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Jungle Route
Runes are basic stuff don't really need anything else unless you wanna switch scaling mr to flat mr. Use this mastery page for any game, unless you have 2 or more tanks already. If you have a lot of tanks then use this mastery page instead. Use this for top lane, don't really need to change anything on this no matter who you go against.
Your current build that you use in every game doesn't include any damage. You lack the damage to kill people early game, so you need to build one of the builds I've provided for you. You'll see a big difference between the builds. For some of the situational items, build Randuin's if they have a fed crit person (Yasuo, Tryndamere, Caitlyn, etc). Deadman's helps you with your damage slightly and gives you tank stats. Thornmail is if they have a bunch of AD champions. zz'rot has good stats and gives you pushing power if you need it. Spirit Visage helps your life steal grow and gives you really good stats for being tanky. Banshee I would recommend if they have a lot of cc and a lot more AP, because Spirit only gives a small amount of magic resist while banshee gives you a lot more. You shouldn't really need GA, but if you feel like it then get it. Almost never get sunfire, because it doesn't give you a big advantage, and the damage that it gives out isn't important since you're already building the damage, and the tank stats are poor.
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