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Heimerdinger Build Guide by TazinLazin23

AP Carry You Can't Stop The ****er

AP Carry You Can't Stop The ****er

Updated on January 13, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TazinLazin23 Build Guide By TazinLazin23 1,850 Views 0 Comments
1,850 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TazinLazin23 Heimerdinger Build Guide By TazinLazin23 Updated on January 13, 2015
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Introduction To The Donger

Heimerdinger is a great champion to play in any lane, he pushes hard and can ruin an enemy champion's minion feed. His turrets, with the laser beam shot, can damage an enemy and scare them from coming close to your minions. Smart summoners will try to dodge this laser beam shot.
An important part to playing Heimerdinger is basic attacking (Especially against a melee champion. When Heimerdinger is sitting inside of his turrets he is almost unstoppable and and is very hard to deal damage to. Basic attacking an enemy champion whenever possible gives Heimerdinger a health advantage and lowers the life of the enemy champion in order to use the stun rocket ignite combo.
When playing Heimer, cs is very important. Making the effort to counter the enemy summoners cs, and gettting as much cs as possible with Heimer is essential to early game, because junglers like to focus Heimerdinger. The pushing power that Heimer possesses is substantial and by pushing hard it forces the enemy jungler to target Heimer. Wards are a HUGE difference in getting fed or feeding. Warding the river when playing top is the best spot to ward along with the bush to the top left of Baron (Essential for playing on blue and purple side).
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Placement of Heimer's Turrets

Place Heimer's turrets just behind your own minions to reduce the chance of an enemy champion dealing damage to them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TazinLazin23
TazinLazin23 Heimerdinger Guide
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You Can't Stop The ****er

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