly clear out your lane. Before it may be quite tricky as you will have to last hit you either your q transfusion or with your aa. Vladimir has 48 ad at lvl 1 which makes last hitting with aa harder then it is with other champions such as ad bruisers or casters. NEVER farm with your w as it will cost you too much hp and will make you very vulnerable to ganks, as without your w you dont have a good escape expect from flash.
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Generally you want to pick teleport and flash. But Ghost and ignite can also be used. Ignite is very effective in combination with your ult as it will do extra damage.
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Team Fights

In team fights you want to use your ult on as many enemies as possible so they receive extra damage from your whole team. Prior to team fights you want to use your e 4 times to deal as much damage to enemies as possible. When in a team fight after you used your ulti try and damage the enemy carries with our q and if you get focus use your w to become in targetable to most damage. Then use your q and e again on the enemy carries and use your zohnias is you are still getting focused.
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In lane you mainly want to focus on farming and poking your opponents with your aa q and e. at lvl 6 you can try and get a kill using your ult then q e then w to slow them and q e again.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NoTrollsPLz
NoTrollsPLz Vladimir Guide
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Vladimir the v-LAD-imir Top/MId guide

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