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Wukong Build Guide by gkeller82

Assassin Wukong - Jade Dragon Unleashed

Assassin Wukong - Jade Dragon Unleashed

Updated on July 12, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gkeller82 Build Guide By gkeller82 1,970 Views 0 Comments
1,970 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author gkeller82 Wukong Build Guide By gkeller82 Updated on July 12, 2013
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This guide is for the new Wukong players who want to use an easy, solid build to dominate in Twisted Treeline as well as other maps.

I pretty much exclusively play Wukong and have had about 90-95% win rate with this build. You can become so strong that you can almost single handedly win a game.

-It is very important to not over commit early. If you can get the first kill then go for it, but do not die. The first kill can make you OverPowered the rest of the game, but dying first has the opposite effect.
-Think of the first 5 minutes of the game a race to level 6. Try to group up for the first kill, but after that...kill minions until level 6. Once you are level 6, you ultimate attack makes a serious threat. Especially if the other team is still level 4 and level 5.

This build design - from items to runes to spell order - is meant to give you live-ability (better chances to not die) in the beginning, while making you more OP (overpowered) as you level.

-Wukong is an escape artist. His talent for not dying is unparalleled. The odds to win go in your favor if you do not die.
-Lastly, if you are losing, IN DESPERATION you can attempt to go site unseen to single handedly win a game. I have done this several times. Hopefully your team can turtle enough if you are losing that you have gained all your end game items. At this point, you can try to get to the enemy turrets without going near enemy minions and enemy players. The other team will be still trying to attack you base. You should be powerful enough that you can take the turret down without dying...or atleast get it to 10%. You can just go back...finish it off and get the inhibitor. If minions attack you, use your decoy/escape to save yourself a few seconds of taking damage.
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All of the runes are armor runes. They are also all tier 3 runes and not scaling runes.

As I mentioned before, this build is meant to keep you alive between level 1 -level 6. After level 6, you should be on your way to a 15 kill - 0/2 death game.
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Just as I mentioned above, Wukong is dominate if he doesnt die in the beginning and gets to level 6 quickly.

The masteries that I have chosen are all defensive masteries that will aid you in your quest to not die.

Remember, not die in level 1 - level 6 means you earn more gold, more exp and get better items quicker. This will make you dominate from level 6 on.
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The items are self explanatory.

Start off with 3xHealth Potions to stay alive in desperate times. Boots. and Armor Vest.

The armor vest builds into the next item on the list. Each items I have chosen offer ARMOR, ATTACK DAMAGE, and LIFE STEAL. Gotta love gaining life while lowering your opponents.
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Skill Sequence

Start with your charge. This can help your team finish off a near dead enemy that may just be out of reach.

Grab your Crushing Blow 2nd. This will keep enemies at bay because you remove a decent amount of their life with it. This should give you room to kill more minions and level up.

3rd get decoy just in case you need to get out of a tricky situation.
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This is a pretty simple Wukong guide, but when you master it, you will be unstoppable.

Like I said, I win about 90-95% of the games I play with Wukong, using this method.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gkeller82
gkeller82 Wukong Guide
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Wukong - Jade Dragon Unleashed

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