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Zed Build Guide by YoloXindrom

Assassin Zed MID Assasin Guide

Assassin Zed MID Assasin Guide

Updated on March 24, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YoloXindrom Build Guide By YoloXindrom 1,603 Views 0 Comments
1,603 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author YoloXindrom Zed Build Guide By YoloXindrom Updated on March 24, 2016
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Hello guys, i am YoloXindrom and this is my first Mobafire build, hope you enjoy and let s get started.
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DUSKBLADE OF DRAKTHARR Duskblade of Draktharr:
I really like this item on Zed, it gives you insane burst with its passive and some movement speed too. After completing this item, don t AA champions anymore before ult or if passive kills them.

DEATH'S DANCE Death's Dance:
Good overall item on Zed since you heal from your Q , E and even your R.

BOOTS I reccomend using Swiftness, but these are at your choice.

RAVENOUS HYDRA Ravenous Hydra:
Wave clear and extra damage when you ult.

Bloodthirster-If you feel very squishy or you get hard poked.
Youmuu's Ghostblade-For tanky enemies or if you prefer it.

MERCURIAL SCIMITER mercurial scimiter:
Lifesteal+guaranteed escape if you get CC-ed after you ult.
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Pros / Cons

-Very good poke;
-One shots carries easy;
-Very good mobility;
-Fun to play;
-Players are ''afraid'' of him;

-Pretty hard team fights at the beggining games;
-Hard to master;
-Vulnerable to stuns, roots, silences (any kind of CC actually);
-Countered by Zhonya's Hourglass
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Frequently MIstakes on Zed

1-Passive used on champs when you shouldn't.
Don't use passive only if you ulted or he is low so you can set up the kill;
2-Ult the wrong enemy.
You should probably ult the followng roles: ADC->APC/MID->TOP(not if it is the tank)->Jungler (for something like Nidalee i think)->SUPP (if it is some heavy sustain support- Janna/Soraka, you could make her a higher priority);
3-Ult at the wrong time.
This applies especially in team fights. Don't start the team fight by yourself, wait for the tank to aggro them and then ult you target;
4-Spamming W.
Think about your W as your primary escape. If you don t have QSS or Youmuu, try not to spam it very hard, also build some CDR.
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Full combo w/ items

ULT->E->AA->HYDRA->Q->ANOTHER AA(make sure to proc passive)->MERCURIAL (if you must escape heavy CC)

Hope you guys enjoyed and this helps you, give me some feedback about what should I improve on my guide, and GL-HF!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YoloXindrom
YoloXindrom Zed Guide
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Zed MID Assasin Guide

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