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Janna build I commonly use. Any advice?

Creator: Derums April 12, 2011 4:26am
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Derums's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2011 4:26am | Report
I play AP Janna.

Items go : Doran's Ring ---> return to buy Amplifying Tome/ Mejai's Soulstealer & Boots ---> Tear of the Goddess and Ionian Boots of Lucidity. These constitutes my core items.

Then first I item I shoot for is Rabadon's Deathcap then to finish the Tear of the Goddess into a Archangel's Staff. At this point I typically go Morello's Evil Tome. Sometimes I will get a defensive item like Banshee's Veil if it's really needed.

Summoner spells I use are Ghost and Teleport. I know a lot of people are gonna say these aren't that great for Janna but for my purposes it works. Again , I solo que and maybe 60% of the time end up on the weaker team. I don't just blame other players. Weak teams are typically a combination of everyone not doing well and not always just one other guy or just 'others but me' except in a few cases.

Ghost allows me to escape or chase down enemies in combination with using Zephyr's active ( Ghost keeps the speed on while Zephyr slows) and it helps me to get to battles in a jiff.

Teleport is too useful in solo que not to have. Again I'd probably change this spell if I was on regular premade I could be more supportish on. In which case I would take probably Clairvoyance. Teleport has just let me dominate lanes and get to others quicker. In other words these two spells I take are purely to compliment Janna's awesome mobility and map presence.

Runes look like this : 9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, 9x Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration , 9x Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction , 3x Greater Quintessence of Health.

I think this is well balanced and for AP Janna very useful as the Health and Cool down are invaluable. I'm thinking about changing out the seals with Greater Seal of Health or Greater Seal of Vitality. Not sure yet.

Masteries are 9/0/21 standard caster. In utility I take Spatial Accuracy and Haste for my summoner spells. I also take Greed since it adds up to a couple free sight wards basically and I typically do the most warding for my team which is also to help me teleport around too.

My abilities I take are typically Q maxed out first though I can change it up. I like being able to clear a minion wave when I have to or when I want to push really hard ( i.e. in a lane while their team is distracted somewhere - hence why I <3 teleport) Priorities are typically R-Q-E-W but I will be experimenting with putting Q off till last and pump W then R ( with ulti most important obviously) first. The AP Janna I use is strong in mid , solo , or duo lane , it really doesn't matter. The most important change would be how to pump your abilities ( i.e. if Xin is laning with me then R has more priority).

My scores are pretty decent. Since I've gone more AP focused I've began pulling myself out of ELO hell. I don't get many deaths , typically 4 is the max but on average 1 or 2 and I end up with some modest kills around 4 or so and usually 15+ assist , even 20+ on average. Hence why Mejai's Soulstealer is usually a tempting item.

I know her role is support but I have been finding (lately) that AP Janna makes a good support anyway due to her AP scaling ( strong shield , mass healing). I'm typically careful to position myself right since I only have barely 2000 hp with this build at lvl 18. The down sides are that unshielded this Janna melts to a couple bursts. I am starting to experiment with some more support orientated builds. I will let everybody know how that turns out. I think I've been rolling AP Janna because even in solo que she tends to do well even if my team as a whole is lacking in ability. In other words she can easily hold her own. However , I would love to do an awesome support focused build with the right team :).
Derums's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2011 4:28am | Report
Btw , my summoner name is Donaldrumsfeld on the US servers.
JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2011 9:42am | Report
Less AP and build support? lols

Shurelya's, Soul Shroud, Abyssal Scepter, all the good stuff~
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Derums's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2011 10:21am | Report
JunSupport wrote:

Less AP and build support? lols

Shurelya's, Soul Shroud, Abyssal Scepter, all the good stuff~

Do you think AP Janna is overall a better choice? I never been a fan of Shurelya's Battlesong and hardly used it although CD is always nice plus the active can be good. I dunno , I just find more benefit in Morello's Evil Tome Am I flawed in my logic?

Basically , for Shurelya's Battlesong the only benefit to Janna seems to be the Health Regen. Consider that I already have CD covered with Runes and Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Mana Regen is also covered with runes , Tear of the Goddess and , later on , probably Morello's Evil Tome. The speed is already innate in Janna with Tailwind and Zephyr.

Is it possibly better to get Shurelya's Battlesong and Sorcerer's Shoes? Or should I scrap the whole AP focus altogether? Sorcerer's Shoes are nice for Howling Gale & Zephyr ( used offensively]] but doesn't benefit Eye of the Storm and Monsoon like AP would.
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2011 12:12pm | Report
The reason that AP Janna is lackluster is because her skills aren't as oriented toward being an AP carry compared to Anivia or Annie. Everything about Janna points to an excellent support champion, so it's more of a waste to not play her like support.
Derums's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2011 1:02pm | Report

The reason that AP Janna is lackluster is because her skills aren't as oriented toward being an AP carry compared to Anivia or Annie. Everything about Janna points to an excellent support champion, so it's more of a waste to not play her like support.

I don't know if I would go as far as 'lackluster' though. AP scales well with her and doesn't necessarily exclude her support role. Consider a much more powerful Eye of the Storm and Monsoon. And the 'one-two' combo with Zephyr and Howling Gale is nothing to laugh at. The main weaknesses in AP Janna are longer cool downs and a smaller HP pool which means more squishiness when your Eye of the Storm is on CD or being used on someone else. The nerf to Eye of the Storm also makes AP Janna even more vulnerable by default.
Cool down can be compensated with runes and items like Morello's Evil Tome but it does make early game Janna slower in her abilities. HP runes can help but one must simply play more careful as AP.

I would love to try a support focused build ( like some I've found here) but I'm afraid most of the time that's not possible since I solo que and its really a 50/50 shot if I get a good team or not. AP Janna can still manage to hold her own in a mediocre team - even change the game with pure pushing power a lone- as where a pure support Janna would crumble with the bad team. I mean I could play another champion but where is the fun in that? Janna is my favorite champion currently and the most fun for me to play and whether AP or Support ( or 'supporty AP') she is always useful on any team :).
Derums's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2011 1:04pm | Report
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Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2011 10:34am | Report
Ap does scale well in janna. 0.9 with shield and 1.4 in her ulti (don't know the rest). But with an AP build you'll be lacking survivability or CDR.
Also, you don't bring that much to the team like other casters or a support janna would. You'd be some squishy champ with a strong shield and heal, decent CC and not very good damage.
If you did go support you'd provide more survivability to the whole team, the same CC, a slightish off-tank build able to take some damage and auras to boost their damage and yours.
In the end your team will do more damage if you're support than if you're AP, and they'll be able to outlive their enemies.
The big problem with support though is that if your team sucks there's nothing you can do. But if you play with your friends or are in higher ELO, you can be sure a support will make a big difference.
I have a support Janna build in case you want to see what one looks like. But IMO it's a big difference in play-style and you're probably better off switching to a stronger AP champ.

And to set your signature you need to go to you edit profile -> signature
then go to the signatures forums and ask someone.
Adonikam's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2011 3:49am | Report
Adonikam wrote:

Dorans Ring
Dorans Ring
Dorans ring
CDR boots
Aegis of the Legion
Australians, the best gamers in the world combined with the worst ping.
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2011 5:21am | Report
Just go aura/tanky Janna with cdr. Guaranteed win, promise

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