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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2018 1:06pm | Report
2nd dodge of the day. Ended up as Kha'Zix vs a Malphite, Swain, Singed, Nunu & Willump, and Varus. Not enough choice targets, so going to say nah to that one.

Time for a game or two on my alternate account.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2018 1:51pm | Report

My 90cs 14 kill Shen was rather helpful throughout the map.

Apparently I need to play more Dark Harvest Evelynn.

The RNG of Kindred marks is right up there with the RNG of Zoe "summoners" in my book. Lets make a mini-game that everyone is forced to play if a champion happens to be in the game. Skarner spires and suppression only being removeable with Quicksilver Sash, which only has an AD end item being other examples.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2018 6:17pm | Report

Well, little progress made.

The Garen game was a tragedy. Our Nunu & Willump wants to roll up in my lane with his snowball as I'm sitting under my turret farming up. By showing himself, he set himself up for an invade from Kayn and Xin Zhao. I stupidly go to help him and we both end up dying. Lane is lost from there as the Xin Zhao can kill me if I ever even walk up the wave. I ask Nunu not to gank when I have a wave at my turret and he says sure, I won't ever gank you again. He doesn't Xin freezes the wave and gets two levels up on me and he can for sure kill me whenever he wants now. Xin proceeded to run around the map killing every one and we were all too behind to finish him off without losing at least one and usually more in return.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2018 6:20pm | Report

Well, back to 0LP.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2018 7:04pm | Report

I am pretty sure whether or not I win or lose a game is completely random. In this case our Mid laner got compelely *** blasted and I came over to help him, but apparently he didn't want help. Lucian hit level 6 and unloaded on me and Vel'Koz didn't attempt to use any spells to help me. Telling me he just wanted to farm up so that he wasn't completely useless later. So let's take a tally of the farm you are getting when you are dead. I've got it. 0.

Aside from the games where my laners actually get a lead on their own it doesn't feel like I actually have any impact on the game.

In this case I got Bot lane a double kill. Maybe even twice? But, it didn't amount to enough to counter the Mid difference.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2018 6:53pm | Report
And dodge due to 40% winrate Riven with a terrible KDA in Top and a Teemo support. Hopefully, that doesn't demote me, but oh well.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2018 7:05pm | Report

So Trundle at least in his nerfed state does not beat Nunu & Willump at level 2 if they have something around to eat and they still have Smite and you only have Pillar of Ice so you can CC scuttles. He landed in my lap when i was trying to steal his blue buff. I was tanking the blue buff still and so I smited it to get some health back, but he still had Smite and Consume up so he was able to turn it around on me despite me getting the aggro from blue buff to switch to him. Lesson learned.

Built up a nice lead in the early game. Then Bot lane blows it and gets double killed. Darius gets killed. And Kat it is going to be one of those games.

But honestly need to examine my mentality. I get tilted by that sort of stuff really easily and dwell on it more than what I can still do to win the game. I did look at the positives, Ezreal was and ADC main with a decent winrate on the champion espeically given the current state of Ezreal. Thresh was decent. And I still thought Katarina could be one of our win conditions given that she was rolling with a 57% winrate on the champion (I focused Annie a fair amount in the early game).

It was tough, especically because we kept taking these weird skirmishes with them and two or three of our team would get deleted by Annie.

But I think Darius decided he wasn't losing the game so he did work in the the team fight that got us Baron and the fight after to break their base. I caught Miss Fortune by the remains of their inner lane turret with a Pillar of Ice so she really had no were to run and was quickly dispatched by my team.

I also had a clutch Locket of the Iron Solari play to keep Ezreal alive when Yasuo got on top of him.

I was also happy with a couple of times me not going to contest a scuttle or do an invade because I knew my laners weren't in position to support me.

So don't invade if you level Pillar 2nd because that cuts your dueling power by a lot. If you want to get scuttles, get scuttles.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2018 9:07pm | Report

Ended up joining a discord call with the Thresh. Cool guy with a good sense for the game and damn good Thresh mechanics. I helped the roll Bot lane even more than we already were. The game still wasn't super easy as Fizz was getting on top of Jinx despite our best efforts which slowed the game down, but we accumulated enough of a lead to eventually put the nail in their coffin.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2018 9:15pm | Report

Played with the Thresh again and he continued to impress with his game sense. We got out to leads in virtually every lane despite Olaf murderizing Teemo. Olaf got hudge and was a real problem for our team to deal with since we couldn't peel him. Eventually Heimerdinger got big enough that we could kite back from Olaf and kill him, but then Heimer, our most fed member, decided to go split push and got picked off twice, which really screwed us for making progress. He was griefing about Jhin being useless and pissed that we didn't get a couple of dragons. But eventually he grouped up and we were able to finish them off despite Kai'Sa making it to late game.

I made a really silly mistake of Body Slamming into the Olaf to try and persuade him not to gank Teemo again. He just popped his ultimate and ran me down and there wasn't anything I could do about it since he was immune to CC and I had used my mobility spell to engage on him.

I notice I get lost in the game at times, tunneling on what I am doing at the moment and losing site of the next objective. Need to figure out how to both do the right thing in the moment and with the larger game picture in mind.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2018 8:34pm | Report

We had a lot of problems this game.

Item 1 - Jhin isn't that great into tanks
Item 2 - Team did not respect me telling them where Amumu was, which resulted in at least two unecessary deaths during laning phase
Item 3 - Nasus had no clue how to splitpush properly and we couldn't pressure opposite him that well because they could engage on us and because of Nasus's poor play during laning phase Poppy was a freaking raid boss.
Item 4 - I missed a kill on Kalista in 2nd or 3rd gank Bot lane that got me killed a moment later. I didn't activate my Q when I went in on her so I didn't immediately blow her up.
Item 5 - limited to no armor or magic penetration on the team at a time in the game where we really needed it.

I mostly did my job of killing off Kalista, but we couldn't really deal with the tankiness of their team in skirmishes after. Would have been Veigar but he had a Zhonya's Hourglass so I couldn't go on him initially.

At one point Nasus and ?Jhin? were chasing Amumu and Veigar stepped around a corner and hit them both with a single Q and they both died.

I'm still really confused about why I am getting unranked people in my games. I guess I'm still in that ELO range where that happens?

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