Everybody! Don't Forget To Check out Some of My Beatboxing @ www.youtube.com/heatbbx and give me that +rep if i helped you out :)
that item list sounds like a nice idea.
you should beatbox in your videos :x
you should beatbox in your videos :x

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
1. yes.
2. Trundle, Morgana, Nasus, Poppy, AD Blitz
3. I think an Item tier list would be nice IF it's done in a way so as to not cause confusion. For instance, when is RoA>Rylai's for AP nukers who need health?
2. Trundle, Morgana, Nasus, Poppy, AD Blitz
3. I think an Item tier list would be nice IF it's done in a way so as to not cause confusion. For instance, when is RoA>Rylai's for AP nukers who need health?
Yah item tier list will have to very...how do say? Wide? for instance Ryze is built completely differently than any other caster. Some caster need to build tanky, some cant. Some dps build tanky some build lifesteal or AS. It is very subjective and situational per champ and per role. I think that it would be difficult.
However, I think your going more along the lines of XYZ is a great item. This is why. ABC is an OK item almost always because blah blah blah. Still would be hard IMO.
However, I think your going more along the lines of XYZ is a great item. This is why. ABC is an OK item almost always because blah blah blah. Still would be hard IMO.
Join me, or fall forever
actually, contrary to popular belief, items have tiers regardless. no matter what champ items are hands down better than others.
Everybody! Don't Forget To Check out Some of My Beatboxing @ www.youtube.com/heatbbx and give me that +rep if i helped you out :)
1. Videos and Writtern text have their place.
A good guide will have both, but I wouldn't mind written guides because some people just aren't good at making videos.
2. Karma, Cassiopeia, Lee Sin, Corki, Maokai <- Make builds for these people right away, and don't you dare look at any other champion I may be writing for until you're done. :)
3. Hell no.
Items are dependent on which champion you're playing with, and playing against. Despite some items having statistical superiority to others, in a game like this tier-list sonly work to narrow people's minds.
I once had to deal with a Shen building Aegis, Sunfire, and Randuin when there was an Annie, Mordekaiser, and Amumu roflstomping us with magic damage. Despite me telling him he needed Magic Resist, he kept saying: "These are Shen's best items."
A good guide will have both, but I wouldn't mind written guides because some people just aren't good at making videos.
2. Karma, Cassiopeia, Lee Sin, Corki, Maokai <- Make builds for these people right away, and don't you dare look at any other champion I may be writing for until you're done. :)
3. Hell no.
Items are dependent on which champion you're playing with, and playing against. Despite some items having statistical superiority to others, in a game like this tier-list sonly work to narrow people's minds.
I once had to deal with a Shen building Aegis, Sunfire, and Randuin when there was an Annie, Mordekaiser, and Amumu roflstomping us with magic damage. Despite me telling him he needed Magic Resist, he kept saying: "These are Shen's best items."
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~ |
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I don't understand why people seem to think that only certain items work for a char , then get locked into a item build even though it's not working and the person isn't willing to switch .
no idea. and jun i have a corki build bro.. :S
Everybody! Don't Forget To Check out Some of My Beatboxing @ www.youtube.com/heatbbx and give me that +rep if i helped you out :)
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1. Would you like to see builds that use videos as opposed to written guides. I.E. i would fill in only the basic build information, such as runes, masteries, items, summoners, then use a video with commentary for a full guide, showing you how to jungle/lane, harass, etc.
2. What champs do you need guides for. I'm working hand in hand with colbycheeze, redds, and scrax, maybe even more people, to get these videos done. Colby and I will be taking most of the footage, and the videos will be posted on youtube as well as the site
3. Would you like me to create an item tier list. Some people seem to REALLY not know what items are good or bad. People walking around saying a phantom dancer is pro or a sunfire cape is needed really need some help, i wouldn't mind making the tier list, and you can find some others, but i would make my own and it would take TIME...
4. Anything i missed that you want? :S
Let me know!
- HeAt