You can take Cleanse here or just TP is you're confident. If you stand IN your wave she Q's for Free, if you stand near to the side you eat charm. Positioning game. You can bully her LVL 1 bc she has no charm, just don't eat the elec. trade.Her W gives MS. Her 6 gives her decent pressure in the lane, bc she can animation cancel E with R and dash insta charm you; also her 3 dashes make it VERY difficult to land ULT. if you are REALLY fast the R shot cooldown is lower than her dash, but its hard to do.
You outscale her and can out teamfight her late. Just try to position outside the fight, she also gets decent sustain with her new buff so if she gets resets in teamfights it can be a problem. Oblivion is ok here, especially if theres other healers on the team, but wouldnt get it just for her.
Hard Lane, playable, but hard. Never stand in your wave and eat Q for free. Your biggest concern is eating E to the face and then getting full combo'd. Pre-6 she cannot 100-0 you so just don't get poked. Being Melee she's vulnerable to getting W-Q combo'd when she goes to last hit, and you can use this to confirm minions for yourself as well.
The one upside here is that bc none of your abilities are targetted you can hit her in shroud; just don't walk upto the shroud for obvious reasons.
last ditch effort, you can pre aim E behind you, to stun her R2 or infront of you for E
Dodge, Lane is pretty much unplayable. He dodges everything and builds wits end. Akshan is my permaban; FF15 if he's even half-decent.
Xerath favored lane. Pre 6 you shove her in, once she gets 6 she will perma shove you in but you should be able to just farm to match.
You can E her when she Q's so she cant recast, not worth doing agressivly just something to know you can do. You can snowball hard into her; and unless you stand in R she can never really hurt you.
She will teamfight better into you, and melt your frontline. However she will allways be vulnerable to your poke.
She has negative MR when in egg form so keep that in mind and you can save ULT to confirm the kill etc.
Xerath Favoured Lane; you outrange her entire kit and she really has no kill presure on you. She has excellent gank setup with Flash; track that spell closely. Her E MS is relevant but not that bad.
Flash W and Flash R are the only way she ever kills you, but even then pre 2 items she cant 100-0 you solo.
Pretty easy; poke her out of lane bc she has **** waveclear and make her life hell.
The Classic free xerath lane; you bully azir; he has 1 mobility spell on a long CD and has to stand still to use his auto's. He cant really trade on you unless you walk into the wave and even then he requires extended trades to do real damage. You outshove and out poke him.
Don't get shurima shuffled @6 and don't let him free win teamfights unpunished; poke him for standing still.
Like anivia; he can outdamage your frontline in teamfights; but otherwise is not a real threat unless he gets ahead,
Don't stand in W and you win the game; you outrange her Q and ult. Just sit and farm and poke her.
also; she can't buy boots KEKW
First Strike lane; just care his Q when you Q.
Cho mid is a very hard xerath lane for 2 reasons; you will NEVER have kill pressure on him (unless he goes ludens/ap chogath) He can Q you when you charge your Q and out-trade you.
Xerath struggles into tanks and this lane is a perfect example of that. he can easily full combo you into exec. at 6. So just be aware of that. also even if you put him behind somehow; he's a tank so he will scale to be a frontline scary boi.
Just hope you can scale to 1 shot the backline behind the cho, basically ignoring him.
You lane bully him; his poke is worse than yours; dont sit and eat his MR shred.
He actually does outscale you but you can put him pretty far behind and snowball prtty hard.
He' will out teamfight you with package, but you beat him at almost all other points of the game.=
She just wins all trades post LVL 3, lane is super hard to play, her Q into E is just always going to outrade you and it almost matched your W range
Take Exhaust
just play vex or something lmao. unplayable
Very difficult lane; good gapclose and strong burst damage, he can dive you for free @6.
Try to avoid Q and freeze, he will have prio but at least you wont feed him.
Keep bushes warded and watch for cheeky W from bush. Like all assassins never follow blindly
Just try not to feed him, and poke him when it doesnt cost you any farm.
Another classic xerath counter; you can never really kill him in lane bc of his mobility + passive MR. You can First Strike here; as you will never really have pressure early. He will just 100-0 you once he has ult. Without ult he cant kill you, because he has to use Q and E to just get upto you which means most of his damage is gone.
He hard wins auto trades/extended trades bc of W.
Just track his R, without it you can kite and scale, this lane often just becomes a mindgame around his ult, because without it he is a lot less scary.
Neutral Lane, you can't kill him, he can't kill you. His Q poke is no joke, don't get it by it if possible, he usually has to use it on the wave.
He has decent gank setup with his dash and taunt.
Ping his R and try match his roams with ult.
Xerath is a GP counter, but the lane isn't completely free.
If he goes first strike you can just W him every time he walks up to deny him the damage.
if he goes DH he is a little bit scarrier.
He can Barrel you when you go to charge Q, but he has to stand still to Q the barrel. His W does clense your W slow, but if you can bait the orange you can then E for free; or if you can land E he will insta orange and you can W Q for free.
Oblivion orb is decent here.
care his lvl 2 ign + passive, but you should never be in melee range of him.
His ult is like yours; possibly better so just make sure your team knows once he's lvl 6
You bully him, his sustain is not terrible but doesnt really help him in this lane.
Don't get combo'd by his R and you win. Just poke him and chill, do care for his Flash E.
He actually outshoves you pre lost chapter. but you bully him after. He stacks armour. If he lands W on you, it does make life harder, but he only has 1 dash and 1 ability that goes through minions.
Usually goes shieldbow or BT so oblivion is pretty good.
You get shoved in till 1 item; then you win.
He can block your E with turrets, care his bush cheese with ignite.
Make sure you work hitting turrets into your farming, and sidestep his E.
You hard outscale him
unplayable lane. Dodge.
If you are forced to play it, just Q over your own wave aswell to maybe hit her and E her when she W
lane sucks. go next.
You bully Jayce mid. you outrange his poke. Care his melee Q engage range though; he can jump on you and do decent damage in short trades.
Otherwise stay behind minions to dodge his ranged Q and care his MS from his E.
He slightly outscales you but you can snowball into him pretty hard.
Karma is a free lane, just dont get rooted, and you outpoke/outshove/out impact her generally.
If she goes tank karma, you might lose kill pressure on her but you will still out impact her.
You outrange him, you can just bully him. Sidestep Q's and you should be sweet. He actually does outscale you, so dont fall behind and ping when he gets 6. If you trade WQ for his Q you win the trade so dont be afraid of those trades, but it should be easy to poke for free bc he will have to Q the wave.
No-one really plays karthus mid anymore anyway
It doesn't matter how much you bully him in lane. Once he gets 16 its gg
I honestly don't have alot of advice for this lane. He's pretty much melee only pre-6 so you can have free pressure on him. You can try freeze him off wave but hard to get him out of XP range mid. His Q can negate your channel of R and Q so careful when charging those abilities near him. Honestly consider as your ban/dodge.
Believe it or not skill matchup, in her favour.
Bit of a glass floor lane; ie: if she gets a lead its over.
She struggles to farm under tower so shoving her in is pretty good, and as long as you dont stand on a blade she cant really all in you. She can't 100-0 you without 1 item at least so you can really bully her in the early game. Post 6 Save E for her ULT. NOTE: she doesnt get her E reset unless she picks up a blade, if you can track that its pretty massive.
Easy lane, hard game. She does outscale you, and it is hard to REALLY bully her out of lane bc of her sustain and ult post 6. She can out waveclear you post 16 and out teamfight you at that point. Try to map impact with R as early as you can and spam for dives pre6 if you have a super early game jgler. Just try to out farm her/force her to take bad backs, but after 30min she can just take over the game.
Hard Lane, with some outplay potential. The whole concept of this lane pre 6 revolves around her W usage. If you can force her to use it on the wave she doesn't have kill pressure on you, When she W the wave look to charge Q to hit both the front and the return W to guarantee the poke Care Lvl 1 she will AA - W - AA for cheese elec. Other than that never walk into W range, and once she has 6 care the double W. If she double W and doesnt land on you you have the damage to out trade her.
The other major t hing about LB is that she has gross amount of gank setup so care her just playing around jgl ganks.
You outscale and out farm/shove hard, but you still need to respect her 1shot lategame.
Don't eat auto's for free.
Xerath Generally does well into ADC's but this one has a dash. You can just focus on farming and not interact with him. If you get shoved in you risk eating his ult, and if you shove him in you risk him running you down the lane, especially once he has galeforce. You can pretty easily avoid his damage and poke him when he farms. Chill and scale, he cant REALLY kill you unless you **** up.
She's you but worse in every way. You outrange her and your abilites are better. Don't let her free auto you after she lands an ability thats the only way she outrades you. If you both land CC you win, bc you can still use ur other abilities while rooted. If she runs ign she's turbo trolling, most likely she runs barrier or tp to match you. Just care that her ult does hurt and is on a low cooldown. again if you're not confident you can run barrier , but i like TP to out tempo her and take free backs.
You outrange him and his armour is meaningless to you. Just dont eat R and you're chilling. Malphite has to stand in the wave to farm so its super free to poke him, and you outrange his Q. The only part of his kit you worry about is his R if he goes AP malph, otherwise he will save it for gank setup. You win this lane hard.
You counter him pretty hard. He MIGHT shove you in pre-lost chapter but once you have that the lane is over for him. Flash R for ganks is his only threat, his only ability that canmatch your range is Q and thats easy to sidestep. Just hit his minions when you Q or W and win the lane. Your poke negates his passive and means he should never have it up.
You bully morgana mid. She can have DECENT waveclear once she has more points in her W but she is immobile and you can easily juke Q.
Don't use E till after spellshield, she will often use it to deny W poke/slow.
Early Oblivion nukes her sustain.
You can go clense to remove all kill pressure
You can beat her in lane, just requires good positioning. Don't stand behind minions or her E gets super speed/range, if she has no E you can kinda just throw abilities at her. She can bodyblock ur E with her clone. Once she has 6 the E-> ult combo can **** you up, if you can perma dodge E just save flash for her ult. You CAN take clense but i dont think its neccacery most of the time
Even lane early, Xerath favoured mid game. Start W this lane. You hard outscale her, just care that liky syndra she can use her abilities while moving. Never get into auto trades bc her passive means she will allways win those. stand a distance so you can see the ball move with her Q, you're kinda on the back foot here till about lvl 9/lost chapter then you hard win.
You outdamage her at all points of the game, her only saving grace is her ULT in teamfights. other than that bully her.
Pantheon favoured, but very playable. Never walk into his Q range its pretty much the same as your Auto range for reference. If he jumps on you, you're probably dead, but he should never be able to jump on you. You hard outscale, ping his 6 and try to match his ult with your own.
His spear(Q) is only worrying if you're super low. otherwise you just farm and poke and chill.
Very hard lane, Xerath counter in theory. The nerf to pyke mid means his ******** sustain is gone, but he still has crazy kill pressure on you at all points of the game. Punish CS. If you shove the wave and he has to E through them to hook you you have time to run away or E his Q charge. Shove, you never want to not have a wave infront of you, as it is your main safety measure. Barrier WONT save you from pyke R, heal is a possibility? but i usually just stay TP.
Even lane, xerath favoured believe it or not. You actually outrange her intire kit and her gap close isnt good enough to REALLY get on you without flash. Always take barrier or Exhaust for her U;t (I prefer barrier) and just poke her when she tries to last hit. be careful walking up to her side of the lane bc she can run you down with Grass Q --> Ice Q but otherwise its pretty tame. Just care that she does have 2 dashes on a low cooldown so don't waste too many abilities early game when she's not last hitting or standing in her wave.
Good Ryze you lose Bad Ryze you win. That's really all to say. Phase rush smurf ryze's will destroy and outscale you. Bad ryzes will sit and eat poke when they try to farm.
Late game he will just melt teams but if he's behind enough you should be ok.
You hard bully seraphine mid. Her poke is similar range, but less than half the damage and her sustain is pretty insignificant in lane. at 6 the gank setup is not bad, but its pretty easy to sidestep so just dont get ulted lmao. Clense if you're REALLY worried. I'd just run TP and bully her.
You outrange his kit, he literally cannot do anything to you without flash. However; Q-Flash-E-R is a decent combo and if his jgler is there its a guaranteed kill. so care that.
You can maybr poke him enough to have preassure in the early game? but if hes going tank you cant kill him after 1 item. You outscale, he just becomes a meatshield.
Sion mid is weird. He will probably out sustain you early and you never really have kill pressure on him late. you can definitly die to him @6 and his poke slow -> Q is no joke. respect him. NOTE: when you E his Q he gets it back sooner, so just drop W on him when he goes to Q the wave.
Swain buffs next patch so thiks will need to be updated; You counter swain , never stand IN your wave and just watch for his E when charging Q. He is a battle mage, So if you're in range of Q or R you are missplaying and will probally die.
Otherwise go ham, his waveclear sucks and you out shove/outpoke hiim.
Sylas Favoured. You CAN poke him out of lane, but if you shove he will look for the E engage. If he W maxes you are only worried about the all in, if he Q maxes you should be a little worried about his poke. Generally if hes on Conq. he doesnt have pressure on you in lane, bc if you get all inned your juist running and juking, ie you wont take the extended trade that conq will be good at. If hes smart he'll go Fleet or Elec. then you need to be worried.
Xerath Favoured. Take barrier it will block almost her entire ult damage early. She can animation cancel Q with E so just assume she can stun you when she has E up. You will again be slightly on the back foot till lost chapter, then you can just sit and farm/poke her. You hard outscale her.
Actually Xerath favoured; if you can force him to keep using W on the wave he never has kill pressure on you. Run barrier and you can usually bait a dive. Ping his roams and shove when he leaves. Try to match with ult.
Free lane; don't stand in wave for free Q poke. She is vulnerable to poke and you can really bully her out of lane, you can stun when she E's to deny the recast. She has very strong gank setup and its possible she just relies on that. Run Clense if you're worried and she will have 0 kill pressure. You outscale, she out-teamfights with ult.
You counter him. Just play around his Q, without it he has 0 kill pressure on you. Try to avoid letting him get his hit on you at any point which should be easy bc you outrange him so much. Care his R, its very impactful in teamfights; if youre worried run barrier. You outscale him.
Aurelion Sol
He is faster than you, and CAN outshove you but unlikely. In pisslow no-one knows how to play him so you can usually bully him for free. He will start looking for roams super early; ping early and watch for the direction. If he free procs electrocute on you you lose trades, and if he goes phase rush then he will be hard to play into. You outstacle and out teamfight tho.
Twisted Fate
You bully him, shove him in and poke him out of lane. Care he can Flash Gold Card you to setup ganks. Go clense and he might aswell just afk.
You outrange him, if he cages you play the fancy footwork game, and if his E is down go ham. Care the Predator heal veigar which means he will run at you so fast and EWQR you. If you dont put him behind he will 1shot everyone. otherwise whoever snowballs wins.
Whoevers better at dodging, but xerath favoured bc your abilities are easier to land. Stun him when he ults. His knockup is better than ur E but ur W is better than his and your Q is MUCH easier to land. Just walk forward when he Q's and he will usually miss. He usually goes barrier so once you have shadowflame you will just 1 shot him even through that.
Xerath favoured; Vex is countered by poke, she is an anti engage champion so as long you you stay out of her E range your fine, try sidestep Q aswell. but she often relies on autos as to save her fear passive so you can usually just WQ her then. Her R makes her a little scarier but she cant 100-0 you so just stay healthy and even if you eat a full combo you'll be ok. Ping her roams, they're better than yours and match with ult. You outscale but she will always have really strong engages bc of her W + Zhonyas. You can bully her for free when she has no fear, and you can just Q her or max range W her. If you can shove the wave you can force her to use abilities/use her fear to just not lose farm.
If he goes First strike you **** on him, never let him proc it. If he goes Aery you can still easy poke him out of lane, the only ability you're ever in range to get hit by. If he goes ign, just care Flash Ign R, if your at 30% he can kill you with that. Otherwise, you scale equally. He hasa bit more tankyness/battlemage frontlining than you, but you can zone him out of fights.
If someone is dumb enough to play teemo mid; you eat it alive. You outrange auto and Q, just melt him.
Winrate says its Xerath favoured; but honestly not that easy to play. Obviously early oblivion orb, NEVER let him empowerd Q you for free. If he is forced to keep Qing the wave he will have less sustain and you may even be able to poke him out of lane. Ping for help when he W's and look to bully him early. Play behind minions for his E, as it will block the biggest burst in his kit. He does outscale and out teamfight you
Only stupid people play xerath mid; if they lock this in they're trolling
DASH DASH DASH KNOCKUP INSTAKILL. Take Barrier to block his ult and potentially bait him under tower. This is mostly a game about dodging his knockup, never stand in your wave. Early boots is good here, aswell as early tear to match his waveclear. Go Zhonya's seccond. The only ability that his W blocks is your E so just wait that out; but you can use the rest of your kit for free, bad yasuo's dont know this and will stand behind it. Never use abilities to proc his passive shield, if you CAN safely use auto's to proc it it's a double win for bonus mana. If you can't safely auto him just wait till he's in the wave and he'll probably dash into an ability while youre hitting his wave. At 2 items he MELTS you, hope your team has a point and click CC. Ludens, Zhonyas, Oblivion Orb then shadowflame into him. Respect him at all times and try to freeze so he is forced to trade with you under your tower.
Glass Floor Lane. Like Yas early Boots and Early Tear to dodge his Q3 and R, aswell as tear to match his waveclear.
You can actually do alot in this lane pre 1 item, just don't get all inned lvl 2 with ign. There's a timer on his E you can use to time ur Ult shots. Same build path as yas. Ludens. Stopwatch/zhonyas. Oblivion orb. Shadowflame. He scales better than his wind****ter brother, and has longer engage range.
Very Hard. Limited outplay potential. Don't bother going first strike bc he can easily poke you with WQ. In fact, out-moving his WQ poke is the primary goal of this lane, another early boots just to out walk the Q, Never stand in w range when its up otherwise he will WEQ and the shurikens will be undodgable from the slow. Early Stopwatch and never be in lane 1/2 health. The whole way you stay alive in this lane is to not let him W onto you for free, if he has to W to be in R randge you will only ever get hit by 1 shuriken and you'll be ok. But if he can W then R and land all 3 you're toast. stop watch just after the mark apears and just as he pops out of you to block most of his damage. You can go Barrier but it may not help, tp if you know you're gonna take bad backs and just want to negate the falling behind in the early game.
On paper it's an even lane; in actuality, it's quite ziggs favored. He almost matches your range and his ult can even be MORE impactful in teamfights. He will throw his E whenever you charge Q and it will just ruin your day, he can even W your charge to stop the channel. He can also just ult on top of you when you R so watch out for that. All in all hard lane, early MR might help if you feel yourself getting bullied or falling behind. you actually do outscale him and can out teamfight him.
This champ is stupid and ********. He will double Q you when you start charging Q, and E himself constantly. once you both get 6 he will just ult himself and then you waste ult. Very hard to play as his Q range is pretty much the same as your W (900 vs 1000) so you're never really safe. You out damage him in teamfights and if you can force his Ulf before the fight that's massive otherwise it's a hard game.
Always go cleanse; if you get slept barrier won't save you. She has deceptively long-range and scales to a 1shot mage. However, her waveclear isn't as good as yours and pre 6 she's very immobile. Even at 6 when she portals the timing is very clear and you can usually W the original spot to guarantee damage. If you can get good at reading her portals E predictions here are massive, you can E forward where she's going. Playing around your minions in the early game will deny most of her damage, just don't stand right in them or she'll free poke with the AOE from Q. Do pay attention to whatever random items or sums she gets from minions as this can give her pressure (ie: double flash or stridebreaker or something). Her E goes super range through walls so just care for cheeky sleeps through walls, you can usually see it coming and react. You outscale and out teamfight her late; she will be miles better in skirmishes and chaotic fights mid/early.
You are a zyra counter; only her E can hit you and its easy to sidestep. Take TP and save flash for her Ult. Her plants CAN bodyblock your E. otherwise she has to Q and E the wave to match your waveclear, just stand on the plants when these abilities are down. She is also super immobile and easy to skillshot. You beat her at all points of the game as long as you dont eat E.
He Press R; you press R on top; and because of his passive you deal % of your damage as true damage. Very pog.
Hard CC and frontline aswell as good peal; very poggers. the only thing to note is that his Q and R both knock back enemies and can make you miss abilities just watch for this.
She Press R you press R, she engage and cc you follow up
Jarvan IV
He Press R you press R on top. Ez money
He Press R; you press R on top; and because of his passive you deal % of your damage as true damage. Very pog.
Hard CC and frontline aswell as good peal; very poggers. the only thing to note is that his Q and R both knock back enemies and can make you miss abilities just watch for this.
She Press R you press R, she engage and cc you follow up
I'm Adamonias, I have 700K mastery on my main Xerath account as well as 3 other Xerath only accounts. I'm not a challenger player or even in the top 10% of players but I have played ALOT of Xerath and want to share my insight.
Fundamental Xerath Tips
For people who have not played this champion or other artillery mages before here are some fundamentals to understand coming into games on Xerath.
Firstly; Xerath is one of a minority of champions on the game with ONLY skillshots in his kit, which means it is entirely possible to miss EVERYTHING in a fight; especially into high mobility champions with a good gap close, and if you miss ALL your damage in a team fight especially late-game you can actually LOSE the game for your team, unlike an ADC who can (if fed enough) just stand still and turret mode auto if there's a big frontline and peel. Now you might think that this means the most important skill is LANDING your ablities but this is actually a fallacy. Like most things in life, this simple concept has a lot of depth. I myself come from a FPS background origionally; allways playing high skillcap glass cannons; McRee(Cassidy now) in overwatch for example, and used to tilt off the face of the earth when i missed a series of shots that could've prevented my death. It wasn't until a good friend of mine pointed out an obvious flaw with this logic. The problem wasnt the fact that I couldnt his a 360 flick headshot onto a blinking tracer who apeared infront of me, the problem was that I put myself into positions where thats what i was requireing myself to do to survive. Xerath is the penultimate example of this; if you are putting yourself into positions where you HAVE to pixel perfect land everything to survive, then you're fundamentally missplaying this champion. Xerath is a game of patience and control; especially once you start versing people with half decent movement and skill.
Seccondly; The idea of trading is relelvent for alot of champions; obviously alot in toplane and even so in botlane; for Xerath (and a number of mages mid) the idea of trading abilites is a bit of a fallacy. In 90% of situations if you are trading abilities for abilities you are losing; Xerath requires you to take unfair/one sided trades. He is built around the idea of you hitting them when they CAN'T hit you back, and this is the reason he is such a safe champion; where other mages still have to walk into that assassins effective range; xerath can farm very well while never even being able to be traded on.
Thirdly; Xerath plays very similarly in almost every matchup. ie; poke and use your rangea advantage; however the skill in this champions laning phase is identifying the threats and playing around them, to see how much you can push that line of wringing out every minor advantage.
Fourthly; unlike alot of midlaners; Xerath can almost never sidelane. Cathing crashing waves is obviously fine; but if you're pushed up to their T2 tower and theres ANY sort of assassin or high mobility bruiser in the game you're trolling. Once your team wants to come mid you have 2 options; xeraths seige is some of the best in the game, so seiging and poking them under tower is highly impactful. Otherwise Xerah at 1 or 2 items can easily out waveclear their botlane; so sitting and just not letting mid waves crash while the other team looks angrily at you mid is totally viable if it can give your toplaner or bot lane split push time to take towers.
Ludens is the go-to Xerath mythic for 3 reasons. 1: Easier Waveclear with the passive often cleaning up a few straggler minions, as well
2: More Upfront Burst with your poke.
3: Magic Pen. Which means with Sorc boots and shadow flame you'll be doing near true damage to people who have not built MR
Liandry's is not as good as Ludens UNLESS the enemy team has 3 or more tanks generally. Its % burn is just not as valuable usually.
Components and Supportin Items
Ludens is the go-to Xerath mythic for 3 reasons. 1: Easier Waveclear with the passive often cleaning up a few straggler minions, as well
2: More Upfront Burst with your poke.
3: Magic Pen. Which means with Sorc boots and shadow flame you'll be doing near true damage to people who have not built MR
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