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Zac Build Guide by A Horny Zac

Support Zac - ***** to destroy bot lane

Support Zac - ***** to destroy bot lane

Updated on January 17, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author A Horny Zac Build Guide By A Horny Zac 7,759 Views 0 Comments
7,759 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author A Horny Zac Zac Build Guide By A Horny Zac Updated on January 17, 2020
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Runes: standard

Font of Life
Second Wind

Last Stand

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Zac - ***** to destroy bot lane

By A Horny Zac
Why zac support is good?
I use to play zac jungle, but recently decided to try him support after hearing of a few korean players that did this, i gave it a shot myself. I found it works well in bot because of his CC heavy kit while outputting great damage and being fairly tanky with my build.
Early Game?
Early game you will want to go for a level one cheese.

if you are blue side walk straight to the river after leashing and try to catch out both enemies with your Q, this should burn summoner spells or grant you first blood/double kill

if you are red side, do the same thing but sit in the bush near enemy tower where they will have to walk through if they want to get to lane quick. you will catch a lot of enemies off guard and will help give you a lane advantage.

This is where Zac support exceeds heavily and can spiral a lead early for your adc to carry
how to climb?
I have started my climb on a new account duo q'ing with a friend of mine. We started in iron placements and are now playing with/against some season 9 platinum players.

I recommend you find a good adc to duo q with that understands zac support. my solo q experience has been rough because lower elo adc's do not understand how zac support works and will not follow up with anything you do, or understand your power spikes. duo q'ing makes this so much easier

if you have to, solo q and add every good adc you get until you find a reliable duo.
Power spikes
your first spike is level one, which i mentioned how to take advantage of in other chapters.

Level 3 you can look to E and full combo the enemy, should secure a kill.

Level 4 is ideal because your E has a lot more range than at 3 and you can setup a fight from further away.

Level 6 will be your next big one in lane since your R adds so much more CC to your combo and will output good damage.
Thank you!
Thank you for checking out my guide,and i wish you luck with your attempts at zac support and i hope this guide helps you! i have had great success with it so far and i hope you can as well!*****%20Zac%20 you can follow my climb progress here ^_^
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League of Legends Build Guide Author A Horny Zac
A Horny Zac Zac Guide
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Zac - ***** to destroy bot lane

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