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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 4, 2017 10:11pm | Report

This Ezreal was not as good as my last Ezreal. Lux managed alright. Jax did not know when not to go in. Couldn't contest for anything and come out ahead. Am wondering if the Ahri nerfs hit her that hard because the ones I have had in my game have not being doing well. Should listen to my feelings about dodging games. Of course then I would have to dodge half my games. Oh well, that should probably be sufficient games for the day. Time to try this thing called sleep.

And wow Veigar is tricky to play around. I see him more in normal games than ranked games, but having this baseless suspicions that I'll be seeing more of the Tiny Master of Evil. Once he gets rolling he can instantly delete someone from your team with fairly low risk and has good zone control partially because of the risk of disintegration and all you have to be is low health.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 5, 2017 9:16pm | Report

Twas nice to have laners winning their lanes for the most part. Bot had some struggles but they were at least trading some kills and come Mid game they were in a spot to help the team do well. Renekton stomped on Kled and was generally an annoyance in Top lane for them. He came down to get Towers and Dragons after he took out both of the towers in his lane. Still need to get better at Amumu's Bandage Toss. I throw that thing out sometimes when I should look for other angles of approach that don't involve using the only gap closer in my kit. May try the Amumu thing for a while while when I can't get Zac just to keep things simple and work on some of the the things that Bot Only and I discussed. Choosing when to go in also very important on Amumu and you can help your laners out by simply standing next to a target(s).
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 7, 2017 5:52pm | Report

Grabbed Twitch a couple of times to set the tone for the lane and Master Yi roamed Bot a couple of times to help us get even further ahead. Given that we were doing well in in all lanes their team called it quits after a team fight were took out several of them.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2017 10:31pm | Report

Happy champions score for getting back into Gold IV. Had a good team. Early gank that got me an assist and Gangplank first blood though he died in return. I left the wave were it was as he had Teleport to get back into lane. Bot lane did well. Xayah went beast mode later in the game. My ults were on target this game. Always frustrating when they are just off a hair, but feels really good when you get a good ult off. Bowled Caitlyn into our team at least once. Ahri roamed and helped out Bot lane. I spotted Graves going into his jungle on low health and caught him at his wolves and chunked him even further (felt good to bully a Graves for a change). Not sure if I got the big wolf or not, but I was able to then steal his Gromp and let Bot lane know he would probably head there when he respawned since there was nothing up on his Blue side.

Looks like I got a little excited about acquiring more armor and picked up a Warden's Mail after already having a Glacial Shroud in my inventory, though I suppose I could have turned that into a Frozen Heart (normally I prefer Iceborn Gauntlet on Gragas for the damage spike from the Sheen proc and the AoE slow/dmg.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2017 10:15pm | Report

Yuck. Situation where all lanes did poorly and I wasn't picking up the slack. Got behind and just was not tanky enough to deal with the damage output and CC they were able to put down. Should have probably gone MR earlier and not finished Iceborn Gauntlet. Adaptive Helm would probably have been a good buy in this one. Did manage to steal Jarvan IV's Gromp early so was happy about that bit of invading, but Shen had Rumble too far pushed in to make a play on him.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2017 7:16pm | Report

Our Riven was not mechanically sound and not very map aware and DCd for a moment at a really inopportune time. We were far enough behind and/or managing fights poorly enough that we couldn't win team fights, which made things awkward. We started to make some headway and then Xayah DCd and that was all she wrote on this one.

I had a good chunk of gold by the time I backed so I went Trinity Force first. It felt underwhelming without the attack speed from Enchantment: Bloodrazor.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2017 8:12pm | Report

Our LeBlanc was mechancially god awful and in no way managed to match Ahri on roams so every time we made a gain in Bot lane, Ahri nullified it.

Twitch would not stay with the team and fight so despite having a hyper carry I couldn't actually Blood Boil him to make him even more effective. We had a freaking Lulu to keep him alive with shields and Wild Growth. Our team took a couple of engages that we might have been able to win had he not wandered off to go do something. And of course it was everyone else's fault. Seriously irritating. Some days competent teams are not in the cards.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2017 9:27pm | Report

Our team was touched. Malphite kept wanting to dual Yasuo solo. Draven and Brand didn't bother to ward their lane so they died to repeated ganks. Then Draven decided he was darn well going to get the Bot lane tower and repeatedly threw himself at Xayah while she was under the turret. That turret went down 20 minutes later in the game IIRC. Then multiple instances of screwing off, running into their base and trying to 3 v 1 or 4 v 1. Brand and Malphite couldn't find a chase that they didn't want to take. This was winnable but Draven didn't care if we won it or not and so he played accordinly. That was frustrating to me since I did want to win it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2017 10:33pm | Report

Whew, finally a good team. And it was a good thing too, because I became tilted after getting stuck in some minions while trying to kill either Nidalee or Irelia in a countergank situation and died instead of picking up either kill. Freaking creep block. Argggg! It was so bad that I ended up shooting my Void Spike backwards while trying to take out Dragon on a weirdly random call for it by Orianna and because I didn't get the heal I ended up dying to a spear from Nidalee. I mentally backed up and chilled a bit after that a worked on letting myself get carried, simply trying to take key targets out when my team got them low. Later missed a Smite on Baron after we got a pick. They threw everything at us and in the chaos I didn't time the Smite correctly. So, nerve racking but put one in the win column. Now I just need to up my game and play more consistently.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2017 4:02pm | Report

They had so many dashy types that I thought Vi might be a good option. A few flubs like Alistar trying to 1v2 the enemy Bot lane while Twitch was in base, but overall my laners played well and helped each other out with Teleports and roaming plays. Elise wasted a lot of time in Top lane and I was there to stymie her. We had the lanes warded up well enough that we could see her coming as she went in sequence down the river and my laners actually paid attention for the most part! Yay! Alistar solo'd the Rift Herald while I was running from Swain and Elise. Like Ali, some help here!!! But he kept on and actually got the Rift Herald though he died for it. Our team kept the pressure on them and kept coming out ahead despite what I would consider some over stays, so Swain and Yasuo never had a chance to get big.

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