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Focus on letting him use his q and all in him early as much as possible. You can eaasily ignore his passive with your meditate if you dont feed him.
Just meditate when she presses w after poking her with q and doublestrike.
Should be good against yi. She isnt because her damage is ignroed by meditate.
All tanks are easy. Focus on all inning him early and meditateing damage later. only meditate after he uses cc
Darius can easily kill you at any point of the game if you let him beat you early. meditate after he uses his combo and alpha strike his q tho and youll get enough gold.
Dr. Mundo
Read cho. He has no cc.
a tank tha deals damage. Which means its a fighter and you can easily kill it early on. Meditate after he uses his w and e and he will be basically useless.
Lets see a poke champion with no escapes that spends most of the time trying to keep you away from him? Yeah just constantly go in when he presses q. Your meditate negates his poke.
A tank you can farm under and meditate after his silence. What else is new.
He is easily couuntered by you. Just use alphastrike to go in and never let him kite you. Just run after he gets away. You can meditate his after fight damage.
The only tank to fear. The nuke mage will easily be able to poke you out of lane while never letting you q. You can win by starting a fight with him on full health and autoattacking. Use q to avoid barrel/ult.
Meditate his poke and all in at every point.
bad enough that if you cant get the early kill she will destroy you. Sure your meditate makes her ultimate useless, doesnt mean she cant poke you. Your meditate is on a 35 second cooldown.
both irelia and yi do the same thing. They all in as hard as they can. But yi does it at max health and irelia does it at minimum health. In other words whoever gets ahead wins.
Jarvan IV
You can lose this fight if you dont alphastrike his eq. On the otherhand it is the easiest thing in the world to do so.
If you can alpha strike his e you can easily win early. If you can win early you can continuously press the advantage. If you start losing you forfit the lane.
You can easily all in him level 1 hard while ignoring any poke he does with meditate. Never let him get away with anything. Get fed.
You can get behind but you shouldnt. All in her every time you can and meditate through her poke. Also when she ults at level 6 just meditate through her ult.
You still need to all in as much as possble and meditate his poke. But you can easily lose the lane if he uses e to pull your alpha under turret. Or if he permastuns you. But the burst combo wont deal enough to kill you so feel free to take it and meditate.
You cant win. Your meditate is useless as much as you need it to win later teamfights. If you use meditate he will get scarl back up. You will need to use it because his burst combo basically means he can kill you after you kick him off scarl.
All in every chance you can and meditate her poke.
The only tank you dont immediately beat. You can easily destroy him early so abusse your early power. But level 6 you have to force out a farm lane unless you get 2 kills on him. Try to avoid poke with your q and meditate any of his completed poke.
A tank that deals no damage. feel free to all in early but you dont want to waste your time later on.
Master Yi
stop playing blind and grow some balls.
If you get ahead of him there is nothing he can do. You will deal too much damage for his sheild and meditate all of his damage. But if you get behind you will need to farm under turret.
Murder it as soon as you can. All in it at every opportunity and meditate after you all in. If you lose lane just roam or farm under turret. because you shouldnt lose lane and need to wait for later if you somehow did.
his kit revolves around poking you and your kit revolves around removing poke. He also cant beat you early on unless you allow him indefinite axes.
Hes a tank with kill potential. But not enough. All in him early and meditate his poke later.
You are kinda screwed. Sure you can meditate through his poke but he will simply pile on the poke again. Go agressive early and get a kill like your life depends on it. Because if you dont youre under turret or roaming.
Can kill you if youre dumb. just all in every now and then and farm later. She has no poke.
Oh a champion that is useless if youre allowed to remove her range advantage? Welcome to yi where not even your poke matters.
Sure you could win if you got ahead. But that is very unlikely even if you do manage it. Just play passive after level 1-3.
Skill matchup. Avoid her third q or ult with alpha strike and meditate after she uses her combo. She cant stop you from meditateing and meditate holds all your damage.
Literally he has nothing to stop you. Meditate through his ult and e combo later on and all in him whenever you want.
Annoying as shit but alot worse than you later. All in him early avoid poke with meditate.
Oh a tank with no damage? oh he has the ability to remove autoattacks. Too bad yi has the ability to remove enemy laners.
Murder him early. Do not let him get ahead of you. If you can chase him he will lose. Otherwise you will never kill him. He cant stop your meditate and he needs you to get poked.
To be fair if sion gets off a fully channeled q he can win this matchup. Otherwise just alphastrike out of his q and meditate his poke.
This guy can poke you out. Too bad he sucks. Just go in whenever and meditate his poke.
Tahm Kench
This is the only tank that is a danger. He has surprizing amounts of damage while also being tanky at any point of the game. Meditate his poke feel free to play passive.
I was thinking about putting him at red. Then again if hes at red for you youre playing yi wrong. Meditate through his q and all in him every time. He cant burst you fast enough and you remove his range advantage.
This is surprizingly bad. The q that reduces your ad means every point of your damage is lowered and him having natural tankiness means youre never going to kill him. you can easily farm though since he has no way to deal effective burst.
You can easily destroy him reguardless of the time of the game. Early you outdamage him unless he gets 2 lucky crits. And meditate removes his q advantage. Later meditate removes his ult if you can activate it without meditate.
An actual problem. You kick the shit out of him pre 6. Then you lose later because alot of your power is meditateing through the backlash burst. If you get ahead he shouldnt be able to deal enough damage for his ult.
A tank taht edals damage. Too bad hes squishy.
You can lose this if he gets ahead. MEditate through his ult and alpha strike every poke. He only has 1 cc ability.
believe it or not dont all in level 1. Level 2 you start outdamaging him. Meditate and alpha when he tries to knock up if youre low and he cant stop you.
You can destroy him early. After 6 you need to make him waste ult and w somehow. His w kills your power.
He can kill you. Hes squishy early so if you can kill him early hes done.
If you start losing youre done. Otherwise you can easily destroy her. Meditate her poke.
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