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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 11, 2018 10:07pm | Report

Won a game as Xin Zhao! Been a while. Sion messed up my early game plan by going to their Blue I guess to cheese it. Their team was expecting it so he got chunked out and almost died. That left me clearing Red by myself. I got her Blue > Scuttle > spotted Eve on a ward at my blue > rotated and killed her. I didn't get to harass her as much as I would have liked, but our team kept the map pretty well lit up with wards at her camps and Control Wards in good locations, so we pretty much always saw her coming.

With good pressure in Mid from Zoe, some of which was further used to beat on Evelynn this was a pretty easy game.

One death was from my laners not coming to Drake when I asked them too. Fiddlesticks came over the wall and either he or Ekko took me out. I got the Drake and we killed them so overall worth. But would have rather have done it cleanly.

Protip, just pull the damn drake out of the pit. So much less risk of being stolen. I have to tell my team that in like 90% of my games.

I am starting to see why junglers like duoing with Mid laners. If you have Mid pressure it makes many aspects about jungling easier. You can invade knowing you have back-up. Even if you can't kill their jungler since you might be on the opposite side of the map, you Mid laner may be able to waltz in and kill them assuming you have good ward coverage.

So far I've had good luck with LeBlanc and Zoe, with honorable mention to Aurelion Sol.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2018 9:14pm | Report

Akali is open was heard during champion select. Actually our Mid did have a fair amount of games on Akali, but a low win rate and I guess she got counerpicked? Don't see enough of Lissandra or Akali to know how that matchup goes.

Nocturne got more done with his ganks than I did and then he and Lissandra teamed up to make my life problematic any time I tried to move between lanes.

Bot got a nice double kill early and then gave it back. Garen did okay into the Jax until I suppose the point that he got outscaled.

I couldn't figure out a way to make up for the lack of success we had in the early game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2018 10:11pm | Report

My team could not find the same book let alone the same page. Took Mid inhibitor I ping Baron with Evelynn dead, half my team runs to the Mountain Drake and half the team stays in their base giving Evelynn enough time to respawn. We had Tristana and Karthus (if he was alive at that point) and a Mountain Drake under out belt so we could take the Baron fast.

That was the decision that ended up the game. Could have written game over and shut the client down given how uncoordinated we proved to be during the earlier portions of the game.

Some teams can have a rough time of it in the early game and gel if they make it to late game. Not this one.

I mechanically screwed up in the early game and missed a kill on Evelynn. Feelsbad.

And I managed to get run down by the Fizz at one point, which was embarrassing as I was cycling my abilities as well as I could, but between all his dashes and ability to run through minions he was able to keep up with me.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2018 10:59pm | Report

Twas not a good night at the leagues.

Tried to gank Top at level 2. We didn't get anything out of Shen and while we were trying to shove the wave into the turret Warwick showed up and we ended up getting double killed.

Their Shen played that game really well, coming in clutch at several moments so props to him.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2018 11:53am | Report

And the struggle continues. Their assassins got fed and we didn't have enough bulk at that point in the game to deal with it. They were making all the offensive plays. I kept having to ult defensively and still sometimes died.

Need to keep the paths to Bot lane warded when they have a Mid lane assassin/diver. Diana got a bunch of kills in Bot.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2018 2:16pm | Report

Got some coaching. Holy **** my situational awarness and tactical thinking need a lot of development. Add that to the occassional mechanical flub and it is no wonder my games feel like they are **** shoots.

I play too many champions. Going to focus on Xin Zhao for the rest of the season. His late game isn't the best, so I really need to work on my issue with wasting a lot of seconds here and there.

Don't be afraid of ranked. I am not going to lose viewers if I fail. I am not going to not get and LCS contract if I don't get Challenger. Just play ranked because I enjoy the competitive aspect of it compared to normals.

Could have burned Vel'Koz's Flash five seconds earlier if I had just dashed straight into him from the river bush using the movement speed I get from Waterwalking. Instead I walked all the way around the river wall to get behind him and wound up taking more damage than if I would have just gone straight in on him.

I wasted another 5 seconds warding deeper into their jungle than I needed to.

I did learn the place to stand behind the Mid lane wall from Blue side perspective so that the minions would not have vision of me. There is a little blue flower on the ground next to the wall that is a good marker.

Learned the though that it is the 7-8 minute mark and I have camps on both sides of my jungle up, so what side of the map do I want to play through? (7-8 minutes is when your Buff camps will respawn).

-Rift Herald spawns at 9:50 and Kled is the win condition? Then play through Top side.
-Dragon is up and Vayne is our win condition? Then play through Bot side.

Learned that you can cancel the first half of Xin Zhao's W Wind Becomes Lightning animation by using a Q first and that all by itself is enough to proc Phase Rush, because that counts as 3 stacks (Q + both parts of W).

Got a reminder to comment summoner timers in chat. Really important with Xin since if their Flash is down you know you can E, Audacious Charge, straight onto them.

Xin is squishy?

If you are behind - Build Phage into Jaurim's Fist for tankiness. Then Sheen, then Stinger, then finish your Trinity Force. Or if their team is all AP build into Spectre's Cowl or Hexdrinker instead of Jaurim's Fist.

But your core items are still Enchantment: Warrior, Trinity Force, and Sterak's Gage.

A good example of the tactical awareness was his advice to go back to base instead of taking my Top side jungle camps. I went back and finished my Enchantment: Warrior and then he told me to go to my Red buff, because that was the only available move for Vi since I had stolen her Red Buff and all the other camps on the Top side of the map. With warrior that is easily a fight I win all day as Xin Zhao vs almost any other jungler.

It also led into the point that I should have had my Bot lane destroy the blast plant as that would have given Vi no way out. I still got my Red and we were able to take a fight in the river that led to several kills given my strength and the fact I was able to get my team to rotate to the Red.

Another point was an incident where Kai'Sa was shoving Mid lane and I was holding the wave vs her and she used her Q and E right in front of me. I figured out why he wanted me to go ham on her (her escape was down, her main source of damage was down, and she was low on mana), but I wouldn't make that play every time, so it was a good illustration of things I should be looking out for.

My one death was rather dumb. They were on our Mid lane inner turret after picking up several kills. My team respawned and Kled went in with his ult, except his ult ended up pathing him into their Nami instead of their carries. I went into their carries. By myself. Wawawa. It didn't matter that much which target we picked, we just needed to all pick the same target and that didn't happen.

Of if their jungler is catching a wave in Mid you can just walk in and take their raptors assuming you don't have to worry about their other laners roaming on you.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2018 3:14pm | Report

My team wanted to invade and then try to remain for their Blue buff. They jumped on us in force and pushed us off of it so I started my jungle late with no leash.

Rengar kept going Bot lane so I kept stealing all his Top camps. The thing was that Teemo was his point of pressure as he was stomping on Poppy.

Thought Poppy had AFKd at one point as she was just standing by her tower while Teemo wailed away on it. I asked about her in chat and then she started playing again and had a useful Teleport play to Mid lane that help us pick up some kills.

Fortunately our Bot lane was at least slighty better than theirs and once Anivia hit level 6 she just cleared the wave and roamed to Bot lane to help them pressure and pick us some kills here and there.

Need to review this one and see the spots where I died and if there was another way I could have played the situation. Saizo, the guy that coached me, suggested rewinding the game two minutes before each death and thing about the game state and what I might have done differently compared to what I did do.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2018 7:21pm | Report

Well that felt good! Got first blood on Kassadin on a level 2 gank. I believe I did lose the scuttle crab to Kindred but Veigar rotated over and we killed Kindred and Kassadin then I caught the Top scuttle crab and then caught Kindred with no Flash just coming off her Red buff and killed them again.

Bot lane was getting a little wrecked by their Bot lane and some Kindred and Kassadin pressure, but Top was winning and Veigar was a menace.

Thinking about the state of the map with respect to what the enemy can do is quite a bit more work and I still have a LONG way to go, but knowing or having an idea of the song structure or to some extent dictating it, feels good.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 24, 2018 8:45pm | Report

My team and I had very different ideas about how to play the game. We won a fight Bot lane. I called Rift Herald. My team runs off after their team into their jungle. Eventually we get Rift Herald. I tell my team to back and group Mid. The run to Bot lane and get deleted. I take the two Mid turrets and half health their Mid turret with Rift.

Then Zed and Soraka decided to ambush their whole team. That went well.

It was a cluster**** from there on out. Zed kept trying to pick off people and while he might get his target he got killed in return and Gnar ran off on a couple of away missions that slowed down what we should be doing as team.

On top of that I did not play well mechanically. One of those games where every stun misses by a hair's breadth and every ult knocks someone away.

Gnar setup for splitpushing, which is maybe why he didn't want to team fight. That is something I didn't recognize, but I don't think it would have worked either with as much pick potential as their team had.

Frustrating loss.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 24, 2018 9:46pm | Report

Felt like we got outscaled despite having two infernal drakes. Like if we couldn't keep them off of Twitch we we just out lost and the amount of burst that Vayne, Vladimir, and Kindred were putting out was just nuts.

Given that we had a Tahm Kench and still couldn't keep Twitch alive, the game was problematic.

I think maybe I should only play ranked on Sunday's. Eiter I get good teams that day or I'm just in a better mental space for playing ranked?

I dunno, I kept all the objectives in mind. We got the two infernals. We got Rift Herald. I did not grab Rift though, Tahm got it and used on their Bot tower of all things. So that was a mistake on my part.

I also attempted to make a play on Kindred on low health. She was about the same, but she managed to output enough burst that I went down and she didn't.

Maybe I should have built Randuin's Omen before Sterak's Gage since they had two crit users? Since they had a Vlad I thought at least Sterak's would protect be from both types of damage to some extent, but I felt uber squishy in our last couple of team fights.

I still have no idea why they have % max health true damage in the game. Why have a stat that you can't itemize against?

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