"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the **** on."
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Vayne Olaf
Skill order is not optimal.
Silver bolts is the superior skill to max first.
I feel Vayne does so much with AS that you might as well build Bers greaves early as well. I can see why you don't, seeing as you don't max Silver bolts, but your early-mid game is suffering -tremendously- as a result.
Wriggles is a fine choice as a starting item. I also agree that if you buy Wriggles, your next items are PD - I.E.
Rune choice is decent. Masteries are decent if you are running the dodge boots, but that's a choice I only somewhat agree with. It's not really bad I suppose.
Silver bolts is the superior skill to max first.
I feel Vayne does so much with AS that you might as well build Bers greaves early as well. I can see why you don't, seeing as you don't max Silver bolts, but your early-mid game is suffering -tremendously- as a result.
Wriggles is a fine choice as a starting item. I also agree that if you buy Wriggles, your next items are PD - I.E.
Rune choice is decent. Masteries are decent if you are running the dodge boots, but that's a choice I only somewhat agree with. It's not really bad I suppose.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Sooner or later it'll catch on and Silver bolts will be the #1 Vayne skilling order.
It's so drastically superior.
It's so drastically superior.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
I usally see tumble maxed 1st O.o
IMO they all are better at different things
Tumble ---> Harass
SB ---> DPS
Condemn ---> Nuke
But yeh, I usually see people max tumble using condemn for utility, or people maxing condemn using tumble for utility :o
Rarely do I see people rush SB, so I have no opinion on it...
I dun like vayne in any case, she's boring, short range, and annoying >.<
IMO they all are better at different things
Tumble ---> Harass
SB ---> DPS
Condemn ---> Nuke
But yeh, I usually see people max tumble using condemn for utility, or people maxing condemn using tumble for utility :o
Rarely do I see people rush SB, so I have no opinion on it...
I dun like vayne in any case, she's boring, short range, and annoying >.<
She's bad *** when you max bolts.
DPS goes through the roof, you're a terror all game long instead of just end game because of bad skill order.
DPS goes through the roof, you're a terror all game long instead of just end game because of bad skill order.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Maxing Silver Bolts may work well for you Duff but I wouldn't call it 'drastically superior'.
Condemn deals the highest early game damage when maxed but is of course a lot more situational because it relies on enemies making mistakes (or of course using Alistars Headbutt to place someone near a wall ^^). Tumble is nice for lasthitting, however it deals bonus damage based on Vayne's AD so leveling it first really doesn't make sense. Same goes for Silver Bolts though (to a lesser extent) as leveling a skill that deals damage based on enemies' max health on every third hit doesn't make a huge difference early game (unless the base true damage is the reason for leveling it early, not sure about the strength of that).
If your positioning is pro, go for Condemn. If you have trouble lasthitting, go for Tumble. If you want to harass actively (by hitting your enemies three times - not always easy to do - instead of once), go for Silver Bolts.
Condemn deals the highest early game damage when maxed but is of course a lot more situational because it relies on enemies making mistakes (or of course using Alistars Headbutt to place someone near a wall ^^). Tumble is nice for lasthitting, however it deals bonus damage based on Vayne's AD so leveling it first really doesn't make sense. Same goes for Silver Bolts though (to a lesser extent) as leveling a skill that deals damage based on enemies' max health on every third hit doesn't make a huge difference early game (unless the base true damage is the reason for leveling it early, not sure about the strength of that).
If your positioning is pro, go for Condemn. If you have trouble lasthitting, go for Tumble. If you want to harass actively (by hitting your enemies three times - not always easy to do - instead of once), go for Silver Bolts.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Yes I usually do grab Berserker's Greaves early, but I upgrade them into dodge boots as soon as I feel problems with physical damage.
Attack speed Seals and Glyphs will help at early last hitting of course, but do they really works better then dodge and flat magic resist overall? Not really. These runes can be replaced well only with armor Seals and Desolation Quints, and magic resist per level Glyphs.
Condemn is superior skill to max early if you know how to use it effectively. Silver Bolts is skill that should be maxed last because bonus damage isn't really noticeable and it deals damage based on % of opponents HP. You also need higher attack speed early to pull off procs. That's skill that should be maxed last always.
Attack speed Seals and Glyphs will help at early last hitting of course, but do they really works better then dodge and flat magic resist overall? Not really. These runes can be replaced well only with armor Seals and Desolation Quints, and magic resist per level Glyphs.
Condemn is superior skill to max early if you know how to use it effectively. Silver Bolts is skill that should be maxed last because bonus damage isn't really noticeable and it deals damage based on % of opponents HP. You also need higher attack speed early to pull off procs. That's skill that should be maxed last always.
"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the **** on."
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Kayle, a Life of an Archangel
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Vayne Olaf
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Note: This in 5 minute guide is not finished yet! Build is up, but general tips and strategies incoming!