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[NA] Inhouse Game Discussion - October

Creator: The_Nameless_Bard October 5, 2014 6:39pm
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2014 9:02pm | Report
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2014 10:16pm | Report
Welp, I skimmed a number of pages and posts because holy **** this thread exploded. A couple of my own thoughts:

1. fun is absolutely a mindset, it's harder to have fun when you're losing games especially when you're getting destroyed because your debilitated by what you can do. I don't think OTG or anyone is wrong to say getting stomped isn't fun, and I don't really care how good your mindset is, it's really hard to have fun. I rarily have fun losing, mainly because I'm used to winning and I go into games expecting to win. I know that sounds pretty arrogant, but thats the mindset I go into during games, which also helps me in game because I feel like I should be destroying people.

2. As far as targeted bans, I actually think they're necessary. For example, purelulz on Rengar is a beast and its hard to play against. Full credit to purelulz for being a good Rengar but I feel like if you don't target that ban you ruin the experience for the 5 people that have to play against that. It's just one example, not to say that purelulz can't be beaten on rengar, but he's an exceptionally good one. Some champions you just don't want to give to certain people, I think we've banned Lucian against natedog a couple times, I don't really think it's inherently toxic to the inhouse experience; I think it's more a sign of respect and also levels the playing field.

3. Bryun on snowball champions is ****ing ridiculous. If he goes 3-0 in the first 12 minutes, picking up solo kills or maybe picking off a jungler or something he's going to snowball regardless of what champion he's on. I mean the term snowball basically means to get a rapid advantage and scale much faster than you opponent, that happens when you get extra sources of gold (in this case from kills). I mean for example, Karthus is not a snowball champion, but you would be snowballing by getting multiple kills in lane.

4. Balancing by forcing people of similar elo's to play against each is counter-productive. First this balancing would take way too long and still wouldn't be perfect. Different people play different roles, despite being the same elo or rank. I mean we've used purelulz as an example for someone who plays a lot of top, despite Keanu being similar rank to him, I usually see Keanu play support or adc. Would we really be balancing much by making Keanu go top (I'm sure he can play the role, its just an example). Besides I also think this takes away from the fun of the game. Generally I don't really care what role I play, but I do enjoy support, jungle, and ADC a lot more than I enjoy Mid or Top lane. I usually try and fill, but if I happen to hate a certain role and am forced into picking it, just for the sake of matching elo I'm inherently having less fun, which is totally counter to the reason we would force people to play against each other which is to avoid stomps which causes people to not have fun. I mean it's hilariously cyclical. There needs to be freedom for you to be allowed to play what you want, because thats how people have fun.

5. In regards to Rotted and amanda's bot lane against me and Taco Limeyjr, I mean there's a lot to say. First off, you guys probably shouldn't have laned together, I mean no offense, but you are both the lowest rated people on your team, and hell even Amanda is playing a role she doesnt feel comfortable with. Taco and I play together a lot, like multiple games a day, 5 days a week a lot. A lot of that we spend duo down in the bot lane; me on support and him on ADC. We know each other's playstyles very well and have a pretty good understanding of what we want to do. I mean we even played together on a competitive team for a while. So instantly your at a disadvantage because we play together and we were on comfortable roles/champions. But with that said, there was also a lot of communication, I mean I know rotted said he landed a hook, but amanda didn't follow up, communicate that you want her to follow up. I mean I even tell taco what minions I'm auto attacking, how close I am to leveling, what summoners they have up vs. we have up, where the jungler is, etc. I'm sure some people on our team could attest to it, but I communicate a lot from my role. I guess my point is that you need to communicate both before and during game; you guys probably shouldn't have been duo'd together bottom lane as the lowest rated people, especially with amanda on a role she is not comfortable with, it doesn't matter if it was taco and I duo bot or 2 people that never play together, it was going to be a rough lane.

6. I guess finally, if you find yourself losing a lot, consider that you may be the reason. This is not to call anyone bad or toxic, but I mean if you lose the vast majority of your games, theres probably a correlation there. I'm not saying OTG or amanda are bad, but rather I think nebrasketball is right when he says its a mentality type of thing. I mean if you go into the game expecting to lose or annoyed by someone or whatever the issue is, how well do you think you're going to do? It seems like you almost expect a *****tomp every time you go into the game, OTG. You said "why does NA even have inhouses" but I think the question you should really be asking is "why do I even show up?", because I don't think you're having fun when you play. You can trust me when I say I've been there, it wasn't too long ago when I took a pretty long break from inhouses because I was pissed off and frustrated that I was getting pigeon-holed into the support role like 95% of the time, so I said **** it and took a pretty extended break. If you're not having fun then don't play it only makes an already bad experience that much worse for you. And for amanda, I know you say you're very critical of your mistakes, there is a time to be critical and a time not to. I mean you yourself said that when you make a lot of mistakes you sit in silence thinking about your mistakes; do you know what a terrible impact that has on your team and on your own play? You may get behind, but that doesn't mean you should completely give up, you can look to take advantages elsewhere instead of being completely silent. Mistakes happen, you need to move on and learn from them later rather than think about them while the game is going on. You probably end up making a lot more mistakes thinking about the previous mistakes you made rather than focusing on what you can do in the present to get an advantage.

Anyway thats all I got, hopefully no one feels like I'm calling them out because thats not the intention.
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2014 10:45pm | Report
Well, I already said this, but I made that bot lane even worse than it needed to be because I felt like it was better to pick a safe pick over a pick I'm comfortable playing. As previously commented, sometimes you're gonna have to play a role you don't like/aren't comfortable in and there's really nothing to do about it besides deal with it. I have no real complaints about that lane besides complaints about my own stupidity really.

As for my attitude: I will, again, apologize. I'm excessively perfectionistic and it's hard to keep under wraps sometimes. I'll try harder to deal with it better if it's causing problems for other people or I'll just sit out if it's really bad.
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2014 11:05pm | Report
I think you guys need to get laid.

You take inhouse way too seriously. Count Toshabi out of every inhouse until you guys stop acting like ******ed MLG XBOX360 Competitive gaming ******s. Seriously. I can make a long *** essay about each and every one of you and how poorly you act (except for the love of my life GMD and Moontitties and like a dozen other people, but that list is too long).

And why is namless getting flak when she doesn't even say anything negative in vent? What the ****?
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2014 12:42am | Report
Toshabi wrote:
I think you guys need to get laid.

You take inhouse way too seriously. Count Toshabi out of every inhouse until you guys stop acting like ******ed MLG XBOX360 Competitive gaming ******s. Seriously. I can make a long *** essay about each and every one of you and how poorly you act (except for the love of my life GMD and Moontitties and like a dozen other people, but that list is too long).

And why is namless getting flak when she doesn't even say anything negative in vent? What the ****?

Well damn. Not sure if youre serious, or being sarcastic lol. And it's usually easy enough to tell whether youre being sarcastic or not o,o
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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2014 8:11am | Report
Toshabi wrote:
I think you guys need to get laid.

I'm not allowed to :(
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2014 8:14am | Report
I'm only 13% serious. I just wanted to act like a political radio host in one of my posts by spewing bs statistics and spouting random call to actions.

But seriously, (and this is 100% serious), people's attitudes in inhouse suck. I do what I can to keep the laughs coming, but some people can really kill a mood sometimes. I don't think they're bad people, but it seems that they just don't understand the point of inhouse as it bei g a scenario simulation. I see games where it's the best vs the worst as a chance to learn new things, positionings and targeting the right people. That and ton**** on some MOBAfail rivalry. Ect.ect.

If I lose, who cares, that's still another ticket in the raffle. :B
jhoijhoi wrote:

Also, I think the levels of immorality in this thread are astounding. You'd really throw a child off a boat for your own luggage? Wow.

GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2014 8:18am | Report
Toshabi wrote:
I'm only 13% serious. I just wanted to act like a political radio host in one of my posts by spewing bs statistics and spouting random call to actions.

Damn I really thought you were 13.2% serious.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2014 10:16am | Report

@Sirell: Do understand that I say this with all the love, care, cuddles, hugs, and all that **** in the world, but I doubt that you should get yourself involved here. I do not think that you are really aware of the overall atmosphere of the inhouses and the tension that comes along with it. I do understand your need to stand up for OTG as I get why he is frustrated, but really going to the bottom of a game you were not part of is not really going to be of that much use. Additionally, the problem goes beyond that game, but I am sure that you have noticed that. I appreciate your willingness to be involved and to resolve this, but I do not think that it is really your place to do so; you were not actually there. I must stress, however, that you are raising some valid points, but I think you should stay out of it. I am saying this with all the respect of course; no bad blood between non-friends.

Yes, I did understand this, which is why I stopped commenting when I did. I am actually somewhat aware of the tension of the inhouses due to talking to some people and there have been a few instances of this when I played pre-made 5v5s with other groups that had bad chemistry as well.

It doesn't have to hurt to have an external voice, but if it honestly looks like I don't know what I'm talking about, then people will accordingly ignore what I say anyway. I've said much of what I have to say, so there's no need for me to go any further.
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2014 2:26pm | Report
If you want Toshabi's honest opinion: OTG just doesn't build/play right.

That and Sirell is brown nosing to the extreme. He sort of reminds me of those people who hear a controversial story preview on the radio and instantly.becomes an expert source of info on the matter.

Punchline: he actually isnt.
IceCreamy wrote:

(1:07): I prefer your balls over ***hol

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