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basically for the active and attack speed
it gives the highest AS out of any item in the game and at a very modest price, making it perfect for champs like kog'maw and xin zhao
the armor penetration is extremely useful as well
in addition the proc also hits on towers and that combined with the AS makes SotD one of the stronger items to get for tower pushers
it gives the highest AS out of any item in the game and at a very modest price, making it perfect for champs like kog'maw and xin zhao
the armor penetration is extremely useful as well
in addition the proc also hits on towers and that combined with the AS makes SotD one of the stronger items to get for tower pushers
Didn't realize it gave so much AS. Also didn't know about it working on turrets, that was helpful.
And, speaking of proc'ing on turrets.
Last night, I was playing as AS Twisted Fate, and I found that when I was attack Inhibitors, my damage was "lower" every 4th hit.
Anyone have any idea what's going on there? e.e
I was hitting like, 100,100,100,78,100,100,100,78... and so on... Very weird.
Build was:
Didn't realize it gave so much AS. Also didn't know about it working on turrets, that was helpful.
And, speaking of proc'ing on turrets.
Last night, I was playing as AS Twisted Fate, and I found that when I was attack Inhibitors, my damage was "lower" every 4th hit.
Anyone have any idea what's going on there? e.e
I was hitting like, 100,100,100,78,100,100,100,78... and so on... Very weird.
Build was:
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~ |
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I personaly dont like the item but for TF it is taken mainly since it has a great synergy with his Stacked deck skill. That 100 damage might not me much but with the proc and bloodrazor proc it morphs to quite decent burst.
Also this item is kinda viable due to his active as well, not like ranged champs have much choice on ArP, i find stark viable so-so on ranged champs and this one is filling that spot a little.
So if you plan to take it for proc only... it is waste of gold. If you plan to use that active alot, it is a medicore item. For sure the price is nice on it.
Also this item is kinda viable due to his active as well, not like ranged champs have much choice on ArP, i find stark viable so-so on ranged champs and this one is filling that spot a little.
So if you plan to take it for proc only... it is waste of gold. If you plan to use that active alot, it is a medicore item. For sure the price is nice on it.
Use it on xin xhao , active arp combined with youmu and runes make your ultimate hit really hard on target like mages and the passive make all your AS worth more .
But its good for only few champs ;
Im using it also for full AS builds but im not sure if its worth it .
But its good for only few champs ;
Im using it also for full AS builds but im not sure if its worth it .
IMO it is good for on-hit effects stacking... I guess. You can use this for it's attack speed or it's proc, even the active. BUT, it really is mediocre and won't WIN the game for you. It needs other items to have synergy with.
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One of the more beast items for Fate, uncompareable with other champions IMO. What about Jax... I doubt it would work out on him that nicely, since he has no Stack Deck, however gets it with other skills:/ If you were able to pinch enemy into a corner then sure, it's gonna make a tremendous impat. It should work in some degree, item itself is cheap, just give it a try:)
@Crazy Smurf:
The active makes your attacks immune to dodge.
Jax relies on dodge.
Ergo, SotD -> Violates Jax -> Jax sad.
The active makes your attacks immune to dodge.
Jax relies on dodge.
Ergo, SotD -> Violates Jax -> Jax sad.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~ |
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The DevTracker - For all of LoL's latest developments! | Spongebob Squarepants - The Pride of Bikini Bottom
Guides of Mine - Click the... Eh... Come back later
~Undergoing barbaric-Destruction, tasteful-Renovation, and blasphemous-Reconstruction soonâ„¢~
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JunSupport wrote:
SotD Violates Jax -> Jax sad.
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"There are boobs...LOTS OF BOOBS. And then Obama comes out of no where." - JEFFY40HANDS, on Air Gear
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And it's situational for messing with Jax.
But, is the Unique passive any good?
It adds 100 damage per 4 hits. Mathematically, that translates to only 25 damage per hit before MR is calculated. - That seems like peanuts, but maybe I'm misjudging it?
Is that actually worthwhile? or are people buying it purely for the active and raw attack speed?