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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
About the Build maker
Warmog's Armor:Tons of health that allows you to dive into the fight and walk away.
Boots Of Mobility:I like to have high movement speed and you able to have it because you get all other stats from other items in this build so why not.
W:Unstable Matter deals damage based on enemy percent maximum health meaning that it can deal tons of enemy's health consistently and is worth maxing first for the AOE damage.
Q:Stretching Strike is a good poke and is useful for its slow and for tagging escaping enemy's,dose decent damage and should be maxed second.
E:Elastic Slingshot is good for starting fights and has a knock back for disruption as well as covers a fair distance,Mainly a utility spell max it last.
R:Lets Bounce is a highly disrupting spell that allows you to knock up enemy's on each bounce giving tons of crowd control and damage,Put points in when ever possible
W:Unstable Matter deals damage based on enemy percent maximum health meaning that it can deal tons of enemy's health consistently and is worth maxing first for the AOE damage.
Q:Stretching Strike is a good poke and is useful for its slow and for tagging escaping enemy's,dose decent damage and should be maxed second.
E:Elastic Slingshot is good for starting fights and has a knock back for disruption as well as covers a fair distance,Mainly a utility spell max it last.
R:Lets Bounce is a highly disrupting spell that allows you to knock up enemy's on each bounce giving tons of crowd control and damage,Put points in when ever possible
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