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Janna build I commonly use. Any advice?

Creator: Derums April 12, 2011 4:26am
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Derums's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2011 5:22am | Report
Canoas wrote:

Ap does scale well in janna. 0.9 with shield and 1.4 in her ulti (don't know the rest). But with an AP build you'll be lacking survivability or CDR.
Also, you don't bring that much to the team like other casters or a support janna would. You'd be some squishy champ with a strong shield and heal, decent CC and not very good damage.
If you did go support you'd provide more survivability to the whole team, the same CC, a slightish off-tank build able to take some damage and auras to boost their damage and yours.
In the end your team will do more damage if you're support than if you're AP, and they'll be able to outlive their enemies.
The big problem with support though is that if your team sucks there's nothing you can do. But if you play with your friends or are in higher ELO, you can be sure a support will make a big difference.
I have a support Janna build in case you want to see what one looks like. But IMO it's a big difference in play-style and you're probably better off switching to a stronger AP champ.

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I changed my build somewhat and decided to be 'flexible' so I can quickly adapt. Here's what I've been doing lately:

Masteries: 9/0/21 Standard caster with 1 point each in Blink of an Eye and the Improved clairvoyance.

Summoner Spells : Flash + Clairvoyance. This is a change from Ghost and Teleport I was previously using.

Runes : 9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration , 9x Greater Seal of Vitality , 9x Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction, 3x Greater Quintessence of Health

( I am pretty good about using my spells when I need to plus my build provides me with a decent mana pool. The extra 175 per lvl health + 78 flat health is very useful indeed.. hence no mana regen runes)

My build :
-Start with Doran's Ring
- Come back and get Catalyst the Protector & Boots if I can.
- From here I see if anyone is going for an Aegis of the Legion on my team , if they are not , I get it. If we have some good AP on our team I go for a Will of the Ancients especially since its cheap. If not , then I proceed to finish my Rod of Ages
- Complete Ionian Boots of Lucidity

This is my core build , gives good AP and/or great support.

My next item would typically be a Rabadon's Deathcap but will go Banshee's Veil if they're CC is overwhelming. If I went for Will of the Ancients to support my AP heavy team ( consider a team with Brand & Annie on it , or Vlad and Ryze , etc) then I will follow up with an Abyssal Mask instead of the Rabadon's Deathcap.

If the game goes longer than this I will finish things up with either a Morello's Evil Tome or Soul Shroud. Again it depends on how the game is going and how my team make up.

* As far as Shurelia's Reverie goes , I still don't find it all that more useful than other items. Can someone show me the error in my thinking?
Adonikam's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2011 6:16am | Report
Swap health/lvl seals for mana reg seals. More shields is better then have a slight increase in health imo.

Core build is solid. Rabadons is bad, not needed at all. Veil/Randuins/Shurelias is what you need.

Shurelias gives you;
330 health-good
and a unique active which can work on your whole team-freakin awesome

it can help you carry kite (like a baus) stay alive (like a baus) and chase (like a baus)

Supports are all about buffing/enhancing/protecting their carry so I don't know why you wouldn't get it.

Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2011 8:22am | Report
You should give more priority to Morello's Evil Tome and Soul Shroud though, since that extra CD/mana regen will be more helpful at midgame than the Rod of Ages or Rabadon's Deathcap.

I also advise you take a look at Zhonya's Ring. It provides 100 AP, 50 armor and a very good survivability active. In some cases it might be better than a Banshee's Veil or Abyssal Mask

Shurelya's Battlesong is very good not just because it provides the necessary stats for a support, but also because of it's cost. If you get philosopher's stone early in the game for the mana and hp regens, by the time you build your shurelya's it's cost will have been halved, and it helped you a lot while you were building it.

But I think your build is better now, considering you like AP Janna more. Can't argue with tastes = P
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Zeprido's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2011 8:30am | Report
The reason why Janna's AP ratios are so good, is so Janna doesn't need as much AP be effective, and can build support.
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Derums's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2011 12:05pm | Report
Canoas wrote:

You should give more priority to Morello's Evil Tome and Soul Shroud though, since that extra CD/mana regen will be more helpful at midgame than the Rod of Ages or Rabadon's Deathcap.

I also advise you take a look at Zhonya's Ring. It provides 100 AP, 50 armor and a very good survivability active. In some cases it might be better than a Banshee's Veil or Abyssal Mask

Shurelya's Battlesong is very good not just because it provides the necessary stats for a support, but also because of it's cost. If you get philosopher's stone early in the game for the mana and hp regens, by the time you build your shurelya's it's cost will have been halved, and it helped you a lot while you were building it.

But I think your build is better now, considering you like AP Janna more. Can't argue with tastes = P

I definitely want to focus more on support , I like being the person that pulls some clutch moves to save a team mate or change the tide of a fight rather than getting that triple kill ;) ( although I have tripled on Janna before :) ) I will give Shurelya's Battlesong a try and it will probably be my first item given the Philosopher's Stone.

After that build a Soul Shroud probably or an Aegis of the Legion. I'll post my scores.
Derums's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2011 1:43am | Report
OK WOW I STAND CORRECTED. So I did a pure support focused build with Janna not worrying about getting my AP up and these were the results from 2 games.



I wasn't trying to KS either it's just that 'support tank' Janna is so durable she can last throughout the fight. I had another game after that where I went like 0/14/25 but that wasn't a build flaw , just a team flaw , just one of those bad games.

My items looked like this (1st game):

Shurelya's Battlesong, Aegis of the Legion, Soul Shroud, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Guardian Angel, Zeke's Harbinger

Yes my AP was low but I was still extremely effective. I got a starks at the end just to support our Physical DPS so they can stack another AD item instead of using up an item slot for AS and life steal. Don't worry its not in my core build lol.

The (2nd Game):

A lot like the first except the last two items were different :

I got a Will of the Ancients and Abyssal Mask instead to support my strong AP team. ( Had a Brand and Akali to support).

Btw , I was TOTALLY WRONG ABOUT Shurelya's Reverie' this item is AWESOME. It's very cost efficient for its price and its active has a low cd which I use to maximum efficiency :). Its so good I incorporate it into almost any standard Janna build I do now :)
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