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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2017 7:32pm | Report

I knew this game was dunzo when I had to tell my team to quit typing and play the game. Lux literally died to an Ahri Charm and follow-up while she was typing. It was more peaceful after I muted the majority of them, but it didn't improve our coordination, with towers going down to split pushers while my team was derping around doing whatever.

Tried to make a play on Bot lane and while I was walking in and ulting to cut off their retreat Lulu dies pretty much instantly from full health after walking back from the foutain. That left me in a seriously awakward spot when Master Yi also showed up as Tristana lept into all three of them to die.

Oh and our amazing Gangplank died to a gank from Master Yi that we saw on a ward that GP placed at Blue. I pinged it out and even walked over in that direction to be ready for a countergank. WTF.

Also managed to get to far out in front of my team during a fight and died for my trouble. I really really have to fix that, but it is awkward when they are running with you one second and then not the next because they have turned onto something else. Still, something I will work on.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2017 8:30pm | Report

Our team got out roamed and out rotated. We were far enough behind that we didn't have any way to cut through their tanks before all the CC and the AoE got us.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2017 1:34pm | Report

Lanes did well I only had to build armor. Did have to tell the Lucian to stop trying to 1v1 the Yasuo. Picked Maokai to deal with all the dashy types and that worked well.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2017 1:39pm | Report

-Dashing into three or more is a bad idea most of the time, but especially before you have built some tank items
- Shyvana can win a dual against you if of comparble level, itemization, and health to you (don't do it without back-up).
-Not really being a tank a decent strategy is to help make a catch then run back and use your knock-up, CC, and ult to peel for your backline carries.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2017 2:37pm | Report

15 minutes and 7? deaths into the game. I meant to pick Trundle not Talon. I'm normally an ADC main.

Le sigh.

Our Mid lane also fed their rear off, though Blitzcrank helped them with their feeding a couple of times.

This one was not recoverable, fortunately the chat didn't get too nasty over it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2017 3:46pm | Report

And the LP gods giveth and they taketh away. Jax got a mud whole stomped in his rear end by Tahm Kench, which created a lot of pressure Top side.

Draven did a classic ADC thing of "I know whilie my support backs I'll try to pressure them 1v2". And of course he got hit by a Dark Binding and then died.

I couldn't do anything to the Tahm Kench and couldn't stand up to the Kog'Maw on my own and we weren't coordinated enough with our team fighting to win more than we lost.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2017 1:35pm | Report

My team couldn't team fight for *****. Like literally the last fight all that needed to happen when I got on the Vayne was for Xayah to Featherstorm and then Bladecaller their entire team which I had locked up in my ult. Fight over. All the team fights were like that, so we would lose more than we gained or not pick up anything after do to having to limp back home.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2017 2:28pm | Report

They had scaling on their side. For some reason my team chose not to contest them at the last Baron fight. I tried to steal it and didn't get it or out. Sad panda. When we actually managed to coordinate our team fight it went pretty well, but when we didn't...

I turned off my Heart Zapper at a couple of moments when the damage would have been useful. Don't normally do that on Dr. Mundo though I struggle with it some on other toggle abilities.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2017 9:58pm | Report

Thought this game was dunzo when Zed disconnected after dying to a Jarvan IV gank. He was gone long enough for Syndra to get to level 8 while he was only level 3 or 4. I had to cover Mid in the meantime which sucked with Syndra pelting me with her balls. At level 6, she got cocky and ulted me, but I survived and chowed on her. Killed her or took out just about all of her health that way at least two more times. Fortunately Zed came back and the rest of our team was doing quite well, so I just got to run around and snack on Syndra or Twitch when I could get to them. I think I munched about 9 or 10 champions that game, plus a couple of dragons and a Baron, so not too shabby on the bonus HP front.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2017 8:39pm | Report

I am honestly embarrasssed with how badly my team played this. They wouldn't listen and kept chasing the Evelynn and Kayn around rather than farming up and taking objectives. We even had Rift Herald and two mountain drakes under our belt because I went and got the damn things by myself. Instead of defending our Mid base turret, Gnar pushed out Top lane and got their Mid base turret. Yay! We lost a Mid turret and a Mid inhibitor. Not worth. Then instead of defending our Top inner lane tower and our Top base tower and inhibitor Gnar Teleported to Top lane where Ashe walked to take and the top inner lane tower. A lane tower...

Oh and this is while Evelynn inted the entire game handing pretty much everyone on our team a kill or two and never buying any real items.

I misplayed one fight. Should have killed the Vayne but went on the nearest target instead. That was my bad. Also listened to a stupid Baron call. We never got to the Baron we tried to fight their team on the incline behind Blue buff where Kayn cut hit everyone with his knock-up so no one was doing damage for half the fight.

My Top laner had a free lane. A free lane. And my team **** the bed so badly that we couldn't win. :(

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