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Quinn Build Guide by AnzPriz

Assassin When they hear you it's already to late... (Top Lane) S5

Assassin When they hear you it's already to late... (Top Lane) S5

Updated on February 17, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AnzPriz Build Guide By AnzPriz 1,838 Views 0 Comments
1,838 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AnzPriz Quinn Build Guide By AnzPriz Updated on February 17, 2015
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Threats & Synergies

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Important Info:

This is an build for top Quinn, and is't for an adc Quinn. This build will make Quinn become the ultimate bird assassin that goes around and rek enemy team. What you should think about is that in early-mid game you can be killed by another assassin T.ex. Zed. Now you think (he just said that i this build will make quinn go araound and rek enemy team :( Just wait.. the time comes. You will need to get some items first, She are just an adc in early but she will become assasin at MID-LATE game. So what you do is just farming top and try kill you opponent when you get the chance.
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Play style (Important)

[*] So what you do is just farming top and try kill you opponent when you get the chance. If the jungler gank you can easily out run them with your ult or even fight them both if they are low. Just do: E in to them Q them then just ult if they low (your ult deal more dmg to low healthed targets)

[*] What you do when is abaut to be a drag fight. You got 2 choises: Either you stay top and fram and push for towers or you try run down to drag to help your teammates(This the choises everyone have). But the diffrence with quinn is that you got so much dmg and attack speed (from your passive) that you will get their top tower and even maybe their 2nd tower. And with Quinn you can stay even longer than other champs can beacsue if they come to kill you, you just can use your ult and Youmuu's to out run them EZ. At late game just go araound and snowball all enimes that are alone or even up to 3 enemies, beacuse you got enough dmg to kill tehm all, even 1v5 them if you play right.
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Ez Penta build:D

With this build you can 1v5 enemy team if you play good. Dont worry... if it dosnt work the first time you just have to try again. Tip: Or it's just beacuse you suck o.O
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+ Very Mobile
+ Has burst damage
+ Can easily sustain
+ A great assasin
+ Great split pusher
+ Can easily harass
+ Can go top efficiently

- Squishy
- Expensive build
- Difficult to master
- Not a "pro pick"
- If CC'ed, she's probly dead
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AnzPriz
AnzPriz Quinn Guide
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When they hear you it's already to late... (Top Lane) S5

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