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Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Introduction of this guide.
When you play yorick you have to be carefull at your mana, because if you spam the skills you will lose it immediatly.
- A decent farmer/pusher.
- The best top sustain in the game in my opinion.
- Ultimate can be used on teammates, usually on adc.
- Is very tanky and have big damage with the gouls.
- Great harass at early/mid game.
- He is using very much mana, untill you build tear of the goddess.
- No escape abilities,only flash.
- Omen of pestilance is scaling on AP so it don't have so much dmg like the other skills, so you hamve to max it last.
- Ultimate can be wasted if you don't use it at the right moment.
- A decent farmer/pusher.
- The best top sustain in the game in my opinion.
- Ultimate can be used on teammates, usually on adc.
- Is very tanky and have big damage with the gouls.
- Great harass at early/mid game.
- He is using very much mana, untill you build tear of the goddess.
- No escape abilities,only flash.
- Omen of pestilance is scaling on AP so it don't have so much dmg like the other skills, so you hamve to max it last.
- Ultimate can be wasted if you don't use it at the right moment.
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