Updated! Need more people participating :P We don't bite and it's just a bit of fun. It's good practice just playing around :) Also, I see what you did thar, Elecro :P
2. Latest Legend 3. The_Nameless_Bard 4. Electro522 5. jamespongebob 6. Toshabi 7. jhoijhoi 8. Wayne3100 9. Emikadon 10. The_Nameless_Bard |
12. Toshabi 13. jhoijhoi 14. jamespongebob 15. MissMaw 16. The_Nameless_Bard 17. jhoijhoi 18. Toshabi 19. jamespongebob 20. Available. |
21. jhoijhoi 22. Your turn? 23. Your turn? 24. Toshabi 25. The_Nameless_Bard 26. Electro522 27. jhoijhoi 28. jamespongebob 29. MissMaw 30. Toshabi |
31. Your turn? 32. Your turn? 33. jhoijhoi 34. Electro522 35. The_Nameless_Bard 36. Toshabi 37. jhoijhoi 38. jamespongebob 39. Your turn? 40. Your turn? |
41. jhoijhoi 42. The_Nameless_Bard 43. Your turn? 44. Your turn? 45. Your turn? 46. Your turn? 47. jhoijhoi 48. Your turn? 49. Your turn? 40. Your turn? |
♡ guide writing tips 'n tricks ♡ ashes to ashes ♡ fancy a sig? ♡
♡ sig unintentional collab with Jovy and me ♡
♡ sig unintentional collab with Jovy and me ♡
Updated slots :D Tosh, take your time. I'm visiting the Animal Rescue Support Network OP Shop today to help out, like I do every Saturday, so won't be home til after 3PM my time ^^
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Hahahaha telling me my items are bad HHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAhA
Listen buddy don't judge someone's items if your only level 13
This build is Platinum approved, Thats all you need to know