Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
DuffTime wrote:
^ No he's just bad.
And good assassin types might be Talon, Akali, etc. Like others have mentioned.
Are you zoned into assassins or do you like all kinds of champions?
no, i played tankers, a bit malzahar (like him very much) and i like Yi, Sion, but I can't play, I end dying a lot and not helping... i either don't know when to backdoor, and i play solo, so, my team sometimes cant take 4x5... this is why i'm trying some killer with survability, shaco have deceive, slow and fear... but if he isn't good...
Tanks: used almost everyone...
off tanks/tanky dps: i like nasus, but sometimes he's weak, depending on the enemy... I used lee sin too when it was free, udyr but he doesnt have range --'... renekton too, but just a bit
assassins: fail yi, fail sion, fail everyone
ranged dps: tristana - kinda fail...
mages: i really like malza :D
support: soraka
I would like to do decent damage, but without being paper... like I'm killing everyone but if someone focus me = down, my intetion isn't kill everyone, I just want to help to kill and get some kills, but have resistance to hold some damage...
Skarner, Talon and Riven idk, wasn't playing when they were launched... they're off-tank, assassin and tanky dps?

Try this next time you play Sion.
Sion is one of the most FARM DEPENDENT champions in the game.
Take teleport.
Build GA, 2 Zeals, and an infinity edge.
Go fight.
Nasus is weak, you are correct. All you have to do is beat him up hard in lane and he's useless all game long. He'll have to sit in a lane and farm while his team 4v5's.
Sion is one of the most FARM DEPENDENT champions in the game.
Take teleport.
Build GA, 2 Zeals, and an infinity edge.
Go fight.
Nasus is weak, you are correct. All you have to do is beat him up hard in lane and he's useless all game long. He'll have to sit in a lane and farm while his team 4v5's.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
DuffTime wrote:
Try this next time you play Sion.
Sion is one of the most FARM DEPENDENT champions in the game.
Take teleport.
Build GA, 2 Zeals, and an infinity edge.
Go fight.
Nasus is weak, you are correct. All you have to do is beat him up hard in lane and he's useless all game long. He'll have to sit in a lane and farm while his team 4v5's.
sion: GA, 2 Zeal, IE,
masteries 21/0/9 or 0/21/9?
runes: focusing ArmP and mana regen?
wich boots? AS or Tenacity?
Focus E Q W?

Masteries 0/14/16
Armor, MR, strength of spirit maxed
Reduce minion dmg and 2 reduce dmg max.
Teleport, reduce time dead, experience, mana regen, greed or buff duration, 3% move speed, improved flash.
Runes, ArP reds, flat armor yellows, MR per level blues, and for quints either more resistances, armor pen, or move speed, depending on your preference. Move speed is probably the best investment, but armor pen will crush enemy melee champions in lane harder, and resistances will really help against champions who are hard to fight, maybe a rumble or a Nidalee or something. (AD Sion can beat both with clever play.)
Mercury treads.
In 90% of lanes, start W, then E to start farming passive HP boost immediately.
Use shield to protect against harass, not to damage. If you can use shield to get free dmg, you can do that as long as you can farm safely. Activate shield, attack enemy champ 1-2 times, and back off for free damage on them.
Stuns and shield combos will allow you 2-3 free auto attacks before taking damage in return.
Shield first when they think they can fight, and then stun when shield is low for 1-2 more hits and back off before they can attack you. Winning the first 3-4 trades of damage sets you up to win the lane for keeps. Farm your E HARD when you've got control of the lane.
If the enemy is ranged AD or caster like Rumble / Kennen, and you're having trouble, max W and farm when shield is up. If you can easily win or they are melee, max E and go to town on them!
Always Mercury Treads, you need to be auto attacking while your ult is on, you need to be dealing damage constantly. CC ****s you.
Later on, turn one of the zeals into a Triforce, and finish an item like Randuin's or Force of nature. The other Zeal can become a PD or you can sell it and buy a Force of nature or something.
Armor, MR, strength of spirit maxed
Reduce minion dmg and 2 reduce dmg max.
Teleport, reduce time dead, experience, mana regen, greed or buff duration, 3% move speed, improved flash.
Runes, ArP reds, flat armor yellows, MR per level blues, and for quints either more resistances, armor pen, or move speed, depending on your preference. Move speed is probably the best investment, but armor pen will crush enemy melee champions in lane harder, and resistances will really help against champions who are hard to fight, maybe a rumble or a Nidalee or something. (AD Sion can beat both with clever play.)
Mercury treads.
In 90% of lanes, start W, then E to start farming passive HP boost immediately.
Use shield to protect against harass, not to damage. If you can use shield to get free dmg, you can do that as long as you can farm safely. Activate shield, attack enemy champ 1-2 times, and back off for free damage on them.
Stuns and shield combos will allow you 2-3 free auto attacks before taking damage in return.
Shield first when they think they can fight, and then stun when shield is low for 1-2 more hits and back off before they can attack you. Winning the first 3-4 trades of damage sets you up to win the lane for keeps. Farm your E HARD when you've got control of the lane.
If the enemy is ranged AD or caster like Rumble / Kennen, and you're having trouble, max W and farm when shield is up. If you can easily win or they are melee, max E and go to town on them!
Always Mercury Treads, you need to be auto attacking while your ult is on, you need to be dealing damage constantly. CC ****s you.
Later on, turn one of the zeals into a Triforce, and finish an item like Randuin's or Force of nature. The other Zeal can become a PD or you can sell it and buy a Force of nature or something.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
god, played twice without reading it... one i was good: 20/7 but we lost... the second game we gave up... i was 2/7/2 god, a shen RAPED me 1x1 top lane! seriously, that blade and passive, ****, so much damage, I use shield he breaks it with blade, he kept healing with the vorpal blade again, and harassing a lot, he farmed a lot, I lost the lane and fed... couldn't hold that!! what do I do if i'm loosing the lane? sit and don't farm? D:

Uhmmm. Do you buy cloth armor 5 hp pots as start gear?
Dunno how you could lose to Shen x_x
Dunno how you could lose to Shen x_x

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
no, i was with vampire scepter...
i was really impressed too o.o seriously! I couldnt get close to the minions... he was healing too much with the blade, and dealing too much damage with blade and ki-strike! I activated shield and stun him, right when i activated he "vorpal blayed" it and destroyed... then i got 1-2 hits on him but he could ki-strike me and vorpal again before i can ran away... that was REALLY hard D:
i'll play more 1
edit: he was with boots and 5 health potions '-'
i was really impressed too o.o seriously! I couldnt get close to the minions... he was healing too much with the blade, and dealing too much damage with blade and ki-strike! I activated shield and stun him, right when i activated he "vorpal blayed" it and destroyed... then i got 1-2 hits on him but he could ki-strike me and vorpal again before i can ran away... that was REALLY hard D:
i'll play more 1
edit: he was with boots and 5 health potions '-'

Boots and 3 hp pots*
Take cloth armor 5 pots.
Also, don't go after shen next time. Use shield to farm carefully and just stay healthy HP and farm.
Take cloth armor 5 pots.
Also, don't go after shen next time. Use shield to farm carefully and just stay healthy HP and farm.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
I killed him - firstblood - and he bought more 2 xD
****, this game the enemy got sion --' my team was just terrible, the game was a ****, but the enemy sion built philosopher's stone, atma's impaler and tri-force... if I build tri-force then IE wouldn't I get healthy at the same time as strong?
start with cloth armor? ok...
edit: what about irelia, lee sin, riven or renekton?
edit²: irelia, lee and riven with tri-force, atmas and tankiness... and renekton with black cleaver and youmuu and tankiness... maybe more 1 AD item on them...
****, this game the enemy got sion --' my team was just terrible, the game was a ****, but the enemy sion built philosopher's stone, atma's impaler and tri-force... if I build tri-force then IE wouldn't I get healthy at the same time as strong?
start with cloth armor? ok...
edit: what about irelia, lee sin, riven or renekton?
edit²: irelia, lee and riven with tri-force, atmas and tankiness... and renekton with black cleaver and youmuu and tankiness... maybe more 1 AD item on them...

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And good assassin types might be Talon, Akali, etc. Like others have mentioned.
Are you zoned into assassins or do you like all kinds of champions?