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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Talon is usually Mid, or Top, but i really like the darkness of the jungle. Talon have an awesome gap closer and a powerful burst which allows awesome ganks.
He is an assassin, build him damage, not tankyness. (that allows some excitement while clearing Buffs camps :D )

cutthroat(E) can be used on minions if your target is too far to reach them and you will be able to

Use it to start the big monster to farm the camp faster. The bonus damage proc on

You can interrupt channeling of spells (

When to use

- to finish off an enemy if a bit more burst is needed.
- to flee (the cooldown isn't that long (75sec level 1), better save your life with it).
- in the middle of the ennemy team after you jumped on their ADC.

Early :
Farm the jungle. you can't gank before level 4, but you better get boots of mobility before even trying.
Mid :
Gank often, ask if wards have been put down and where they are. You want the ADC and the APC to fear you. :)
Ask your Mid if he wants the blue buff, you don't really need it after you got Hydra.
Late :
KILL THE CARRY, yep that's it. well Talon is an assassin.
Run around their team and catch him from the side.
You want your eyes on him like if it was a cookie and you were the cookie monster, awesome metaphor.
Your combo should be :
Ghost when you go for the kill > cutthroat >
Rake > autoattack >
Noxian Diplomacy(autoattack) >
Ravenous Hydra(autoattack) >
Shadow Assault to GTFO
And when you're back to safety press
Shadow Assault again or just wait.
In midgame the carry is dead after your burst, in late they bought
Warmog's Armor and similar, you may want to finish them by autoattacking, you will probably kill them, but you will certainly die. Judge the consequences.
Farm the jungle. you can't gank before level 4, but you better get boots of mobility before even trying.
Mid :
Gank often, ask if wards have been put down and where they are. You want the ADC and the APC to fear you. :)
Ask your Mid if he wants the blue buff, you don't really need it after you got Hydra.
Late :
KILL THE CARRY, yep that's it. well Talon is an assassin.
Run around their team and catch him from the side.
You want your eyes on him like if it was a cookie and you were the cookie monster, awesome metaphor.
Your combo should be :

And when you're back to safety press

In midgame the carry is dead after your burst, in late they bought

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