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Heimerdingers bots are probably the most frustrating things in League of Legends, BUT you're playing Xerath. You can use W when he puts his bots near each other to destroy them, and you just outRANGE him HARD!
Is again easy, you outrange him, he can't come close to you with his E cause you stun him with your E. BUT there is one very very important thing when you play against Azir NEVER and NEVER underestimate him, if you do this he will rek your anime p*ssy.
Annie is not very hard to play against, her Q and her W are pretty short ranged, you outpoke, outrange, outEVERYTHING her so dontbe afraid to engage POST 6, PAST level 6 watch out for her ult.
Yasuo is one of the champions I think Xerath is OP against, he is short ranged, he cant get close to you, only way he can poke you is with his Q's tornado, that's really it. Just be sure you don't stay very close to your minions or he can dash at you and than KASAKI!
Brand doesn't have a very high pick rate, but I just put him in here just so you know.
Akali is that one champ that really NEEDS level 6 to kill her enemy, try to poke her very hard before she reaches level 6, cause when she does that she will probably play very agressive. So watch out!
You may think you will win from him because he is melee and you're ranged, he can't get close to you, he can't poke you. Yes that is true BUT Talon's E makes him a very good champion to counter you, you Q he uses E and you miss it, you E he uses E behind you and he dodged you, play very careful and stay out of his E's range!
Diana is another champ that needs to reach level 6 before she can REALLY engage on you. Play careful and dodge her Q and you will probably be fine.
Katarina is same as Talon, read Talon's notes and you will be fine.
Kassadin dodges all your abilities with his ult so play careful and try to POKE him and dont get close.
Zed is for me the biggest counter against Xerath, but I put him here cause he isn't a very big problem against you, you just got to play very smart. If he ults on you you flash or just go under tower and stun him with E because Zed will probably dive with his ult when he reaches 6.
Syndra is very hard, she is the same as you, BUT she has her ult, so actually she has more abilities than you in close ranged fights. Try to poke her out and ult her when you have it and dont try to engage in her even if she is low, play very safe.
LeBlanc is very very hard to play against. She has short abilities that deal a lot of damage, and she has her W to dodge your abilities. If you're a good Xerath you will be able to stun her in the middle of her W try to do that, burst a lot of damage, and go away, don't try to engage on her close ranged.
Fizz is just an annoying champion, he dodges all your abilities so play safe and try to win from him post 6 because when he gets his ult he will become very very very dangerous.
Go AFK pleas. No just kidding. This is the hardest matchup against Xerath, she can dodge all your abilities with her ult. She can interrupt your ult with her E. Yeah it is hard. Try to poke her from long range, stay behind minions so she cant hit her E and pleas, DO NOT engage on her close ranged.
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