MissMaw, I mean via MobaFire comments like I've been saying for the last few pages. Can you see how in the above image there is a lot of wasted black space between your avatar and James'? And how small yours and Amanda's art is compared to previous entries?
Doesn't matter now, I guess. My turn ^^
Doesn't matter now, I guess. My turn ^^
Yes, but compare your original post:
With the below one, Amanda can screenshot your post with no wasted space. Because the whole idea is the previous person is credited with the next person's screen shot. So Amanda was trying to get your avatar in her screenshot, which mean all of that wasted black space.

With the below one, Amanda can screenshot your post with no wasted space. Because the whole idea is the previous person is credited with the next person's screen shot. So Amanda was trying to get your avatar in her screenshot, which mean all of that wasted black space.
I'll wait to see if Amanda changes it, otherwise I'll just work with her original. It's no big deal ^^
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