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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2015 8:30pm | Report

Runes: Magic Pen, Health, MR, AP Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


Frustrating loss. We were up on them by two inhibitors and we just couldn’t coordinate to finish them off, which is a shame because the team coordinated well in laning phase. Sion had some effective ganks on other lanes, but that left Nasus by his lonesome to farm minions and towers and he eventually became tough enough to be a split push headache that was menacing enough that my team could seem to do nothing but focus on him in our last team fights. I would have been better off peeling for the rest of my team than trying to get to Jinx and Brand.

Things I did well:

I kept even with Brand in levels and parlayed that into a lot of mid-game kills.

Things I could do better:

I had one really dumb death that cost a team fight that may have swung the game in our favor as it was when we were targeting their Top Inner tower. If we had taken that down and I had been there to clean up we could have probably taken their inner turret as well and possibly their inhibitor as well. :-(

My CSing was atrocious.


Kassadin is a beast once more. The shorter range on Riftwalk is definitely something you have to get used to. I missed a wall hop or two because of it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2015 9:56pm | Report

Runes: Armor, Health, MR, Armor
Masteries: 0-21-9


And another one lost due to the inability of the team to get it together and close out the game.

Caitlyn was challenged as far as positioning goes, taking a lot stupid risks that got her killed. Anivia was well not very good at positioning either. Vi cost us a dragon by not coming over when we pinged her. There was one other that she just couldn’t seem to trouble herself to come over to as well that we took simply because we had vision on their team, so we knew it was safe to do so. Garen was actually kicking Teemo’s tail. Vi and Garen spent a lot of time split pushing, which worked okay until their team figured out that they could just activate Turbo Chemtank and chase the slow Caitlyn and Anivia down and then rotate top or bottom and kill whoever was split pushiing. And the kills went on the right people for the most part so we ended up with a fed Vayne to deal with and a good Lux with a stacked Mejai's Soulstealer. Their Sona also hit a couple of beautiful Crescendos during ganks and in team fights which didn’t help our cause.

There were also quite a few I'll jump in the party after a team fight was over by Garen and Vi which typically resulted in their deaths. Just go farm please. Don't jump in and die too after the fight has already been lost.

After one of these, Garen threaten to AFK and then started raging at the rest of the team. Perhaps it would have been better if he had made good on his threat.

Pretty sure the other team was on Skype or their were a couple of smurfs as they rotated Bot lane at least four times with 4 man ganks. I got us out of two of them, but not the other two. One was partly my fault as I accidentally put two points in Barrel Roll before picking up a point in Body Slam.

Things I did well:

We did do a sweet job initially keeping Vayne from farming in laning phase.

Things I could do better:

Explosive Casks were not as on point as I would have liked in this game. Though I was proud of one where I blew Teemo off their Mid Inner tower right into my team who swarmed him like a pack or voracious piranhas.


Gragas worked fine as a support. I could pretty much shrug off the majority of both Sona’s and Vayne’s poke. And I was able to use my barrels and body slams to zone the heck out of them. I did feel the dearth of gold going 0-21-9. Graggie needs his items to be a really effective tank if he isn’t going damage and between Caitlyn and Anivia Spoils of War stacks were hard to come by mid and late game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2015 11:12am | Report
Updating my champion pool to reflect who I am currently playing/feel comfortable that I play the champion well enough to use them in ranked.

I'm going to try to do some homework and nail down good matchups and tough matchups for each champion in my pool as that is an area of the game where I'm still weak.

I primarily opt for Jungle or Support, but since it is solo queue I can end up at any of the various positions and actually seem to end up Jungle or Top more than I end up as Support.

I feel like ADC is my weakest position, but then I'll have games where I go 16-4-12 or 20-2-9 and so I am not sure if that is a perception issue, match-up issue, or duo lane issue.

I tend to get the least amount of reps Mid lane partially due I think to not calling it and one of my preferred positions being open. I'm fine with Mid lane, but do need to work on my roaming when I do pick up a lead, so I'm glad Kassadin is in a healthy enough place to put back in my line-up as I've had some success with roaming with him in the past.

#1 thing I need to work on to get better is CSing. Needz the loots to give them the boots.
#2 thing is decisiveness.
#3 is trading in lane.

So in my Ranked updates I am going to start rating myself for those things.

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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2015 1:02pm | Report

Runes: Hyd Pen, Health, MR, Armor Quints
Masteries: 0-16-14


Annie and Twisted Fate started raging at each in champion select, I guess since TF picked TF as opposed to someone tanker. For some reason Ashe went top leaving me in Bot vs Vayne and Morgana by myself while TF wandered around double jungling and ganking lanes. I kept Vayne and Karma busy until TF and Ashe both decided to go Bot and we picked up a double kill on Vayne and Karma. Then they left Bot and I eventually lost tower, but Vi ganked around that point and killed Vayne though she ended up dying to Karma and I finished Karma off.

Things I did well:

Decisiveness: Good. I rolled with the fd up laning situation. Didn’t die and was generally in the right places at the right time or on my way to where I needed to be and itemized to help my team while having some damage.

Trading in Lane: Was reasonably good given the conditions. I maxed Tormented Shadow to help clear minion waves since I was by myself in lane. And generally poked Vayne and Morgana as best I could with auto attacks and Dark Bindings while dodging quite a few Inner Flames from Karma.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Not good. I don’t usually solo lane Morgana so I haven’t practiced last hitting with her much. She has a rather slow attack animation. I could have probably had 40 more CS than I did.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2015 1:21pm | Report

The 1-4-18 Morgana game in the list started off poorly with Ashe dying twice to ganks. On the first one I pinged her that we didn’t have a ward, but that did not deter her and Nautilus showed up. The 2nd time Nautilus showed up, I totally f’ed up as I didn’t get my Black Shield on Ashe fast enough which caused her to get hit by both Depth Charge and Glacial Fissure when she could probably have walked away from both. On top of that I forgot I had just gotten my Soul Shackles which might have caused the enemy team to back off enough to give Ashe space to get out. #Fail.

But our team stuck with it and eventually we started pounding the **** out of the other team to the point that we rode to victory.

The 1-3-3 Morgana game, our Corki never really connected and since our other lanes weren’t really having any success there was no way to turn it around.

The 4-5-5 Gragas game was another frustrating one. Draven and Xerath were complaining about lag the whole time. We did catch out Vel’koz before jungle camps had spawned and killed him, however once laning phase started, their Xin Zhao put the hurt on our lanes with early gangs and my ganking was blowing flashes but not producing kills. Xin eventually set up shop in Mid and even though Xerath was pushing Swain out of lane Xin always showed up to mop Xerath up and since Xerath was typically on low HP after his exchanges with Swain, Xin could kill him in one to two hits and easily escape even if I happened to be in the vicinity when it all went down. And while Draven and Taric had some early success, once Vel'Koz got Lifeform Disintegration Ray he and Jinx started mopping the floor with them. Late game we were too far behind to stand against all the AoE damage they were able to dish out. The end.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2015 5:02pm | Report

Runes: Arm, Health, MR, Armor Quints
Masteries: 0-21-9


Solid game all the way around. Their Zed was the biggest threat and we managed to pick him a couple of times, which pushed team fights in our favor.

We trailed in kills the majority of the game, but were ahead in objectives. I snagged a couple of the early kills from Vi and Miss Fortune, which had MF in a bit of a tiff, but damned if I am going to stop wailing on a Zed when he is on top of my carry.

Things I did well:

Decisiveness: Good. In the right places at the right time. A couple of those times died, but my damage dealers were left standing to clean up.

Trading in Lane: Good. We pushed Draven and Thresh off the minions and forced them to farm under tower. Vi came over and helped us solidify our lead in lane.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Okay. Its Braum so CSing isn’t easy, but I did reasonably well at picking up minions on my own when I had opportunities.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2015 10:51pm | Report

Runes: Hyd Pen, Health, MR, Armor Quints
Masteries: 0-14-16


I am now losing more LP for loses than I am gaining for wins. Awesome.

This game was a cluster. We had five unanswered deaths following Nidalee trading kills with Viktor. The kill line looks like a bloodbath for both teams, though ours is worse. By min 15 we were trailing by 10k gold and it pretty much stayed that way. People were dropping like flies and our team couldn’t help stay out of a lost cause so follow-up efforts usually resulted in one or more of our team getting killed on top of whoever was caught out first.

Their Yasuo and Quinn went top together, so Diana couldn’t farm. I rotated top to help her out. We managed to pick up a double kill on Viktor and Quinn, but Quinn got Diana.

Rek'Sai had multiple questionable engages and really wanted dragon control despite the fact that their team was stronger for pretty much the whole game. We did manage to get three but they typical cost us a couple of deaths.

After Rek’Sai went down, my team pretty much bailed on every team fight, even though I was in the middle of it all a pretty golden statue with their whole team shackled. That resulted in 3 of my deaths.

Things I did well:

Had a couple of nice flash Dark Bindings that resulted in some kills.

Overall I felt like I played well and contributed meaningfully to the team and if we hadn’t have been so far behind it would have paid more dividends.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Okay. I did a little better than I have been doing with Morgana in this aspect of my game.

Decisiveness: Okay. There was stuff going down all over the map, so it was sometimes hard to decide where I should be.

Trading in Lane: Not good. Caitlyn was getting the best of Draven and myself despite being all by herself. And when I rotated top there wasn’t much I could do to stop Diana from taking a beating from Yasuo and Quinn. I basically made our Top tower last a little longer than it would have otherwise so I guess that is something.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2015 9:13am | Report

Runes: Hyd Pen, Health, MR, Armor Quints
Masteries: 0-9-21


Picked Lulu since I thought they had a Vel’koz support and figured my shields might mitigate some of his poke.

This game went approximately like this. Bunch up to deal with the super fed Tryndamere get ulted by Vel’koz then Vi cleaned up. Rinse and repeat.

Things I did well:

Interrupted Vel’s ult a couple of times with Wild Growth. Though it wasn't enough I did get my CC onto Vi and Tryndamere in team fights.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Bad. Lulu without damage is hard.

Decisiveness: Okay. I overstayed once trying to save people when I should have just got out, since Tryndamere could just murder me at will.

Trading in Lane: Okay. It took a while, but we poked Morgana and Sivir out of lane. Unfortunately Jinx completely wiffed two ults that could have picked up kills.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 9, 2015 6:55pm | Report

Runes: Hyb Pen, Health, MR, Arm Quints
Masteries: 0-9-21


I tried. We we had two of their inhibitors down and their Nexus towers down, but we couldn’t seal the deal.

Things I did well:

Nami things. Healing people. Disengaging. Even remembered to use Mikael's Blessing to remove CC from myself and my carries. Too bad that Nasus was stacked well enough that even if I cleansed a Wither he could still one or two shot any of the squishes on our team.

Decisiveness: Good.

Trading in Lane: Okay - Good. Had a little trouble calibrating my aim on Aqua Prison and actually got a few multi-bounce Ebb and Flows. But overall I kept Caitlyn healthy and safe from ganks.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Bad. I got some when I had the opportunity, but no were near all I could have gotten if I had concentrated on it more.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2015 7:04pm | Report

Runes: Atk Dmg, Arm, MR + 3 Mana Regen, 2 Atk Spd + 1 Atk Dmg Quint
Masteries: 21-9-0


Odd team comp on their part. We won all lanes. Cho'Gath destroyed his. Vayne was fine at pushing and harassing early game, but Leona was able to turn the aggression around after she got a couple of levels and I was able to pick up some kills. Bard started roaming too much so we were able to keep Vayne off of minions and kill her when she got out of position.

Things I did well:

Killed a lot of people. Didn’t die

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Okay. Could have definitely been better. May go back to 3 Atk Spd Quints as there was a time or two that I missed minions just for not having enough attack speed.

Decisiveness: Okay. Was a little hard to decide where to be when my team was obviously picking fights when I was out of mana or backing to pick up items. Fortunately we far enough ahead that we mostly were winning 3 on 5s. Though not always, which was a bit of a concern for me (allowing a comeback by not fighting as a team.

Trading in Lane: Okay. Have to be careful with Bard around to avoid getting stunned.

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