I meant, it's hard to recover if someone comes in to pop your boxes. You lose out on red or blue.
This is also just from watching people play him and hearing other things. I have a pro-bro who mains shaco. I've seen how well he rapes face. I'm just saying, in 1v1, he's amazing. In a 5v5, he's less than stellar. Yes I own him. No, I don't like him.
I meant, it's hard to recover if someone comes in to pop your boxes. You lose out on red or blue.
This is also just from watching people play him and hearing other things. I have a pro-bro who mains shaco. I've seen how well he rapes face. I'm just saying, in 1v1, he's amazing. In a 5v5, he's less than stellar. Yes I own him. No, I don't like him.
-didn't bother to read the thread, this post is just to the OP-
I've been tinkering with a Shaco guide for monthes now, but he's gone through so many changes and I don't play him much anymore.
He's a very hard champion to play. You need A LOT of experience, and natural intuition for off-guide situations.
First off - Go watch Reginald's guide on Shaco; it's not perfect, but has lots of valueable information.
Second - Yes, go 21/0/9 masteries
Next - Practice your jungle like crazy in custom games. At least 5 times before trying it in a real game. And always check it still works after each patch. Shaco has been notorious for his bugs.
Next - Make sure you know how to recover from counter-jungling. Go watch stonewall008's youtube Teambattle Cho'Gath and Teambattle Fiddlesticks videos for a general idea of what jungle recovery is. Lots of people don't know how to "recover" against counter-jungling, and thus fail miserably.
Next - AD Shaco is best if you can pull off ganks, Tanky DPS Shaco if you're recovering.
AP Shaco is not for the jungle and is virtually useless late-game. If you play AP Shaco, forget this post, I don't have experience in that area.
Next - Always take Smite for junglers. Always. Always. ALWAYS.
Lastly, practice other junglers too so you can get more used to jungling in general.
The sooner you become comfortable to counter-jungle, the better you'll do.
I've been tinkering with a Shaco guide for monthes now, but he's gone through so many changes and I don't play him much anymore.
He's a very hard champion to play. You need A LOT of experience, and natural intuition for off-guide situations.
First off - Go watch Reginald's guide on Shaco; it's not perfect, but has lots of valueable information.
Second - Yes, go 21/0/9 masteries
Next - Practice your jungle like crazy in custom games. At least 5 times before trying it in a real game. And always check it still works after each patch. Shaco has been notorious for his bugs.
Next - Make sure you know how to recover from counter-jungling. Go watch stonewall008's youtube Teambattle Cho'Gath and Teambattle Fiddlesticks videos for a general idea of what jungle recovery is. Lots of people don't know how to "recover" against counter-jungling, and thus fail miserably.
Next - AD Shaco is best if you can pull off ganks, Tanky DPS Shaco if you're recovering.
AP Shaco is not for the jungle and is virtually useless late-game. If you play AP Shaco, forget this post, I don't have experience in that area.
Next - Always take Smite for junglers. Always. Always. ALWAYS.
Lastly, practice other junglers too so you can get more used to jungling in general.
The sooner you become comfortable to counter-jungle, the better you'll do.
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Shaco sucks and the players who think he doesn't suck don't play to win, they play to have fun.
They will tell you otherwise, but they are wrong.
Shaco is not a champion to win games with, he gets random kills outside of team fights, and does nothing with them.
Sion beats a lot of champions in lane. Jus do the GA double zeal I.E. triforce build lol.
They will tell you otherwise, but they are wrong.
Shaco is not a champion to win games with, he gets random kills outside of team fights, and does nothing with them.
Sion beats a lot of champions in lane. Jus do the GA double zeal I.E. triforce build lol.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
High ELO players have made Shaco work - He can be viable.
He's only been on the down low for three reasons.
1. Bugs, lots of bugs
2. Weak 5v5 late game team fight potential
3. Difficult to play
But games can end in the early and mid game. Snowballing assassins are the scariest to deal with.
He's not an "absolute" pick for "I need to win" games - But he's not a "GG, we lose" champion.
Reginald proved that Shaco can be a viable pick by playing with him in ranked for a month or so a few patches back. Now, he's got numerous bug fixes and improvements to his kit.
DuffTime, you're the one who just doesn't think Shaco can win, and it's not a fact - You're misinformed. :P
So sorry if all you've encountered are bad Shacos.
There are plenty of good Shaco mains in higher ELOs. And more are showing up with all his bug fixes.
Shaco is also very good at low-ELO pubstomping - It's just mid ELO where people who lack the experience often hit-and-miss with Shaco.
With Shaco - It's always the player that sucks, not the champion; Shaco's skill ceiling has a high base threshold then most other champions, if he does badly, it's because the player didn't make the cut / couldn't fulfill the experience & skill requirements to play him.
He's only been on the down low for three reasons.
1. Bugs, lots of bugs
2. Weak 5v5 late game team fight potential
3. Difficult to play
But games can end in the early and mid game. Snowballing assassins are the scariest to deal with.
He's not an "absolute" pick for "I need to win" games - But he's not a "GG, we lose" champion.
Reginald proved that Shaco can be a viable pick by playing with him in ranked for a month or so a few patches back. Now, he's got numerous bug fixes and improvements to his kit.
DuffTime, you're the one who just doesn't think Shaco can win, and it's not a fact - You're misinformed. :P
So sorry if all you've encountered are bad Shacos.
There are plenty of good Shaco mains in higher ELOs. And more are showing up with all his bug fixes.
Shaco is also very good at low-ELO pubstomping - It's just mid ELO where people who lack the experience often hit-and-miss with Shaco.
With Shaco - It's always the player that sucks, not the champion; Shaco's skill ceiling has a high base threshold then most other champions, if he does badly, it's because the player didn't make the cut / couldn't fulfill the experience & skill requirements to play him.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~ |
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JunSupport wrote:
With Shaco - It's always the player that sucks, not the champion; Shaco's skill ceiling has a high base threshold then most other champions, if he does badly, it's because the player didn't make the cut / couldn't fulfill the experience & skill requirements to play him.
Pretty much everything ^.
The whole Shaco setup is based on ruining the enemy early game following along to late game. The problem with people is that they fail at doing so. The way Shaco wins the game is by ruining the enemy team's early game following along to late game, where enemies can't get back into position in fights, or are simply too weak to start teamfights.
Shaco wouldn't be that useful in competitive play though, because teams have way too much synergy.
And for Shaco always go AD. AP is the real troll. 21/0/9 is good. Of course always Smite.
Guys, I'm not English, I'm Brazilian... I'm here to learn how to play the champs and don't be that ****ing joke "Morde es 1# - Brasil - heuheuehueheuhe"
That is ****ing annoying, we can play it right... I play solo, always, don't have friends to play with me and it's hard to find american friends, because I'll play now, probably in US now many of you are studying...
So, I play for fun, I really like to win, but I'm always SOLO and never played ranked, and don't pretend too because I'll get raped! Based on this, I want opinions on:
Sion, Irelia, Lee Sin, Riven - Trinity Force, Wit's End, Mercury's Treads, Randuin's Omen, Guardian Angel + Atma's or more 1 defensive or more 1 ofensive ~~~~ Exhaust/ Teleport + Flash/ Ghost
Renekton - Black Cleaver + Tanky - Maybe atma's/youmuu Exhaust/ Teleport + Flash
Shaco - Jungling (smite, for sure), AD, idk wich build Smite + IDK
Are my summoner spells right? I like exhaust because it haves so many uses... teleport is good too, but IDK if it's good to get it to replace exhaust...
edit: tried riven vs bots, she is cool xD
built sion with tri-force, GA, PD, Mercury's treads and seems he lacks damage...
and why kayle is built like support? she cant be built like teemo? high attack speed with righteous fury?
That is ****ing annoying, we can play it right... I play solo, always, don't have friends to play with me and it's hard to find american friends, because I'll play now, probably in US now many of you are studying...
So, I play for fun, I really like to win, but I'm always SOLO and never played ranked, and don't pretend too because I'll get raped! Based on this, I want opinions on:
Sion, Irelia, Lee Sin, Riven - Trinity Force, Wit's End, Mercury's Treads, Randuin's Omen, Guardian Angel + Atma's or more 1 defensive or more 1 ofensive ~~~~ Exhaust/ Teleport + Flash/ Ghost
Renekton - Black Cleaver + Tanky - Maybe atma's/youmuu Exhaust/ Teleport + Flash
Shaco - Jungling (smite, for sure), AD, idk wich build Smite + IDK
Are my summoner spells right? I like exhaust because it haves so many uses... teleport is good too, but IDK if it's good to get it to replace exhaust...
edit: tried riven vs bots, she is cool xD
built sion with tri-force, GA, PD, Mercury's treads and seems he lacks damage...
and why kayle is built like support? she cant be built like teemo? high attack speed with righteous fury?
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
Jun would like to believe Shaco is a viable pick because Reginald used him in ranked.
The reality is Shaco is probably top 10 worst champs in the game.
He does nothing in team fights.
If people are gonna talk you into using Shaco, it should be because you want to have fun.
If you want to win a game, don't use a ******** useless champion.
Jun would also have you believe that Shaco is a high skill cap champion.
He's a GIMMICKY champion. He does little tricks and hops over walls before he dies. He puts boxes in bushes and tries to make you run into them.
What Jun really means to say, is if your opponents are ******S, Shaco can get a lot of kills.
If your opponents think it's a brilliant idea to run into bushes face first when there's a Shaco on the other team, guess what, THEY DESERVE TO LOSE FOR BEING IDIOTS.
If they're that dumb, I guarantee they will also be dumb enough to group in the jungle and eat an entire Brand ult. I guarantee they will get facerolled by Amumu. Nocturne will catch them over extending easily. Just using a champ and praying for your champs to be idiots is not wise, when there are actually viable champs that also abuse stupidity, and they do it better.
I don't know how to say this any more simply. Any champion that is dependent on the short comings of your opponents will NEVER be a viable champion at a higher level of play. If you stop and think even for a ****ing second, you wouldn't step into the bush the enemy player is juking oddly towards. You would never get caught in the jungle and fall face first into 4 boxes and a shaco. It just won't happen.
Then what? You keep up in levels, farm, and before you know it, Shaco sat in a bush waiting for you to fall into it, it didn't happen, and now he's under farmed and weak as piss.
His boxes suck in teamfights. His Q is useful but low impact in comparison to other champions. Decieve gets you out of the fight or into the fight, but then what? You didn't do **** with all the damn hopping around. Other champions have high impact skill in those spots.
His ultimate makes him hard to 1v1 at level 6. Okay, so you just walk away.
His ult is more gimmicky ********, it's easy to tell which one is real.
Other champions have real ults.
He sucks, he's a bunch of parlor tricks that work great against stupid players for the first 15 minutes, and he offers nothing to teamfights.
Whereas if you pick a real champion, you'd have a useful contribution to your team.
All this to say, use Shaco to have fun, but don't tell me that he's a viable pick. He's garbage. He's useless.
The reality is Shaco is probably top 10 worst champs in the game.
He does nothing in team fights.
If people are gonna talk you into using Shaco, it should be because you want to have fun.
If you want to win a game, don't use a ******** useless champion.
Jun would also have you believe that Shaco is a high skill cap champion.
He's a GIMMICKY champion. He does little tricks and hops over walls before he dies. He puts boxes in bushes and tries to make you run into them.
What Jun really means to say, is if your opponents are ******S, Shaco can get a lot of kills.
If your opponents think it's a brilliant idea to run into bushes face first when there's a Shaco on the other team, guess what, THEY DESERVE TO LOSE FOR BEING IDIOTS.
If they're that dumb, I guarantee they will also be dumb enough to group in the jungle and eat an entire Brand ult. I guarantee they will get facerolled by Amumu. Nocturne will catch them over extending easily. Just using a champ and praying for your champs to be idiots is not wise, when there are actually viable champs that also abuse stupidity, and they do it better.
I don't know how to say this any more simply. Any champion that is dependent on the short comings of your opponents will NEVER be a viable champion at a higher level of play. If you stop and think even for a ****ing second, you wouldn't step into the bush the enemy player is juking oddly towards. You would never get caught in the jungle and fall face first into 4 boxes and a shaco. It just won't happen.
Then what? You keep up in levels, farm, and before you know it, Shaco sat in a bush waiting for you to fall into it, it didn't happen, and now he's under farmed and weak as piss.
His boxes suck in teamfights. His Q is useful but low impact in comparison to other champions. Decieve gets you out of the fight or into the fight, but then what? You didn't do **** with all the damn hopping around. Other champions have high impact skill in those spots.
His ultimate makes him hard to 1v1 at level 6. Okay, so you just walk away.
His ult is more gimmicky ********, it's easy to tell which one is real.
Other champions have real ults.
He sucks, he's a bunch of parlor tricks that work great against stupid players for the first 15 minutes, and he offers nothing to teamfights.
Whereas if you pick a real champion, you'd have a useful contribution to your team.
All this to say, use Shaco to have fun, but don't tell me that he's a viable pick. He's garbage. He's useless.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
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Shaco's kinda bad in general. His teamfight is terrible. His jungle is the hardest thing in the world.
He's only there to pick off stragglers really. If you can get into a 1v1 situation with a squishy, you will kill them unless someone comes to help.
Honestly, I would just play anyone else in general.
you gotta be kiddin me, shaco is an amazing jungler and it's damn easy to jungle as him, also he jungles faster than anyone else. His teamfight is build dependant, he can be either a glass cannon crit machine or a more durable burst with trinity and wit's end, atmas banshee