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Sion Build Guide by Apos

Middle W + E Sion mid - How to push AP Sion to the limits

Middle W + E Sion mid - How to push AP Sion to the limits

Updated on April 29, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Apos Build Guide By Apos 28 9 99,734 Views 14 Comments
28 9 99,734 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Apos Sion Build Guide By Apos Updated on April 29, 2024
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Champion Build Guide

W + E Sion mid - How to push AP Sion to the limits

By Apos
Hey! Thanks to everyone that tried this playstyle and had fun. I mostly play
support Sion nowadays so I haven't really kept this guide up to date. I did play it a bit this season and saw that it was still doable but I didn't take the time to truly optimize this.
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This guide is not for the faint of heart. For this guide to work, you need to already be good with Sion, and the game. If you are hard stuck, this guide will most likely not help you climb.

Now that I got this out of the way, get ready for an interesting way to play the game.
Why W + E only.
This is the wrong question to ask when you're playing a champion like Sion. It's not so much why, but why not? If you can pull it off, you are now part of the 1%. You are part of those that will not let Riot dictate how to play the game. You are part of the revolution!
Pros / Cons


+ Really good laning phase.

+ Really good wave clear.

+ Legit damage.

+ Runs like the flash.

+ Insanely strong roams.

+ You never leave yourself vulnerable.


- Very aggressive playstyle.

- Very skill shot heavy.

- Very very high skill cap.

- Not suggested if you don't play Sion.

- You play without Q or R for most of the game.

- You have to protect your KDA, you don't wait to die at all.

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Arcane Comet:
Arcane Comet is great for poking. Good synerge with Sion's E.

Manaflow Band:
Manaflow Band gives mana sustain.

Transcendence gives some much needed Ability Haste. At level 11 it gives more squirmish fighting power.

Waterwalking gives better roams through river and better fighting power during baron on dragon fights.

Biscuit Delivery:
Biscuit Delivery good early game sustain for early roams.

Cosmic Insight:
Cosmic Insight gives some much needed Summoner Spell Haste and Item Haste.


Take Ignite to win fights and outplay your opponents. Ignite counters Heal. You can also take Ignite to counter healing champions like Vladimir.

Flash is really important just to reposition when in danger, or to get on top of your target to murder them. Usually Flash should be used as an aggressive spell. If you need to flash out of a fight, that usually means you were positioning badly.


Items Choices

Doran's Ring:
Good starting item. Gives infinite mana sustain. Makes the laning phase way easier.

Control Ward:
Get this if you want to take dragon or baron. Otherwise don't bother.

Health Potion:
If you're leaving the base with an empty inventory slot early on and enough gold to buy at least one pot, buy some. This helps quite a lot so that you can stay full health for early roams.

Boots of Swiftness:
Core item. Get this every game. I find that Sorcerer's Shoes are more of a noob trap for this Sion build. What you need most is to be on time to fights. Every second matters.

Horizon Focus:
Core item. Sion's W procs Horizon Focus based on his travel distance which works well with his trading pattern. His E also procs it when you hit it at max range without minions. At closer range you can walk away to create more distance so that it procs.

Cosmic Drive:
Core item. Gives everything that you want. The Aether Wisp is a great first rush with this build. Allows you to dodge skillshots. Cosmic Drive works really well for with this guide's playstyle.

If you need magic pen.

This item boosts your damage for an easier time executing people.

Abyssal Mask:
It's a nice cheap item if you need MR.

With W and E only, You need to adopt a kite and poke playstyle. You never want to over commit in a fight. Do your best to dodge every skill shot and land your own. You must avoid dying at all costs.

Use your spells to push the lane fast and roam with your early boots. You can roam as early as level 2.

Use Everfrost to catch people out or peel for your team.

As the game progresses, you want to clear side lanes and rotate to be with your team.

When you get the ult, at level 11, use it mostly as a backup plan to retreat so you never die. Or to follow up on an engage when the enemy is already low. Try to not ult too much, use it sparingly.
More to come
This guide is just getting started, stay tuned as I work more on it.
I'm currently making a game on my own. This means that updates for this guide are coming slower as this guide is a side project

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Apos
Apos Sion Guide
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W + E Sion mid - How to push AP Sion to the limits

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