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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2019 10:39pm | Report

Rito hates me.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2019 10:39pm | Report

Outcome. The Veigar pick was hard to deal with espeically with that build. Made it easy for him to hit his Event Horizon.

Laning phase went okay but we took a couple of squirmishes in confined spaces and got blasted.

Also didn't help the Heimerdinger kept pushing up too far without vision and dying for it, which took his pressure off the map.

Also. I asked the team to buy healing cuts. But did they? Nope. Why is that so damn hard for people to do?

Secure an early Ocean Drake and two Infernal Drakes for all the good it did us.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2019 10:41pm | Report

Was a little worried when Vladimir started going down to the Garen, but Vlad showed up big in team fights. Was also a little worried when LeBlanc and Vi started teaming up to take out Karma. Bot lane also died at an inconvenient time giving over I believe an Infernal Drake. But overall we were CS better than they were and we were started team fighting in earnest at the point were Vladimir became a big factor.

We got the second Infernal Drake with me flanking the enemy team from their own jungle and hitting them in the rear to disrupt them. My team took my queue and went ham and we deleted most of them and I got out alive, though not by much. That left me up to do Infernal Drake and then we ran over and took Baron as well and were able to cap off the game.

I think the main about Hecarim for me is that he brings good damage and has some CC on top of that, but Devastating Charge lets me get to things once I realize something is going down. So I would compare him to Warwick when WW was in his hay day post rework before several nerfs and some bug fixes took their toll. (that and his Blood Hunt is ridiculously buggy, so it is hard to count on it).
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2019 6:00pm | Report

My 14 death Brand complained about me missing a 50-50 Smite, which should have not been 50-50 if we just killed Kayn but they ignored my pings to stop hitting Baron and I didn't manage to time my Smite right. Maybe I was just a little worried about the Kayn getting in the pit and contesting it?

The Baron should have been down while Kayn was Top side of the map but Teemo was picking his nose in front of our Mid turret.

There was one instance where I maybe should have helped Riven, but she was caught in their jungle 1v3 so I didn't think it was worth saving her, but turns out she killed two of them. But really not sure that I would have done it differently in any game. Usually when someone is in that situation they are just dead.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2019 6:47pm | Report

Got Volibear and early kill on Urgot when he was still quite squishy. My rusty Lux dunked on Ahri, but Rek'Sai was always there to pick her off afterwards.

They took like two awkward fights but we ended up coming out ahead in both of them and it real seemed to take the wind out of their sails despite the really good start Rek'Sai had.

Thought this one might go late, so I opted for the more traditional Hecarim build with Trinity Force first and then Enchantment: Cinderhulk.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2019 8:05pm | Report

Just dodge if they go for Talon on the enemy team. Laners never respect his ability to roam and I they have any awareness at all it is hard to gank them. Bot lane died twice when it was clearly pinged out he was on his way down.

Did not get off to a good start. Had to contend with running into both Warwick and Talon in the rivers so I wasn't getting things done on the map.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2019 8:57pm | Report

Had to dodge on my main because our Kled said he was going to run it down if anyone died before 5 minutes. So engaged him in a philosophical conversation about why he would play a game where he had to rely on teammates if that was his attitude so I could waste his time before dodging as just a minor payback for being an ***hat.

And now I remember why I like to ADC at this ELO. Jinx like many Jinxs didn't seem to know that her rocket doesn't do much damage unless the targets are low health.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2019 9:22pm | Report

Holy **** my Bot lane got destroyed. I had them on my list to get ahead, but ended up Top side and getting the Jax's Flash and then killing Jax since I wanted Urgot to have a fighting chance in that lane.

By that time my Bot lane had already given up 3 kills and the Draven was raging in chat. So I just stayed away from the lane.

Not going to lie had a couple of tilting situations myself where the enemy just barely got a away on a sliver of health and I ended up dying in the fights.

Just wanted the f out of that game. Going against a 10-0 Vayne and a Jax that was making a comeback was going to be practically impossible especially with Bot verbally sparring the whole time.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2019 10:40pm | Report
I've been taking a break from ranked to see if I can find something that clicks.

Not finding anything that feels consistently good at the moment. I can gank like mad but then just have my laners throw their leads or simply get outscaled. If you just farm you'll be two levels below the solo laners unless you use particular pathing that isn't accessible to all junglers and you have sufficient priority to take most of the scuttle crabs.

I still hate the fact that the scuttles require CC to lower their armor and MR. That makes life difficult for some junlgers like Shyvana. If needs to lose its resistances after like three autos or with CC. Supposedly Riot is going to make some changes around Rift Scuttler in the near future. Ve shall see.

Bounties are confusing, because you want to do good and CS well and the you are penalized if you go hard trying to make plays and die. So you have to think carefully about the lead you've built up or you can put some enemies right back in the game.

Laning doesn't feel much better. You go 2-0 as the Top laner and then watch your Bot lane get blasted and then generally lose dragons when that happens.

Games seem to hinge on just a few plays. You make them and you are good. You don't make them and it doesn't matter how well you were doing before you just lose.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2019 6:57pm | Report

The only two top tier junglers that were open were Rek'Sai and Jarvan IV. I picked J4 and their jungler picked Rek'sai.

My E+Q's were bad this game. Hazards of not playing Jarvan IV in a while. Fortunately Garen spanked Nasus and was generally so tanky and annoying that they had trouble killing him with 4. That gave Aurelion Sol the space to work.

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