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Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Yorick Jungle is beast. Don't knock it till you try it.
Start blue.
Go wolves/wraiths (whichever is closer).
Then go to other wolves/wraiths.
Next is red.
After all of these. Gank when needed, otherwise. Farm and counter jungle when the other jungler is in a lane or far enough away.
The secret to yorick's jungling is that his ghouls grab more agro than you. So keep popping ghouls right before the other dies and you will never get touched by any jungle creeps. EVEN WORKS ON DRAGON pretty well at least.
Go wolves/wraiths (whichever is closer).
Then go to other wolves/wraiths.
Next is red.
After all of these. Gank when needed, otherwise. Farm and counter jungle when the other jungler is in a lane or far enough away.
The secret to yorick's jungling is that his ghouls grab more agro than you. So keep popping ghouls right before the other dies and you will never get touched by any jungle creeps. EVEN WORKS ON DRAGON pretty well at least.
Yorick is very strong in jungle and really good at ganking.
His ganks are strong because he slows the enemy a lot with pestilence and when you Q them you move faster and can keep hitting them and spamming ghouls to kill them. Basically. He is pretty hard to out run. Even with flash.
His W is sooooo useful because you can do a lot of things.
Yorick is great at pushing lane and farming when covering for someone who went back too.
He also can use his W and ult to Knock down turrets waaaay faster.
His minions can also grab turret agro very well provided you are attacking an enemy champion.
His ganks are strong because he slows the enemy a lot with pestilence and when you Q them you move faster and can keep hitting them and spamming ghouls to kill them. Basically. He is pretty hard to out run. Even with flash.
His W is sooooo useful because you can do a lot of things.
Check brush
Slow groups of enemies
Clear creeps with it's AOE
Slow enemies chasing you by putting his behind you and Q'ing them if they are close enough
Yorick is great at pushing lane and farming when covering for someone who went back too.
He also can use his W and ult to Knock down turrets waaaay faster.
His minions can also grab turret agro very well provided you are attacking an enemy champion.
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