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Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
His Q counters your passive, wait for him to use his Q
This build is inspired by SivHD from YT. He makes good content so check him out!
I'm mastery 6 with Braum on my way to 7 so I know wtf I'm talking about. I'm a Support main so I like to experiment with support champions. This time it's Wit's End Braum which I'm excited to show you guys.
Hope you like my Wit's End Braum guide!
Lethal Tempo
This is crazy good on Wit's End Braum because it will get your stun off in no time.
We take this because the other 2 are ****, but the heal after you kill your enemy can save you from dying if you got ignited or tower dived.
Legend: Alacrity
How can you say no to this?
Coup de Grace
This will help you finish off the enemy after your stun has worn off.
Legend: Alacrity
This is brilliant on Skade Bard. Definitely, a must have on Skade Bard.
Biscuit Delivery
You are not tanky enough to survive long fights so a biscuit that heals a bunch is always good.
Approach Velocity
This is gold. If you hit your Q then you will get some extra ms so you can follow up with the rest of the stacks.
Braum has very high base damage and buying more AD or AP on him doesn't do much so we just want AS.
Wit's End
This Item is just brilliant on Braum mid. The MR helps vs most midlaners and the AS combined with our Runes is just amazing.
Trinity Force
Trinity Force has some useful stats but the Unique Passives just make this Item awesome on Wit's End Braum.
Berserker's Greaves
These boots give us just what we want and the other boots aren't really that interesting.
Statikk Shiv
This Item has a really good synergy with Wit's End and Trinity Force because the static charges will come so damn fast. It will also help with wave clear and all that good stuff.
Frozen Mallet
Frozen Mallet is really good on Wit's End Braum because it makes it nearly impossible to escape from you if you already hit your Q
Blade of the Ruined King
When you get this item it is impossible to escape you unless they have flash, but even if they have it there is still a high chance that you will still get them.
Braum has very high base damage and buying more AD or AP on him doesn't do much so we just want AS.
Wit's End
This Item is just brilliant on Braum mid. The MR helps vs most midlaners and the AS combined with our Runes is just amazing.
Trinity Force
Trinity Force has some useful stats but the Unique Passives just make this Item awesome on Wit's End Braum.
Berserker's Greaves
These boots give us just what we want and the other boots aren't really that interesting.
Statikk Shiv
This Item has a really good synergy with Wit's End and Trinity Force because the static charges will come so damn fast. It will also help with wave clear and all that good stuff.
Frozen Mallet
Frozen Mallet is really good on Wit's End Braum because it makes it nearly impossible to escape from you if you already hit your Q
Blade of the Ruined King
When you get this item it is impossible to escape you unless they have flash, but even if they have it there is still a high chance that you will still get them.
In fights you want to get your passive on as many as possible. After you have done that you can either go protect your ADC or go all-in and get their Backline. It's different for each game.
To get to their backline jump on a teammate to fly into the enemy's zone and just release the fight. When they attack your team you use your E so their backline can't damage your team and then you punch them to death :D
To get to their backline jump on a teammate to fly into the enemy's zone and just release the fight. When they attack your team you use your E so their backline can't damage your team and then you punch them to death :D
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